Como enviar un e-mail WebPart no Moss 2007

Ola Devs,
O seguinte é o anaco de código para enviar correo-e de webpart.

mediante o sistema de;
usando System.Collections.Generic;
usando System.ComponentModel;
usando System.Text;
usando System.Web;
usando System.Web.UI;
usando System.Web.UI.WebControls;
usando System.Collections.ObjectModel;
usando Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
usando Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.Data;
usando System.Collections;
namespace Sendmail
Sendmail public class : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart
privada TextBox txtTo;
btnSendMail Botón privada;
protected override CreateChildControls baleiros()
txtTo = new textbox();
btnSendMail = new Botón();
btnSendMail.Text = “Enviar correo-e”;
btnSendMail.Click = new EventHandler(SendMail_Click);
baleiro SendMail_Click(obxecto envía, EventArgs e)
SPSite _SITE = new SPSite(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString());
_Web SPWeb = _site.OpenWeb();
_web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPUtility.SendEmail(_Web, teito, teito, txtTo.Text, “Proba Email”, “Mensaxe de texto Corpo”);

Crea o WebPart e rexistro-lo como SafeControl

Moss 2007 Prezo & Custeio Información

Eu consolidou poucos links de Microsoft para Moss 2007 Produto Custeio.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 e prezos Technologies relacionados

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 produtos de descarga comparación

2007 Microsoft Office System de prezos e información sobre a actualización

Como ocultar Quick Launch no Moss 2007

Quere ocultar a súa barra de inicio rápido no Moss 2007
Hai dous xeitos de ocultar a barra de inicio rápido
1. Pode editar directamente no CSS
2. Engadido contido oculto editor webpart

Engadir contido novo editor webpart
Prema en Editor de Orixe en ToolPane
pegue o código embaixo no editor de contido webpart
display: ningún;
Uso “<" & ">” no canto de “[” & “]”
Estableza a propiedade Hidden para True baixo a sección de deseño en ToolPane.
Agora actualiza a páxina……You Quick Launch Bar is Gone 🙂

Presentador na formación Taller do Futuro

Eu presentei o Demo no arquitetando aplicacións distribuídas utilizando reixa Architecture in Accenture moldeando o futuro taller. Esta é a miña segunda presentación na Accenture moldeando o futuro.

Como facer MOSS 2007 Traballos de timer para realizar

Use o comando Seguindo stadm para forzar os traballos traballos de timer para realizar.
non hai necesidade de agardar o intervalo para realizar as timerjobs.
stsadm.exe -o execadmsvcjobs

Moss 2007 Renomeie o nome da aplicación web

Quero compartir como cambiar o nome do nome da aplicación web ao mando de administración de liña de MOSS 2007 using STSADM Command.

stsadm -o renameweb -url -newname

Stsadm -o renameweb -url http://localhost / oldname -newname newname

O comando anterior cambiará o nome da aplicación web do oldname ao newname.

O Comercio Server 2007 Integración con MOSS 2007

MOSS ten moitas características intrínsecas. O ámbito deste POC é integrar Commerce Server 2007 con MOSS 2007 para facilitar Portal Integrado e-Commerce Aplicación

Configurar MOSS 2007 Para utilizar o proveedor Membership Commerce Server como base para Autenticación de usuario

As tarefas principais son para facer a sitios da Administración e do Portal man shake Central co Commerce Server. Isto ten que ser feito modificando os arquivos Web.config apropiados para estes sitios. Engadindo seccións do Commerce Server e httpModules, sitio web da Administración Central do SharePoint e do lugar do Portal poderá crear o obxecto CommerceContext necesario. O obxecto CommerceContext permite que os provedores de asociación Commerce Server para ser inicializar correctamente, e tamén permite que partes da web e páxinas no portal para usar o obxecto CommerceContext para acceder recursos do Commerce Server, como o Catálogo de Produtos.
O Valedor do UpmMembership estende a estrutura ofrecida pola Asociación ASP.Net para acomodar o uso dos controis ASP.Net login e autenticar Perfís do Commerce Server.

Actualizar o Web.config á Administración Central MOSS e na páxina web do Portal con apartados de abaixo para aproveitar os datos do Commerce Server e servizos en MOSS

  • Commerce Server Sección Grupo
  • Commerce Server Group
  • Módulos HTTP
  • Asembleas
  • Fornecedor de Asociación
  • Sección Perfil

o Determinar cal arquivo Web.config se usa para o sitio web da Administración Central do SharePoint e que se usa para o sitio web do Portal. Use a guía Home Directory no Xestor do IIS para determinar o camiño axeitado do arquivo Web.config para cada sitio.

o Utilice o ficheiro Web.config que foi creado anteriormente ao Commerce Server C SharpSite como fonte para o texto para copiar nas instrucións a seguir:

Por favor, siga os pasos seguintes para modificar o ficheiro web.config do sitio web de administración do SharePoint.

Paso 1: Engadindo Commerce Server Sección Grupo
Pega o Commerce [sectionGroup] en [configSections] e pegalo logo da [System.Workflow.ComponentModel.WorkflowCompiler] grupo de sección.
[nome sectionGroup =”CommerceServer”]
[section name =”aplicación” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceApplicationSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”authentication” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceAuthenticationSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”pipelines” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommercePipelineSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”caches” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceCacheSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”messageManager” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceMessageManagerSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”catalog” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceCatalogSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”orders” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceOrdersSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”profiles” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceProfilesSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”contentSelection” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceContentSelectionSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”commerceEvent” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.EventLoggerConfigurationHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name =”expressions” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceExpressionSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
Paso 2: Adding Commerce Server Group
§ Copy the [CommerceServer] section and paste it after the [SharePoint] section, just before the [system.web] section.

[application siteName=”CDevSite” debugLevel=”Production”/]
[expressions schema=”Auto”/]
[cache name=”Advertising” type =”Advertising” refreshInterval=”900″ retryInterval=”30″/]
[cache name=”Discounts” type =”Discounts” refreshInterval=”0″ retryInterval=”30″/]
[cache name=”ShippingManagerCache” type =”Shipping” loaderProgId=”Commerce.ShippingMethodCache” refreshInterval=”0″ retryInterval=”30″/]
[cache name=”PaymentMethodCache” type =”Payment”/]
[cache name=”OrdersConfigurationCache” type =”OrdersConfiguration”/]
[cultures default=”en-US” baseName=”CommerceMessageManager” assembly=”CommerceMessageManager”]
[culture id=”en-US”/]
[culture id=”fr-fr”/]
[culture id=”ja-JP”/]
[culture id=”de-DE”/]
[resource id=”pur_badsku”/]
[resource id=”pur_badplacedprice”/]
[resource id=”pur_discount_changed”/]
[resource id=”pur_discount_removed”/]
[resource id=”pur_noitems”/]
[resource id=”pur_badshipping”/]
[resource id=”pur_badhandling”/]
[resource id=”pur_badtax”/]
[resource id=”pur_badcc”/]
[resource id=”pur_badpayment”/]
[resource id=”pur_badverify”/]
[resource id=”pur_out_of_stock”/]
[resource id=”unknown_shipping_method”/]
[orders honorStatus=”certo” newOrderStatus=”NewOrder” sqlCommandTimeoutSeconds=”60″ sqlLongRunningCommandTimeoutSeconds=”28800″]
[profileDefinition name=”Address”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.address_id” to=”OrderAddressId”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.first_name” to=”Nome”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.last_name” to=”Apellido”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.address_line1″ to=”Line1″/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.address_line2″ to=”Line2″/]
[property from=”” to=”City”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.region_code” to=”RegionCode”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.postal_code” to=”PostalCode”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.country_name” to=”CountryName”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.region_name” to=”Estado”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.tel_number” to=”DaytimePhoneNumber”/]
[Type Key=”Basket” UserTypeName=”Basket” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”PurchaseOrder” UserTypeName=”PurchaseOrder” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”OrderTemplate” UserTypeName=”OrderTemplate” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”OrderForm” UserTypeName=”OrderForm” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”LineItem” UserTypeName=”LineItem” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”Shipment” UserTypeName=”Shipment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”Payment” UserTypeName=”Payment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”CreditCardPayment” UserTypeName=”CreditCardPayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”GiftCertificatePayment” UserTypeName=”GiftCertificatePayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”PurchaseOrderPayment” UserTypeName=”PurchaseOrderPayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”CashCardPayment” UserTypeName=”CashCardPayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”OrderAddress” UserTypeName=”OrderAddress” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”DiscountApplicationRecord” UserTypeName=”DiscountApplicationRecord” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”ShippingDiscountRecord” UserTypeName=”ShippingDiscountRecord” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”PromoCodeRecord” UserTypeName=”PromoCodeRecord” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Limits OrderFormsPerOrderGroup=”5″ PromoCodeRecordsPerOrderForm=”10″ PromoCodesPerOrderForm=”10″ LineItemsPerOrderForm=”40″ OrderTemplatesPerUser=”10″ PaymentsPerOrderForm=”10″ ShipmentsPerOrderForm=”40″ BasketsPerUser=”15″ OrderAddressesPerOrderGroup=”10″/]
[MappingFiles PipelineMappingFilename=”OrderPipelineMappings.xml” StorageMappingFilename=”OrderObjectMappings.xml”/]
[SerializationBinding OldType=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.LineItem , Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime ,Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ NewType=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.LineItem, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime,Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add className=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.AddItemToBasketEvent” id =”AddItemToBasket”/]
[add className=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.RemoveItemFromBasketEvent” id =”RemoveItemFromBasket”/]
[add className=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.SubmitOrderEvent” id =”SubmitOrder” loggingEnabled=”certo”/]
Paso 3: Adding “CommerceApplication” en “httpModules” Section
§ Copy the Commerce HTTP Modules to the end of the [httpModules] section.
[add name=”CommerceApplication” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceApplicationModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceAuthentication” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceOrder” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.CommerceOrderModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceCatalog” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Catalog.CommerceCatalogModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceProfile” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.CommerceProfileModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceExpressionEvaluator” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Targeting.CommerceExpressionModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceCache” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Caching.CommerceCacheModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceContentSelection” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Targeting.CommerceContentSelectionModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/][add name=”CommerceDataWarehouseAuthenticationModule” type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceDataWarehouseAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]Remove or comment out the Commerce Server Authentication Module. This module is not required because ASP.NET Forms Authentication will be used for all authentications.
Paso 4: Adding “O Comercio Server” AssembliesCopy the commerce server assembly information from CSharpSite web.config and paste it in the [assemblies] tag in the Central Administration site’s web.config as below:
[add assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ /]
[add assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Catalog, Version=, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35″ /][/assemblies]

Paso 5: Configure Central Administration to recognize Commerce Server Membership
Copy the below code snippet to [system.web] section of the Web.config file for the Central Administration. Nota: Paste it before the closing [/system.web].
[membership defaultProvider=”UpmMembershipProvider”]
[clear /]
[add applicationName=”CSharpSite ”
type =”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.UpmMembershipProvider”/]

Paso 6: Configuring the Commerce Server Profiles section

This section contains settings which configure the functionality of profiles and catalog sets. O [userProfile] node resides in the [CommerceServer][profiles] node in the web.config.
Uncomment the profiles section in [commerceserver] node.

userIdSource = “ASP.NET”
userIdKey = “GeneralInfo.email_address”
userIdTarget = “GeneralInfo.user_id”

Paso 7: Adding Users in the Central AdministrationLocate Central Administration, Aplicación de Xestión de, Authentication Providers, Default zone entry. Make sure that you have the PortalSite Web Application selected in the drop-down list.

o Click Forms.

o Change the Membership Provider Name to UpmMembershipProvider. This should match the name that is in the membership section of the Web.config file.Locate Central Administration, Aplicación de Xestión de, and Policy for Web Application. Make sure that you have selected the Portal Web Application.

o Click Add Users.

o Select Default zone, and then click Next.

o Type the e-mail address of the user that you added previously by using the Commerce Server Customer and Orders Manager, and then click Check User.

o If the user name is successfully recognized, it will be underlined. Select Full control, and then select Finish.

o If the user name is not recognized, run a SQL Server trace on the Commerce Server Profiles database to make sure that the queries are running against the database. Adicionalmente, make sure that the entry for the provider is in the Web.config file for Central Administration, and look for errors in the event log.

Paso 8: Copy the following XML files from the CSharpSite (IIS Virtual Directory) to the root folder of the Central Administration site:

o OrderObjectMappings.xml
o OrderPipelineMappings.xml

Run Central Administration to make sure that these changes were made correctly. If errors occur, check the Web.config file for syntax issues.Even if the page displays correctly, check the event log. Some permissions errors may be hidden.

Configure the MOSS portal to use the Commerce Server Membership provider:
Paso 1: Follow the above 6 steps to configure Portal site for Commerce Server.

Paso 2: Comment out the existing [authentication], [identity], e [authorization] sections. This will disable the default Windows authentication and authorization.

Paso 3: Copy the below configuration settings contents to the Web.config file for the Portal site. Paste this after the previous sections that you just commented out. This sets up the site for Forms Authentication and denies anonymous access.

[authentication mode=”Forms”]
[forms loginUrl=”/_layouts/login.aspx” name=”.ASPXFORMSAUTH” /]
[deny users=”?” /][/authorization] View the Portal site in a Web browser. You should be redirected to the logon page. Log on and use the user credentials that you added by using the Customer and Orders Manager.

Paso 4: Copy the following XML files from the CSharpSite (IIS Virtual Directory) to the root folder of the Portal site:

o OrderObjectMappings.xml
o OrderPipelineMappings.xml

Paso 5: Restart the IIS

Paso 6: Run the Portal site and look for errors.

[Nota : I am not able to Post scripts tag in here replace all “[” & “]” con “<" & ">“

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Fluxo de traballo de aprobación de contido en MOSS 2007

No Moss 2007 Approval workflow is available in out of the box itself. Just we need to configure only few steps then we are ready with the approval process.

If the approval workflow is configured the document will be visible only to the contributor and to the approver.

Steps to Configure Content approval workflow

Open the Document Library
Click Settings -&gt; Document Library Settings

In Document Library Settings under Permissions and Management Click Workflow Settings

Document Library Settings -&gt; [Permission and Management] Workflow Managements

No Moss 2007 it has some prebuilt workflow templates for the following workflows

  • Approval
  • Collect Feedback
  • Collect Signatures
  • Disposition Approval
  • Three State

Now Select the Approval Workflow and give the unique name for the workflow instance.
Select the Existing Task List Name or create new Task List for this approval workflow.
Select the Existing History or create new workflow history to maintain this workflow history.
Under Start options you can specify how this workflow can be started.

· Allow this workflow to be manually started by an authenticated user with Edit Items Permissions
· Start this workflow when an item is created
· Start this workflow when an item is changed

If you choose “start this workflow when an item is created” it will automatically starts workflow when new item is added to the document library.

If you choose “start this workflow when an item is changed” it will automatically restarts the workflow when the items in the document library is modified.

Under workflow task
If you choose Assign Task to “All Participant Simultaneously” It will create the task for all participants at the same time. The workflow will be completed only after the approval of all approvers.

If you choose Assign Task to “One Participant at a time” It will follow the sequence of activity first the workflow task will be created to the first user and once its approved then only it will move on to the next approver.

If it’s required you can set the due date for the workflow.
The workflow status also can be notified other than the participants of the workflow by giving the name on notify others column.

We are creating the workflow for Content Approval. So don’t forget the check the option “Update the approval status (use this workflow to control content approval)"

Now you successfully created approval workflow.

You have to enable the content approval in the document library then only it will restrict other users to access it.

When you enable content approval the document will be visible only to contributor/author and approver, it will not be visible to other users in document library.

Open Settings -&gt; Document Library Settings
Under General Settings -&gt; Versioning Settings
Require Content Approval for Submitted Items? Choose Yes
And Click OK to Save the Settings.

Now Open the Document Library and upload the Document

Now the document is uploaded the Document Library

If you login using some other user credential (not an approver/contributor). The document will be displayed in the document library.

If you feel this post helps you to create workflow for content approval. Please leave your valuable comments.