Месечне архиве: Мај 2008

СхареПоинт миграције Савет: Коришћење “унтаггед података” Погледи За периодично миграције

In one or my very first blog posts, Ја сам описао цео процес пратили смо да пребаце клијентима из СПС-а 2003 to MOSS. Читалац лефт а цоммент тражећи више детаља и овде је.

За тај пројекат миграције, смо морали да нађемо добар начин да се крене пуно СПС 2003 documents over to MOSS. The initial load was easy enough. Create a new target document library in MOSS and use windows explorer to move the documents.

This is the new document library:


Open up two windows explorers. Point the first at SPS 2003 and the second at the new document library in MOSS. The following screen shot shows this. Note that the top browser is actually pointing at my c:\temp drive, but you can imagine it pointing to an SPS 2003 document library:


After that drag and drop operation, my target looks like this:


Now it’s time to deal with the metadata. Assume we have just one column of metadata for these documents named "location." We can see from the above "all documents" view that the location is blank. It’s easy enough to use a data sheet view to enter the location, or even go into each document’s properties one by one to add a location. Let’s assume that there is no practical way to assign the location column a value automatically and that end users must do this by hand. Furthermore, let’s assume there are hundreds of documents (maybe thousands) and that it will take many many days to update the metadata. As we all know, no one is going to sit down and work for four of five days straight updating meta data for documents. Уместо тога, they will break that out over a period of weeks or possibly longer. To facilitate this process, we can create an "untagged data" view as shown:


Сада, when someone sits down to spend their allocated daily hour or two to tag migrated documents, they can use the "untagged documents" view to focus their effort:


As users tag documents, they drop off this list.

This notion of an untagged data view can also help with a class of data validation problem people inquire about on the forums. Оут оф тхе бок, there’s no way to prevent a user from uploading a document to MOSS and then not enter meta data. We can specify that a particular site column is mandatory and the user won’t be allowed to push the save button. Међутим, if the user uploads and then closes the browser (or uses windows explorer to upload the document), we can’t force the user to enter meta data (поново, out of the box).

This approach can be used to help with that situation. We can use a "poorly tagged data" view to easily identify these documents and correct them. Couple this with a KPI and you have good visibility to the data with drill-down to manage these exceptional circumstances.


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СхареПоинт џокер претрага: “Професионалац” Ис Нот стабљику “Програмирање”

На МСДН претрагу форуму, људи често питам овако:

"I have a document named ‘Programming Guide’ but when I search for ‘Pro’ тражи га не пронађе."

То не могу да се осећају као да, but that amounts to a wildcard search. The MOSS/WSS user interface does not support wildcard search out of the box.

Ако се копају у деловима веб претраживања, наћи ћете потврду, "Enable search term stemming". Stemming is a human-language term. It’s not a computer language substring() Тип функција.

Ово су неке стабљике:

  • "fish" is a stem to "fishing"
  • "major" is a stem to "majoring"

Ово нису произилази:

  • "maj" is not a stem to "major"
  • "pro" is not a stem to "programmer"

The WSS/MOSS search engine does support wild card search through the API. Here is one blog article that describes how to do that: http://www.dotnetmafia.com/blogs/dotnettipoftheday/archive/2008/03/06/how-to-use-the-moss-enterprise-search-fulltextsqlquery-class.aspx

3рд парти производ, Онтолица, provides wild card search. I have not used that product.


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Пријављивање тока активности у СхареПоинт Десигнер

Прошле недеље, Радио сам како да петља и имплементирати државну машину помоћ СхареПоинт Десигнер и поменуо, као страну, да бих вероватно написати блог пост о бољем тока логовање.

Добро, Sanjeev Rajput beat me to it. Видети.

Чување податке дневника у прилагођеној листи ље да користе редовне тока историје:

  • То је само обичај списак, тако да можете да га извезете у Екцел веома лако.
  • Можете да креирате погледе, динамично филтрирање података, итд.
  • То није предмет ауто чистке добијате са редовним историја тока рада.

Постоје неки ризици / Слабе:

  • Многи раде токови посла са много сече може изазвати превише података да буду уписани у списак.
  • Maybe you *do* want automatic purging. You don’t get that feature with this approach (без кодирања).
  • Security is tricky. In order to write to the list, the user must have permission to do so. That means that it’s probably not suitable for any kind of "official" audit since the user could discover the list and edit it. This could be overcome with some custom programming.


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Троубле Витх Трибблес … грешити .. КПИ

Прошле недеље сам завршио доказ концепта пројекта за клијента на Менхетну. Приликом спровођења решења, Налетео сам на још један недостатак маховине КПИ (погледајте овде за претходни КПИ питање и мој заобилазно решење).

Позадина: Користили смо СхареПоинт Десигнер тока рада за моделирање прилично комплексан вишемесечног дуг пословни процес. As it chugged along, it would update some state information in a list. KPIs use this data to do their mojo.

We decided to create a new site each time a new one of these business processes kicks off. Aside from the workflow itself, Ови сајтови домаћин неколико библиотеке докумената, use audience targeting and so forth. Just a bunch of stuff to help with collaboration among the internal employees, путовања запослених и клијента учествују пословне партнере.

Такође смо желели да покажемо неке КПИ индикаторе који прате опште здравље у том одређеном пословном процесу као промовисан од стране државних тока података и прегледа користећи КПИ индикаторе.

Коначно, користили смо КПИ листе ставки које уради рачунати на погледом на листи на сајту (насупрот повлачењем из другог извора података, као Екцел или СКЛ).

Проблем: Као што можете замислити, под претпоставком да смо били носе основну идеју напред у светској производњи, we would want a site template. Provision a new site based off a "business process" шаблон.

The problem is that you can’t seem to get a functioning KPI that way. When I create a new site based on a template with a KPI List and KPI web part, the new site’s KPI data are broken. The new site’s KPI list points at whatever source you defined when you first saved it as a template.

На пример:

  • Create a new site and build it to perfection. This site includes the KPI data.
  • Сачувај то као шаблон.
  • Креирајте нови сајт и базу ако ван шаблона.
  • Овај нови сајт је КПИ листе ставке’ извори указују на сајту шаблону, Не тренутна локација.

Примеру процес не исправи УРЛ.

I tried to solve this by specifying a relative URL when defining the KPI list item. Међутим, Ја не могу добити никакву варијанту да на посао.

I always want to pair up these "problem" блогу са некаквим решењем, but in this case I don’t have a good one. The best I can figure is that you need to go in to the newly provisioned site and fix everything manually. The UI makes this even harder because changing the URL of the source list causes a refresh, тако да заиста треба да редефинишу целу ствар од почетка.

Ако неко зна бољи начин да се ово средити, пошаљите коментар.


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МОСС малу фарму Инсталација и конфигурација рат прича

Ове недеље, Ја сам се борио мало са својим тимом да се инсталира Мос у једноставном две фарме сервера. Пошто прође кроз то, Имам више разумевања за оне врсте проблема људи пријављују на МСДН форумима и на другим местима.

Коначна фарма конфигурација:

  • СКЛ / Индек / интранет ВФЕ унутар зида.
  • ВФЕ у ДМЗ.
  • Some kind of firewall between the DMZ and the internal server.

Before we started the project, we let the client know which ports needed to be open. During the give and take, back and forth over that, we never explicitly said two important things:

  1. SSL means you need a certificate.
  2. The DMZ server must be part of a domain.

Day one, we showed up to install MOSS and learned that the domain accounts for database and MOSS hadn’t been created. To move things along, we went ahead and installed everything with a local account on the intranet server.

У овом тренутку, we discovered the confusion over the SSL certificate and, нажалост, decided to have our infrastructure guy come back later that week to continue installing the DMZ server. У међувремену, we solution architects moved ahead with the business stuff.

A weekend goes by and the client obtains the certificate.

Our infrastructure guy shows up and discovers that the DMZ server is not joined to any domain (either a perimeter domain with limited trust or the intranet domain). We wasted nearly a 1/2 day on that. If we hadn’t let the missing SSL certificate bog us down, we would have discovered this earlier. Oh well….

Another day passes and the various security committees, interested parties and (not so) innocent bystanders all agree that it’s OK to join the DMZ server with the intranet domain (this is a POC, уосталом, not a production solution).

Infrastructure guy comes in to wrap things up. This time we successfully pass through the the modern-day gauntlet affectionately known as the "SharePoint Configuration Wizard." We have a peek in central administration and … yee haw! … DMZ server is listed in the farm. We look a little closer and realize we broke open the Champaign a mite bit early. WSS services is stuck in a "starting" статус.

Да скратимо причу, it turns out that we forgot to change the identity of the service account via central administration from the original local account to the new domain account. We did that, re-ran the configuration wizard and voila! We were in business.


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Меа цулпа — СхареПоинт Десигнер * МОГУ * креирају токове посла државне машинерије

I’ve recently learned that it’s possible and even fairly easy to create a state machine workflow using SharePoint Designer. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that good stuff and I had a need this week that looked for an invention. Coincidentally, Наишао сам МСДН порука на форуму као. My personal experience this week and that "independent confirmation" lends strength to my conviction. I plan to write about this at greater length with a full blown example, али овде је суштина:

  • Приступ полуге чињеницу да ток посла промени нешто са листе, thereby triggering a new workflow. I’ve normally considered this to be a nuisance and even блог о коришћењу семафора за руковање га.
  • СхареПоинт омогућава више независних токови посла да буде активан против одређене ставке листе.

За конфигурисање га:

  • Дизајнирајте своју државну машину (тј., државе и државе како прелаз са једне на другу).
  • Спровођење свака држава као посебан посла.
  • Подесите сваки од ових државних токова посла за извршење као одговор на било какве промене у ставку листе.

Свака држава ток прати ову грубу образац:

  • Након иницијализације, determine whether it should really run by inspecting state information in the "current item". Abort if not.
  • Да ли рад.
  • Update the "current item" with new state information. This triggers an update to the current item and fires off all the state workflows.

Поред очигледне користи да се може створити декларативно ток посла државне машинерије, Све информације да држава је сјајно за изградњу КПИ и интересантан поглед.

Она има прилично значајан недостатак — standard workflow history tracking is even more useless than normal 🙂 That’s easily remedied, међутим. Store all of your audit type information in a custom list. That’s probably a good idea even for vanilla sequential workflow, but that’s for another blog post 🙂

I call this a "mea culpa" јер имам, нажалост, said more than once on forums and elsewhere that one must use visual studio to create a state machine workflow. That simply isn’t true.


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Тецхнорати Тагс:

Учење на тежи начин — ДМЗ ВФЕ Мора бити у домену

Иако то није буквално истина, у практичном смислу, Интернет суочава веб предњи крај у ДМЗ мора бити у домену (и.е. није неки самостални сервер у свом малом радној групи). То не треба да буде у истом домену као унутрашње ВФЕ(с) и другим серверима (и вероватно не би требало), but it needs to be a domain.

My colleagues and I spent an inordinate amount of time on a proposal which included SharePoint pre-requisites. This included a comprehensive list of firewall configurations that would enable the DMZ server to join the farm and so forth. Нажалост, we failed to add a sentence somewhere that said, to the effect, "the whole bloody point of this configuration is to allow your DMZ WFE server, in a domain, to join the internal farm."

A perfect storm of events, where we basically looked left when we might have looked right, conspired to hide this problem from us until fairly late in the process, thus preventing me from invoking my "tell bad news early" rule.


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Тецхнорати Тагс:

Ако нисте пробали Твиттер …

Twitter is a very odd duck. I’ve been using Twitter for a little over a month and in some indefinable way, it’s almost as important to me as email. I find myself vaguely unsettled if I wait too long before looking over what others are twittering about. I get annoyed at Twitter’s occasional performance problems because it means I’m missing out. I get a little puff of excitement when I see a new Woot announcement.

It’s a real community builder in a way that really complements blogs and forums and even personal face to face meetings.

In the last month, I’ve followed one person’s attempts at shaking a cold while trying to manage a Seder.

I’ve learned personal detail about many folks I mainly "know" through blogs — where they live, the kind of projects they work on, that they have a work / family issues to manage just like me.

One person’s mother passed away … a sad event for sure. But sharing that fact changes and enhances the character of the whole experience.

That’s just the personal stuff.

There’s more to it than that. It’s also another medium for sharing ideas, or more often I think, seeking help. Throw a question up on Twitter and you’re never left hanging and the responses typically arrive within minutes.

If you haven’t tried it, you should really give it a go.

Look me up at http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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