June: XAML

In statuendis Altitudo ListboxItems album Programmatically pro Fenestra Store App

I’m working on a windows store application and one of the things I want to do in the app is display a log that shows status messages and other informational tidbits as the user works things. Ad hunc finem, Sic EGO added a album:

<X album:Name ="GameStateLog" HorizontalAlignment ="Centrum" Height ="221" VerticalAlignment ="Top" Width ="499" Nullam ="0" FontSize ="10">


C # Codex populatio esset album in runtime per lineas:

GameStateLog.Items.Insert(0, GameStateCounter     + ": Statum novum ludum: expectans ludio 1 nomen");

This worked out fine enough but the UI showed a crazy amount of padding around the individual messages as they were added. Si facit sensum, ut finem users volo ut possimus hæc lego items, sed non convenit cum ego iustus volo ostendere currit series stipes nuntius - users desumo non haec, just view them. Mirum in modum facilis est et difficilis amet, the way I found it isn’t necessarily “easy” but I got it working OK. Clavem intellectus venit ab eo inposito hic (http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpf/thread/c4a6f694-bd46-4779-ab83-b1c2fcb2397c) from Bob Relyea. Addens pro chordas ad colligenda items on album, add ListBoxItems. Addita funiculi, the ListBox was creating its own ListBoxItem on its own. I wasn’t able to affect anything about that ListBoxItem after the fact. Novus Codex est,:

        privatis Irrita AddGameStateLogMessage(filum theMessage)
            Quod ListBoxItem = novum ListBoxItem();
            li.Content = theMessage;
            li.MaxHeight = 25;

            Grossitudo thisPadding = novum Grossitudo(5, 0, 5, 0);
            li.Padding = thisPadding;



Here I’m creating ListBoxItem’s and inserting them. Nullam amovi excessus statuendo crassitiem.

Illud satis flexibile sicut et ego disposui ad highlight quidam color coding particulares rationes directe et per notationes adiecit ListBoxItems mihi ad eos ullo modo volo stilo.

Spem iuvat hoc aliquis!


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