Category Archives: SharePoint Bugs

Quick jiffissaw: "L-isem tip kontenut" $ Riżorsi:ReportServerResources … ma jistax ikun fiha … karattri speċjali”

I’ve been spending some time cleaning up a SharePoint 2010 site and one of the cleanup issues relates to a corrupt / incorrectly installed SQL Server Report Services issue.  The issue arose when one of my colleagues tried to save a site as a template and then create create a new site based on that template.  The save operation worked fine, but when she tried to create the new site, SharePoint displayed the following error message:


The content type name ‘$Resources:ReportServerResources,DataSourceContentTypeName;’ cannot contain: \ / : * ? " # % < > { } | ~ & , two consecutive periods (..), or special characters such as a tab.

Here’s a screen cap:



I had a look at the content types in the site and found this:


Those content types are clearly unhealthy.

This issue seems to come up a lot on the Internets and there doesn’t seem to be a single consensus on how to solve it.  I found a handy table that mapped the bad content type names to good content type names here:  I manually updated them thusly:


(BrightStarr in the name is obviously optional, but it can’t hurt Tbissem )

This allowed me to create a new template and didn’t break anything on the other sites, including some PerformancePoint Server stuff that a completely different group of people were working on.  I was then able to create a new site on the template.  Success!

I am not sure this is a 100% solution, but it got me and everyone involved past this annoying error.  If I find anything new, I’ll post an update.  My nervousness stems from the fact that these names shouldn’t be wrong in the first place and by fixing the display name, I am not touching the internal name. 


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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SP 2010 CQWP, Dokument Libreriji u l-Utenti anonimi

Importanti aġġornament: Waldek Mastykarz has posted a workaround here:
</jispiċċaw aġġornament>

Din il-ġimgħa, my team and I were upgrading a customer’s public internet site from MOSS to SP 2010. The MOSS site uses the CQWP in several places.

Morna permezz ta 'proċedura dettaljata ħafna sabiex jiżguraw il-preċiżjoni, quality and all that good stuff. Despite that, we ran into a problem in the 11th hour that we didn’t expect or uncover until very late. Speċifikament, our CQWP wouldn’t render for anonymous users. It rendered find for the authors (li kienu illoggjat), iżda ma juru l-kontenut għall-utenti anonimi.

Aħna ma ħafna riċerka u dawn huma l-parametri u l-azzjonijiet ħadna biex jiżolaw l-imġieba:

  • CQWP jirrendi multa meta kien ġbid kontenut minn lista tad-dwana.
  • CQWP jirrendi l-kontenut mill-bibljoteka Paġni /.
  • Hija ma tagħmilx l-kontenut mill SiteCollectionImages /
  • We created a new document library and uploaded a few docs to it. We did not add any content types to the library – this was a simple out of the box doc lib with no customization. Existing CQWP could not read from it.
  • We created a new page and added a CQWP to it using all default values. it would not render for anonymous.
  • Aħna (kemmxejn bil-għaġla) twaqqaf SP ġdid 2010 ambjent, straight out tal-kaxxa mill-ġdid u replikat din l-imġiba.

Bottom line, it appears that CQWP in SP2010 can’t render content for anonymous users when the data source is a document library. Can this be true?

Dan huwa l-iżball li rajna fil-zkuk:

Titolu Parti Web: Mistoqsija kontenut Web Parti 653d91fb-2f83-4e6a-83af-1f39e8939f0a
07/30/2010 12:03:56.90 w3wp.exe (0x0F30) 0x1540 SharePoint Foundation Web Parts 89a1 High Error while executing web part: System.NullReferenceException: Referenza Għan mhux stabbiliti għal istanza ta 'oġġett. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ContentByQueryWebPart.SetDocumentIconUrlAndOnClickString(SPWeb web, Ringiela DataRow, String strDefaultItemOpen, Boolean fSetDocIcon, Boolean fSetOnClick, String fileRefColumnRef, String progIdColumnRef, String fsobjTypeColumnRef, String permMaskColumnRef) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ContentByQueryWebPart.PreProcessForDocumentIconAndOnClickAttribute() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ContentByQueryWebPart.AddContentQueryData() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ContentByQueryWebPart.GetXPathNavigator(String viewPath) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.DataFormWebPart…. 653d91fb-2f83-4e6a-83af-1f39e8939f0a

It just seems kind of impossible that CQWP wouldn’t work for anonymous users. If you know any more about this, jekk jogħġbok post kumment.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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