Cartlanna Catagóire: Nuacht, agus Blagadóireacht

Chun Blag nó Gan Blag - Is é sin an cheist (chun Blag Eolas)

Tabhair faoi deara: Bhí sé seo sa phost ar dtús chun

A few weeks ago I had the chance to speak at SharePoint Saturday in New York. Arís, a tremendous event. An uair seo, I spoke about “learning SharePoint” – a very broad topic. During the presentation (ar féidir leat a fháil anseo), Labhair mé faoi ar éagsúlacht na teicnící le haghaidh "foghlaim" SharePoint, lena n-áirítear rudaí cosúil le foghlaim leabhar, oiliúint seomra ranga, chruthú do VM féin agus is tábhachtaí (dom), community participation. One way to participate in the SharePoint community is via blogging. Someone asked me about blogging in particular and asked my opinion on a few concerns he had that I’ve heard others mention before. It’s been itching at the back of my head for a few weeks so in my usual fashion, Tá mé ag scríobadh go itch ag blogging faoi.

Is cosúil go roinnt daoine a cheapann go bhfuil an oiread sin blagairí cáilíochta amach ann ar an ardán lá atá inniu ann agus go n-iontrálacha blag oiread cáilíochta curtha i scríbhinn go sa chiall, there’s nothing new to write about. Nó, the “new” thing is so narrowly focused that it’s not going to be interesting to anyone. I don’t agree with those sentiments or the underlying assumption about them.

Chun starters, má tá tú ag blogging mar tá sé mar chuid de do iarracht pearsanta ag foghlaim go maith SharePoint, it’s really irrelevant if someone has written on your topic or not. One of the drivers behind community participation, cibé acu is le haghaidh foghlama pearsanta nó nach, é go bhfuil tú Ní mór an ceart a dhéanamh. No one wants to put up some weak blog entry and look silly in front of the world. In the course of getting it right, bhfuil tú ag dul chun smaoineamh ar an ábhar trí níos mó go cúramach, etc. Thus, bhfuil tú ag smaoineamh, staidéar agus ag smaoineamh ar an ábhar seo ó gach cineál uillinneacha, chlé go deas, suas go dtí síos, taobh istigh agus amuigh (nó ar a laghad ba chóir duit a bheith). That’s a very valuable exercise. Go deimhin, it’s almost beside the point of pushing the “post” button by the time you finish writing it since you’ve already derived much of the benefit by now. Ar ndóigh,, bhfuil tú ag iarraidh a bhrú ar an gcnaipe bpost ar aon nós do chúiseanna éagsúla, but I digress. The bottom line is that blogging is a valuable learning exercise in and of itself, tréimhse.

I also reject the “it’s already been done” argument. So what if it was? The terrible consequence is that people who are looking up your topic via bing will now find two or five or a dozen articles. Who cares? I always prefer to find several articles on the same topic when I go searching the tubes for stuff. Different points of view, stíleanna éagsúla scríbhneoireachta, different approaches to the same problem – they all help me understand what I need. In my opinion, Is é an pobal aon áit gar do bhaint amach go pointe sáithiúcháin ar earraí bhlag chaighdeán maith ar ábhar ar bith ar fud an domhain SharePoint.

Mar sin,, blog shiúl! You won’t hear me complaining about it. I guarantee it 🙂


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Lean mé ar Twitter ag

Windows Live Spásanna agus Twitter Hit

Bhí DM'd mé teachtaireacht ó twitter lá atá inniu ann agus shíl gur mhaith liom a blog an freagra.

Is í an cheist: "Hey Paul, ceann mear ar do shon,conas a rinne tú ar an gcuntar twitter isteach i do spás beo mar go bhfuil an cód script bac nuair a shábháil Thx "

Rinne mé é seo trí chur ghiuirléid html saincheaptha le mo leathanach spásanna beo agus ag baint úsáide as an Blúire cód beag:

<a href=" /?ainm úsáideora = pagalvin" 
 teideal="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin"> 
 <img src=" / counter /?ainm úsáideora = pagalvin" 
 stíl="border:aon cheann" 
 alt="TwitterCounter for @pagalvin">

Úsáideann an leagan den comhéadan ghiuirléid twitter gcuntar go bhfaigheann an am atá caite beo fuinneoga censor rud go fuath dúinn go léir an méid sin agus más mian leat a fháil a bheadh ​​gcás droch nimhe eidhneán.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Lean mé ar Twitter ag

Clibeanna Technorati:

Griping faoi Windows Live Rialú Comment

Phioc mé spásanna beo fuinneoga ar ais i mí Iúil na 2007 as my blogging platform. For the most part, Ní dóigh liom go bhfuil aon oth agus a leathnaíonn Microsoft cinnte é le himeacht ama (cé go liom a fháil den chuid is mó amach faoi ghnéithe nua de thimpiste).

My biggest complaint right now is blog spam. This person / áireamh ( (i measc daoine eile) frequently adds a lot of spam comments to my blog in the form of comments. MSFT added a nice feature to show “recent comments” so at least I can fairly quickly identify them (ach sula, Bhí mé ag dul isteach i ngach iontráil bhlag ar leithligh) and clean them up. It’s still time consuming.

Is mian liom go:

  1. Bheadh ​​MSFT chur ar roinnt scagadh níos fearr do spam.
  2. Go raibh mé bloc dhaoine ar leith ó chur tuairimí.
  3. Má theipeann ar an thuas, I could more easily identify and delete spam. Right now, Is gá dom a dhéanamh trácht a dhéanamh ag trácht agus tá sé mall, go háirithe nuair a chuireann duine éigin robot spam / clár 25 go 50 tuairimí in aon seisiún amháin.

Má tá tú i d'úsáideoir beo fuinneoga agus tá roinnt cleasanna úsáideach a roinnt, Ba mhaith liom a bheith buíoch.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Lean mé ar Twitter ag

Léitheoireacht Trí 1,000 Iontrálacha Blag i 3 Seachtainí is cosúil Breathnú Séasúr Caillte ceithre i Deireadh Seachtaine

An samhradh seo caite, nuair a bhí mé ag obair ar dhá chaibidil don is fearr SharePoint leabhar ríomhaireachta sóisialta riamh, I began to get very far behind in my blog reading. I use Google Reader for my RSS stuff and when you have more than 1000 míreanna neamhléite, a deir sé ach, "1000 ".

Thar an cúpla seachtain anuas, Tá mé ag suí síos agus go córasach iad a léamh agus a chlibeáil iad mar a théann mé haghaidh tagartha sa todhchaí (Úsáid mé

An deireadh seachtaine seo caite Bhreathnaigh mé go léir de Caillte, séasúr ceithre i gceann cúpla na suíonna agus teacht suas ar 1000+ iontrálacha bhlag bhraitheann an mbealach céanna.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Lean mé ar Twitter ag

Clibeanna Technorati:

Díreach Nuair a bhím Maidir le Díchumasaigh Comments …

Siad ag tarraingt mé ar ais i!

Windows Live Spaces doesn’t do a good job protecting me from comment spam. I assume MSFT has good spam detection, but that the spammers are better. The fact remains, áfach,, go rachaidh mé tuairimí i bhfad níos mó ná mar a fhaigheann mé tuairimí spam fíor agus bhí mé ag smaoineamh díreach an tseachtain seo caite nó mar sin go raibh mé ag dul chun tuairimí a dhíchumasú.

Mar sin féin, lá atá inniu ann, Fuair ​​mé dhá tuairimí den scoth mar fhreagra ar an post seo (faoi ​​Rochtain Teoranta) agus an post seo (faoi ​​chuardach a theorannú ar dhoiciméid, i gcomparáid le fillteáin). Those comments are so complementary (sa mhéid is go add a lán de luach le mo phost), I can’t see disabling comments and thereby closing off that avenue of useful information. Mar sin,, Tá mé d'éirigh mé féin a bheith ina catcher spam daonna / cleaner. Live spaces does provide a pretty decent way to clean up comments, ach atá ag iarraidh am chun dramhaíl ag déanamh go?


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Lean mé ar Twitter ag

Nua Blogger ar an Bloc

Mo chomhghleacaí EMC, Erik Swenson, Tá cuireadh ina luí chun léim ar an fray, stand up and be counted 🙂

Sé blogs faoi faoi raon leathan de thopaicí brandáil SharePoint ag Some of his recent posts include interesting stuff about Photoshop, Microsoft Office Live do ghnó beag, SharePoint Rialachas, creating custom WCM styles and so forth. He does not confine himself to branding. It’s quite an interesting mix which is a little bit different from a lot of the SharePoint blogs with which I’m familiar.

Is é a RSS feed:

Check it out and give him a little encouragement. We all need that from time to time, go háirithe nuair a muid an chéad Léim i ndáiríre isteach sa saol blogging.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati:

Más rud é nach bhfuil tú iarracht Twitter …

Twitter is a very odd duck. I’ve been using Twitter for a little over a month and in some indefinable way, it’s almost as important to me as email. I find myself vaguely unsettled if I wait too long before looking over what others are twittering about. I get annoyed at Twitter’s occasional performance problems because it means I’m missing out. I get a little puff of excitement when I see a new Woot announcement.

Tá sé le tógálaí phobal fíor i slí a chuireann i ndáiríre a blogs agus fóraim agus fiú aghaidh pearsanta le cruinnithe duine.

I mí anuas, Tá mé ina dhiaidh sin iarrachtaí duine amháin ag a chroitheadh ​​fuar agus ag iarraidh a bhainistiú ar Seder.

I’ve learned personal detail about many folks I mainly "know" trí blogs — áit a bhfuil cónaí orthu, ar na cineálacha tionscadal oibríonn siad ar, go bhfuil siad ag obair / ceisteanna teaghlaigh a bhainistiú díreach cosúil liom.

Máthair duine amháin a rith ar shiúl … a sad event for sure. But sharing that fact changes and enhances the character of the whole experience.

Sin díreach an stuif pearsanta.

There’s more to it than that. It’s also another medium for sharing ideas, nó níos minice I mo thuairimse,, seeking help. Throw a question up on Twitter and you’re never left hanging and the responses typically arrive within minutes.

Más rud é nach bhfuil tú iarracht é, you should really give it a go.

Féach mé suas ar

Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati:

Aoi Blagadóireacht?

It seems fairly common in the political blogging world for a given blog to host a "guest blogger". When I’m in political blog land I must be wearing a different pair of eye glasses because it never occurred to me that "guest blogging" might make sense for a technical blog like mine. That is, until I read this post by Kanwal Khipple over at The Best of SharePoint Buzz- Eanáir 2008.

Thinking on it, I believe there could be a lot of people out there in SharePoint land that have the itch to put together an article, short or long, technical or more business oriented, etc, but don’t run their own blog for all the usual reasons. If you’re one of those people, I’d be happy to host it. You can reach me via email or leave a comment. I haven’t thought through any kind of guidelines, but I suppose that I’d want it to be oriented around SharePoint, but I also like to throw in some personal observations about consulting now agus ansin. I’m also trying to publish a "Dé Domhnaigh greannmhar" every week and I’m bound to run out of ideas for that.

If you’re a regular blogger already but would like to experiment with guest blogging, I’m definitely open to that too, either as a host or a guest 🙂


Clibeanna Technorati:

Ag smaoineamh Maidir Athrú Ardán Blagadóireacht

I started off my "blogging career" using Microsoft’s platform and it’s been good to me. It’s easy to post, there are good options and widgets for managing your "space", stóráil gréasáin réasúnta agus mar sin de.

Mar sin féin, I really just fell into the MS solution with almost no planning. That alone calls for me to evaluate where I am and where I’m going, in terms of a blogging platform. There are also two important limitations that bother me right now vis-à-vis Windows Live Spaces.

An Chéad, I can’t get very good statistics. There are stats but the detail is often truncated and not presented in a way that allows for any kind of analysis. There no sorting or export capability. I get many blog ideas based on the kind of information people find (nó go mainneoidh siad go háirithe chun a fháil) when they search my blog. It’s very hard to use lives spaces for that.

Dara, there does not seem to be any mechanism to "monetize" a windows live space blog. Go deimhin, d'fhonn a fháil haitheantas coibhneasta de fógraí MS (óna bhfaigheann mé aon sochar), I need to actually pay Microsoft. (Ar a laghad, go conas a thuigimse é; Bhí mé in ann a freagraí cinnte a fháil ar seo agus ceisteanna maith liom é).

Anois go bhfuil mé fuair mé patrún bunaithe agus sraith de nósanna blogging, I want to evaluate other options. I’ve done some research and there are a lot of choices, ach tá mé fiosrach i dtaobh cad eile daoine, go háirithe daoine eile sa phobal SharePoint (mar blagairí nó léitheoirí), like to use.

Má tá an leas faoi réir tú, agus tú tuairim nó atá toilteanach a roinnt do thaithí, fág nóta nó ríomhphost chugam díreach le do thoil.

Go raibh maith agat!

<deireadh />

Clibeanna Technorati: