Arkivji ta 'Kull Xahar: Ottubru 2009

SharePoint Shop terġa Talk għal Il-ħamis 10/01/09

I’ve noticed that people seem to be waiting until the last minute to register for SharePoint Shop Talk sessions. Last Thursday, f'madwar 11:45AM, kellna disa 'minn nies jirreġistraw, which is a very small number. Madankollu, fuq punt wieħed, kellna 18 jew 20 nies iffirmat, dan bl-inqas disa 'minn nies ffirmaw għaliha 45 minutes or less before the call. I’m not complaining, biss osservazzjoni.

We had a full schedule of questions and discussion topics and couldn’t get to all of them. Bħas-soltu, aħna ser pick up fejn aħna jitħalla 'off din il-ħamis li ġejjin.

Hawn il-terġa:

  • Vamshi asked about building a WSS environment that has SP1 and not SP2. You can download that configuration here: And someone else suggested looking here:

  • Kellna (merħba) surprise return visitor. A few weeks previous, Blue had asked us a question that left everyone on the call a little sad because we couldn’t help. His problem and solution are really fairly complicated, iżda li jeħodna għall-ħolqien parti data web ħsieb ma 'firxa ta' dati iffiltrati (mhux wieħed biss data ffiltrata wieħed, li huwa aktar faċli). He may write up a blog entry on this and if does, I’ll link to it. In the course of the discussion, huwa rrefera kulħadd biex dawn iż-żewġ rabtiet:
  • Looping fl disinjatur SharePoint - jista 'jsir? The answer is “yes” in some narrow cirumstances. Madankollu, biex tagħmel dan, inti għandek bżonn tagħmel xi għalf delikata li huwa diffiċli li conceptualize, diffiċli biex jiġu implimentati, hard to debug … it’s just plain hard. The panel’s consensus – don’t do this if you can help it. If you need looping, create custom actions or drop down into visual studio. Of course, jekk inti qed tuża SPD, inti prob ma tistax faċilment qatra l isfel fil VS, iżda huwa dak li huwa hu, sfortunatament.
  • Taħdit ta 'diqa, Nancy jirbaħ il-"Agħmel il-Panel Sad" għotja mill (futilely) asking about drag and drop from a data view web part. The scenario is very interesting and if anyone has a clever solution, jekk jogħġbok let me know. Here’s the problem: she has a DVWP that is doing some necessary filtering on a document library that returns back dozens or more documents. This works great. Madankollu, her users need to take those documents and burn them to CD. This is doable using a windows explorer type view, iżda kif jagħmlu dan mill DVWP? We couldn’t think of a good answer. Can you?
  • Laura Rogers, segwit minn Lori Gowan ta ' fama (u bnadi oħra) made us aware of the fact that attachments to InfoPath forms can be submitted via a web service to an image library in SharePoint. Barra mill-kaxxa! That is a very interesting fact with some very interesting implications.

That’s pretty much it. I probably missed something, iżda nisperaw li int tikseb l-gist ta 'dan.

Anke jekk naf li inti mhux se attwalment jiffirmaw sa nofsinhar, Il-Ħamis, hawn l-link reġistrazzjoni għas-sessjoni li jmiss, Il-Ħamis 10/08 minn 12:30 li 1:30 PM EDT:


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