How to Configure SMTP in MOSS 2007 Site

To Configure Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 for Outgoing Emails do the following steps:

Open Central Administration

Open Operations Tab and Click Outgoing email settings under Topology and Services

Central Administration -> Toplogy and Services -> Outgoing email settings

Configure the Appropriate SMTP Server Settings and click OK.

Now you have successfully configured SMTP settings for your MOSS Farm.

4 comments to How to Configure SMTP in MOSS 2007 Site

  • horzsolt


    I did the same as you, but Sharepoint didn’t send any mail 🙁 I think this is because gmail needs authentication even for sending mails. Is there any way to input the credentials that belongs to this email account? Until now I haven’t found anything inside Sharepoint.
    Do you have any idea?

  • Hi,
    you need to configure smtp in your localbox or network…..
    then refer the following article to

    How to Configure IIS SMTP Server to forward emails using a Gmail account

  • Saurabh

    Hi …

    i configure my Outgoing email server as yours(using

    now i created a workflow for sending mails.

    and it shows an error of “Bad response from SMTP server “”, how can i fix this problem

    Any Ideas??

    Kind Regards,

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the link to my post.
    Sorry that I need to correct you but Saurabh issue is because you have configured incorrectly the outgoing email.

    SharePoint support only anonymous connection to SMTP.

    Saurabh; To resolve the issue you need to point SharePoint to your local SMTP server that you just configured to forard emails to Gmail not to gmail dirrectly.


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