Bagaimana Mengubah Warna Latar Belakang Judul web part

Hey Guys, I got a requirement from the business to change the Background color of the webpart title for Out of Box webparts. Then i started looking on CSS I found the following CSS class which overrides the style of WebPart Title.

.ms-WPHeader TD { border-bottom:0px solid #4e7cb7; border-collapse:collapse; }

Change this class as per […]

ADFS Kesalahan : AD FS subsistem audit tidak bisa mendaftar sendiri dengan sistem. Audit hak istimewa tidak diadakan.

Isu ini akan araise account doesnt memiliki izin audit untuk log audit events.

To Resolve To grant a domain principal the Generate Security Audits privilege:

Setelah Anda mengidentifikasi account ini, klik Start, arahkan ke Alat Administratif, click Local Security Policy, dan kemudian klik Kebijakan Lokal. Klik Pengguna Tugas Hak. Pada jendela rincian, right-click […]