Monthly Archives: Nóvember 2009

SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur 11/19, 12:30PM til 1:30 PM

SharePoint Shop Spjall áfram með 14. fundur á morgun okkar á 12:30PM UTC.

Þetta er frjáls svið og opinn Q&A session free to everyone that wants to attend. Dial in and ask questions or start a discussion on a topic of your choosing.

Í þessari viku erum við örugglega að fara að tala um:

  • Góðir starfshættir í kringum leita mælar, skrið efni, báta, o.fl..
  • Gögn skoða vefur hluti og "núverandi notandi" erfiðleikar (DVWP er vikulega uppáhalds).
  • Einhver vill tala um "Hvers vegna borga þúsundir fyrir markaðssetning listi" frá Talk Shop nýliði, "". This one should be interesting. Mjög áhugavert.

Ég líka að framkvæma SharePoint galdur bragð sem þú vilt ekki að missa af!

Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar, skjóta þá burt til, eftir umsögn eða suð mér á Twitter ("Koddaver).

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Tilkynna Microsoft Enterprise Search User Group

Ég er mjög spennt að tilkynna að Natalya Voskresenskaya, minn náungi SharePoint MVP og samstarfsaðila (með mun minna hjálp frá mér en hún sigri) is launching a new user group devoted to enterprise search based on Microsoft technology. As a practical matter, þetta snýst allt um að SP 2010 leit og mikið rætt um FAST, especially in our first session. Natalya and I have written a lot about FAST over the last year on blogg okkar (Natalya hefur meiri og betri efni en ég!).

Our first meeting is coming up in just a few weeks in New York at Microsoft’s newly renovated offices on 6th near Rock Center. If you’re in New York on 12/9, you have no excuse not to make an appearance. Likewise for you Jersey people. Connecticut people can stay home (bara að grínast!).

NY/NJ/CT people should skip this paragraph. We also plan to record the session and run a live web session so if you live outside the tri-state area, you should be able to tune in.

Ég blogga um þetta meira eins og þetta mest veglega dag aðferðum en skráðu þig núna. After you register, the long wait begins. During that time, hreinsa áætlun, rjúfa fréttir til fjölskyldu þinni og láta fjölmiðla vegna þess að þú vilt ekki að missa af Nate Treloar launch our group to the moon and beyond 🙂

Finna út fleiri frá opinberu síðuna okkar:


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SharePoint Shop Spjall morgun (11/12) frá 12:30PM til 1:3PM UTC

Næsta SharePoint Shop Spjall fer fram á morgun á 12:30 PM UTC.

This is a free event to anyone that has a telephone. A panel of SharePoint pro’s take questions and do their best to provide useful guidance and advice. We regularly hijack audience members and make them answer questions and try to have a good time.

Send your questions or topics to

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SharePoint Shop Spjall fyrir fimmtudaginn 11/05/09 @ 12:30PM UTC

Næsta útgáfa af SharePoint Shop Spjall fer fram Fimmtudagur, 11/05/09 á 12:30 PM UTC.

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SharePoint Shop Talk er opin lína, opinn Q&A að tala um alla hluti SharePoint.

Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar eða efni sem þú vilt spjaldið að ræða, senda þær með tölvupósti til eða Twitter þá að mér (pagalvin).

Ég er illa hljóp fyrir tíma í þessari viku, so I’ll leave it at that. I usually like to preview some of the already-emailed questions. Í þessari viku, you’ll have to dial in to hear about it 🙂

Við vonumst til að sjá þig á línu.


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

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Samanburður dagsetningar í Data View Web Part Til Byggja a WSS KPI

Athugaðu: this was first posted at hér: HTTP://

Þetta er enn annar blogg á að bera saman dagsetningar í XSL í gögnum skoða vefur hluti í SharePoint.

Þetta er atburðarás minn:

  • Ég hafa a siðvenja lista.
  • The business purpose of the list is to support the idea of a new employee and his/her tasks to be completed within 7 days of starting the job.
  • They are in a “warning zone” after 4 days if they have not completed these tasks.
  • I want to create a simple dashboard that shows green when they have either completed the task or if they have more than 4 days to complete it.
  • I want the dashboard to show yellow if they are in the warning zone.
  • I want to to show red if they have not completed the task after the due date.

I borrowed from þessi grein á Marc Anderson’s blogg ( to get the comparison logic and þessi grein á for the basic ideas behind the dashboard ( written by Toni Frankola.

You should read the supporting blogs, but the implementation goes like this:

  1. Búa gerð efnis (columns + CT)
  2. Create a custom list and associate it with the content type.
  3. Create a web part page.
  4. Add the custom list to the web part page.
  5. Open up the page in SPD.
  6. Convert the list to a DVWP.
  7. Modify the XSL to generate the dashboard bits.

I have two dates: a warning date and a due date. To compare the dates, my xsl does the following:

 <!-- When both handbook and policy are signed, we are green regardless of dates. -->
 <XSL:þegar próf="@Employee_x0020_Handbook_x003F_ = 1 and @Security_x0020_Policies = 1">
 <IMG src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-0.GIF" gamall="No problems"/>
 <a href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ ID}&magnara;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>
 <!-- Show amber indicator if we're past the warning date. -->
 <XSL:þegar próf="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(band(ddwrt:Í dag()), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd') &GT;= ddwrt:FormatDateTime(band(@TaskDueDate), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd')">
 <IMG src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-2.GIF" gamall="Overdue"/>
 <a stíl="border: 0px" href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ ID}&magnara;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>
 <!-- Show red indicator if we're passed the due date. -->
 <XSL:þegar próf="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(band(ddwrt:Í dag()), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd') &GT;= ddwrt:FormatDateTime(band(@Warning_x0020_Date), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd')">
 <IMG src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-1.GIF" gamall="Warning"/> 
 <a href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ ID}&magnara;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>
 <!-- If we get here, we're earlier than the warning date, so we're green. -->
 <IMG src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-0.GIF" gamall="No problems"/>
 <a href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ ID}&magnara;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>

A few key points from above:

  • I tried to compare dates without using the ddwrt functionality and got nowhere. I still don’t understand that. They dates displayed correctly, but both “>” and “<” comparisons always failed. Í lok, ddwrt came to my rescue (takk, aftur, Marc).
  • I’m also displaying an [Edit] link to the item. I mainly did this so that I could easily test this out. The link itself may be useful to someone trying to figure it out.
  • This is implemented in SharePoint online and works nicely.
  • The images I reference in the _layouts directory (/_layouts/images/KPI…) are available out of the box in my environment so they are probably available for you as well.

Here’s a screen shot of what it looks like for me:



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