प्रोग्राम सूची पढ़ें & SharePoint में सामग्री देखें

I got a task to work on developing the windows application which will fetch the List View data from sharepoint and process the data in win forms app.

Previously i used to fetch the data using Lists.asmx,views.asmx.

Now i came to know there is other way to fetch the data from List View.

वाक्य-विन्यास: https://myserver.com/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd=Display&List={लिस्ट […]

प्रोग्राम SharePoint में अद्यतन सूची सामग्री

हाय Devs,

The Below is the Sample Code to update the Sharepoint list content programmatically by using SharePoint Object Model.

SPSite Site = new SPSite(“http://लोकलहोस्ट:21000”); SPWeb Web = Site.OpenWeb(); SPList List = Web.Lists[“Address Book”]; SPListItem ListItem = List.GetItemById(0);

string FullName = string.Empty;

FullName = ListItem[“FirstName”].ToString() + ListItem[“LastName”].ToString(); SPListItem[“FullName”] = FullName; ListItem.Update();