Arkivji ta 'Kull Xahar: Lulju 2008

Get Thee għal Grupp ta 'Utenti SharePoint!

In the last two weeks, I attended the New Jersey SharePoint user group and the newly formed New York SharePoint Developers user group (as opposed to the more established New York SharePoint user group).

In New Jersey, the good people of NewsGator presented their product and covered a lot of very interesting social computing concepts. If you’re looking to incorporate social computing into your organization in a system-assisted way and can’t get out-of-the-box SharePoint to do it for you, seriously check out NewsGator. It’s very good stuff. A lot of great social computing functionality and (in a demo environment at least) very well done.

I’m personally convinced that companies that begin to adopt social computing attitudes and systems will outperform those that do not. It’s too useful to ignore or, at this point I think, to even delay. It can make a tremendous difference in day-to-day operations if done correctly. I’ll write some more about this later.

In New York last night, the NY SharePoint Developers group kicked off its inaugural meeting at the MSFT office on 52nd and 6th. John Bender presented on how to create a custom stsadm extension. I’ve read about it, but seeing it "live" clarifies things. It’s much easier than I realized. No need for features/solutions, just an XML file and a DLL. He walked through a process for recursively finding and displaying security settings for sites and lists in a site collection. He took it farther to describe how this could be part of an auditing process. This group focuses purely on development and so doesn’t come into conflict with larger more established SharePoint user group which is frequently talking at a higher level.

There are groups all across the world. Check them out.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Email Tifkiriet Task Kuljum // Looping fl SharePoint Designer Workflow

I wrote up a detailed article a few weeks ago describing how to create a SharePoint Designer workflow that sends a task reminder email on a daily basis. It’s been ippubblikat fil-ġdida SharePoint Magazine sit. More generally, l-artikolu juri kif tinħoloq struttura looping fl SPD.

Ir-rivista għandha varjetà wiesgħa ta 'oġġetti inklużi, fost affarijiet oħra, għalf tekniċi ħafna, interviews and industry news. I recommend you add it to your RSS feed.

Jekk ikollok xi prodott jew servizz li jbiegħu, I’d also consider advertising on the site. It’s off to a strong start with several thousand pairs of eyes looking at it already. That’s sure to grow.

Fl-aħħar nett, jekk inti kont qed ħakk biex jiktbu xi ħaġa u ġġibu fl-quddiem ta 'udjenza akbar, this is a great time and place to scratch it.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

SharePoint Konferenza tal-Aħjar Prattiki

Jien jitkellem fil- SharePoint-Aħjar Prattiki konferenza f'Novembru.

It’s sort of a funny story. I was in Virginia presenting at the Konferenza SUGDC and that Friday was the deadline to submit speaking proposals for the BP conference. The organizers described how they would use a "blind selection" proċess u li kull sforz ser jittieħed biex tagħżel preżentazzjoni fuq il-bażi tal-valur tagħha, eċċ. To maximize my chances of getting selected, I submitted two proposals. The selection committee picked both.

Kollega tiegħi (Natalya Voskresenskaya) and I will discuss a real-world governance model that we and our client put together for a substantial SharePoint rollout project last summer. The objective here is to describe the details of the governance plan and why we believe it represents best practices in the context of Sharepoint, Governanza u l-kumpaniji simili.

Tieni, I will present a process for obtaining great business requirements from End Users. This goes back to one of my very early blog posts, inaptly titolat "MOSS: Introduzzjoni effettiv lil Organizzazzjoni".

Din il-konferenza jistenna li jkun crazily sħiħa ta 'informazzjoni kbir u I jirrakkomanda ħafna dmugħ yourself bogħod mix-xogħol tiegħek għal tlett ijiem, jingħaqdu fl fuq dawn il-preżentazzjonijiet u netwerking ma 'kemm attendew konferenza u kelliema. It will be time and money well spent.

Hope to see you there 🙂


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

My Latest “Fil-Difiża ta 'SharePoint Designer” Artikolu huwa Disponibbli

Mark Miller fuq medda ta ' End User SharePoint has posted my latest article about using SharePoint Designer to create great workflow solutions up on his site. Iċċekkjaha.

F'dan l-artikolu, I jitkellmu dwar il-proċess tad-disinn u, f'aktar dettall, kif twaqqaf proċess test affidabbli u repetuti bl-użu karatteristiċi SharePoint (listi tad-dwana, sit templates). The article targets End Users, iżda l-approċċ huwa tajjeb għall-iżviluppaturi wisq.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Kif Do You Iddeskrivi Xogħol SharePoint tiegħek?

Kemm-il darba ma dan jiġri lilek? I’m sitting at my laptop, qari blogs, jirrispondu għal stazzjonamenti forum, 2 kopji ta 'viżwali studio miftuħa u VPN'd biex server ieħor studio viżwali tagħha stess + 15 browser twieqi (ġurnata tipika) u xi ħadd jismu Samantha (marti, apparentement) jgħidlekx me, "We have be there in 30 minuti. Get dressed."

I get up Daze, wander madwar id-dar confusedly, tikseb fil-karozza u li jmiss ħaġa naf, Jien fil-parti bil-birra fl-idejn tiegħi u xi ħadd jitlob me, "So, liema do you do għal għajxien?"

Dawn il-konversazzjonijiet qatt jmorru tajjeb.

Me: "Ahh … Jien soluzzjonijiet perit għal EMC."

Persuna nameless: evaporatur blank

Me: "I work with a product called SharePoint … huwa minn Microsoft."

NP: "Aha! I widnejna ta 'dik il-kumpannija! What is SharePoint?"

Me: "Umm … dan ma kollaborazzjoni … nies jużawha biex jaqsmu informazzjoni … Huwa pjattaforma għall-bini busines sol…"

NP: Għajnejn glazing.

Me: "I’m a programmer."

NP: "Aha! I know people in my company that do programming! When I was in high school, I lagħbu madwar mal BASIC."

U ma dik il-parti tal-konversazzjoni fuq, ngħaddu għal xi ħaġa aktar faċli biex jitkellmu dwar, bħall-politika.

Kull kura li jiddeskrivu kif huma jimmaniġġjaw dan?


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Ħabi Azzjonijiet Custom fil SharePoint

Diversi xhur ilu, waqt ix-xogħol fuq proġett ta 'klijent, I created a feature. Among other things, li karatteristika definit azzjoni custom (dawn jidhru taħt settings tas-sit). The only purpose for this custom action was to demonstrate to me that the feature activation was working as expected. Bażikament, I used it as a crude form of debugging.

Much to my embarrassment, this debugging artifact made its way from dev to UAT and to production before someone got around to asking, "what is this xyzzy link?"

By now, we’re in production and I really don’t want to uninstall the feature, fix elements.xml and then reinstall.

Todd Bleaker pointed out an easy way to handle it. In his words:

"CustomActions are not copied into the database, huma jinqara direttament mill-fajl Elements.xml u ikkopjata fil stat applikazzjoni fil runtime. Allura, inti m'għandekx bżonn li deattivat, uninstall, jerġa, u jattiva l-karatteristika li tneħħi l-CustomAction. Just tneħħiha mill-fajl Elements.xml u jirriċiklaw l-pool applikazzjoni(i) effettwata. Il-ħin li jmiss il-karatteristika hija fl-ambitu, inti mhux ser tara l-CustomAction aktar."

I segwita l-istruzzjonijiet tiegħu u, tal-kors, jaħdmu.

Fil-każ tiegħi, this is a department level installation with just a single WFE. If you find yourself with this problem in future and with multiple WFE’s, Nemmen li inti ser ikollhom jagħmlu l-bidla f'kull.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Kkonfigurat Teżawru fil MOSS

Jien jaħdmu fuq dokument rieżami tal-arkitettura din il-ġimgħa u dan jissuġġerixxi, fost affarijiet oħra, that the client consider using the thesaurus to help improve the end user search experience. Having never done this myself, I wanted to do a quick hands-on test so that my suggestion is authentic.

Hija saret sorprendentement diffiċli biex insemmu kif jagħmlu, għalkemm huwa, fil-fatt, quite easy. There’s a pretty good bit of information on the thesaurus (check hawn u hawn, per eżempju). Madankollu, dawk docs huma jew WSS 2.0 / SPS 2003 oriented or they don’t actually spell out what do to after you’ve made your changes in the thesaurus. They provide a great overview and fair bit of detail, iżda mhux biżżejjed biex jaqsmu l-linja finitura.

Dawn il-passi ħadem għalija:

  1. Make the changes to the thesaurus. (Ara hawn taħt għal nota importanti)
  2. Go to the server and restart the "Office SharePoint Server Search" servizz.

A ponta ta 'l hat biex Mr. J. D. Wade (bijo). He provided the key bit about restarting the search service and rescued me from endless, time consuming and unnecessary iisresets and full index crawls. This episode juri, għal darb'oħra, li Twitter is the awesome. (Follow lili twitter hawn. I follow any SharePoint person that follows me).

I don’t know if this functionality is available in WSS. If it is or is not, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment jew email me u jien ser taġġorna din il-kariga.

Nota importanti: There’s conflicting information on which XML thesaurus file to change. There’s this notion of "tsneu.xml" as being the "neutral" Teżawru. I wasted some time working with that one. Fil-każ tiegħi, I needed to change the "tsenu.xml" fajl jinsabu taħt il-folder ta 'l-ID app innifsu: \\win2003srv c $ Program Files Microsoft Office Servers 12.0 Data Office Server Applikazzjonijiet 3c4d509a-75c5-481c-8bfd-099a89554e17\Config. I assume that in a multi-farm situation, inti tagħmel din il-bidla kullimkien server query runs.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

MOSS Proġetti fuq skala kbira ta 'ġestjoni dokument: 50k Per Day, 10 Miljun Total

Din il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, xi ħadd titressaq mistoqsija dwar il-ħolqien ta 'ambjent SharePoint li jimmaniġġjaw volum pjuttost għoli ta' dokumenti ġodda (10,000 +/- f'dan il-każ). I don’t know much about this, iżda grazzi għal din karta bajda, Inħoss aktar infurmati.

Għalija, dan karta bajda huwa pretty ħafna biss marka ktieb fil-mument, but I did start reading through it and thought I’d highlight my main take-away. SharePoint can be scaled to handle, f'minimu, din it-tagħbija:

  • 50k dokumenti ġodda kuljum.
  • 10 miljun dokumenti total.

I write the 50k/10MM figures because they are easy enough to remember. As long as you know they are minimums, you won’t get into trouble. The maximums are at least 10 mija ogħla minn dak u ma 'irfinar estremi, possibilment ħafna ogħla.

Grazzi, Mike Walsh, għal darb'oħra għall tiegħu kull ġimgħa WSS aġġornamenti FAQ u korrezzjonijiet wara. If you’re not subscribed to it, għandek taħseb serjament dwar kif isir dan.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

SharePoint Prestazzjoni — Quick (Imma mhux tas-soltu) Tip

Imxejna ilhom jaħdmu fil-ittestjar ta 'aċċettazzjoni utent (UAT) ambjent li, meta mqabbla ma 'l-iżvilupp, hija mejta bil-mod.

Huwa ambjent kkumplikata tuża FBA, SQL 2008, SSRS u l-applikazzjonijiet estiżi web aċċessibbli fuq l-internet li jużaw https, hekk huwa kien diffiċli li jillokalizzaw l-kwistjoni.

Għal klijent preċedenti, aħna użati FBA ma 'fornitur rwol LDAP (u l-fornitur sħubija). One of my colleagues, ferm aktar għaqlija minn I, determined that the "out of the box" Fornitur rwol LDAP, meta jintuża f'dak l-ambjent, wasn’t scaling well. To solve this problem for that client, he implemented a nice caching scheme in a custom role provider.

Din is-sitwazzjoni dehret simili, so we looked into replicating that solution to the today’s client. As I was debugging that, I ndunat li dan il-messaġġ se spiss jidhru fil-log Sistema (minn Viewer Avveniment):

A worker process with process id of ‘XXX’ serving application pool ‘Home – 80’ has requested a recycle because it reached its virtual memory limit.

I ħa dan ifisser li l-pool app ġie riċiklaġġ ferm, wisq spiss u li jispjega l-problema prestazzjoni.

I looked at the app pool’s properties and its "Recycling" page showed that the property "Maximum virtual memory (fil megabytes)" had been set to true and had been set to 5000. That seems like enough, but I decided to unset the value and that had an immediate positive effect. No more app pool recycling. No more mysterious slow-downs and pauses.

I don’t really understand the underlying "stuff" li għaddej hemmhekk, iżda b'mod ċar xi tip ta 'kawża / effett ħaġa jiġri u għal issa, l-ambjent UAT tkun tista 'tintuża.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Fairfield / WESTCHESTER SharePoint User Group fil Connecticut

My kollega (Natalya Voskresenskaya) and I will be speaking at the Fairfield/Westchester SharePoint User Group meeting at 6:00 PM on 07/16 (L-Erbgħa). We are talking about the content query web part. This is the same (but improved version that we gave to New York in May).

Pre-register here:

Natalya and I hope to see you there!

Here’s the email Richard Martzelle just sent out on the subject:

Topic: Using Content Query Web Part to Create Business Solutions

Speakers: Paul Galvin & Natalya Voskresenskaya

Date: Lulju 16th Welcome Time: (Eat & Network): 6:00PM Time: 6:30 PM -8:00PM

Meeting Description

MOSS 2007’s Content Query Web Part (CQWP) enables users to create custom views of data queried from many sources, and present that data in one place. Despite its powerful query & content refinement options, CQWP is often an underrated and overlooked feature. CQWP is both a "data extraction engine" (find documents or list items anywhere in a site collection) and also a first-class presentation tool that enables users to control how content is presented by wrapping HTML and styles to format the display nearly any way you wish.

In this demo-heavy session, they will show how to use the CQWP to solve business problems by showing off core features

• use default CWQP features, including audience targeting

• use CWQP as a reporting tool anywhere in a site collection via filter criteria such as "all documents created today"

• change look & feel of query results to highlight business data, show additional columns of information, display information in a grid format, and others

• show how CQWP can aid in content type administration (I.E. find all documents of a particular content type so as to understand potential impact of changing a CT definition)

• describe some limitations of CQWP

• provide a list of resources for advanced CQWP techniques, inklużi blogs, ECQWP Codeplex project & MSDN documentation


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.