Tag Archives: SharePoint Adoption

Дозволите Схининг Примери предводе јачању СхареПоинт усвојења

My first “pure” BrightStarr blog entry was published today.  Ево теасер:

There’s been a lot of conversation on the Internets of late on the topic of SharePoint adoption and especially the lack thereof. No one wants to go to all the trouble of designing a farm and security infrastructure, participating in workshops, putting together a snazzy look and feel, working out a rock solid information architecture that can withstand the vicissitudes of company re-orgs and finally, a fanfare-filled rollout just to discover three months post go-live that less than 50% of the company employees are using SharePoint and most of them are using it to replace the old network file servers ("the S:\ drive").

No silver bullet (or single blog post) is going to solve that problem. Међутим, there are lot of things you can do to reduce the risk of an anemic SharePoint portal. Једна таква техника је "блистави пример шаблон."

Волео бих да знам о другим стратегијама усвајања СхареПоинт да ти је стало да делите.  Ако ти део, оставите као коментар на БригхтСтарр блогу.

Прочитајте целу ствар овде: http://www.brightstarr.com/US/Pages/blog-view.aspx?BlogID=52


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