Programmatically Read List & View Content in SharePoint

I got a task to work on developing the windows application which will fetch the List View data from sharepoint and process the data in win forms app.

Previously i used to fetch the data using Lists.asmx,views.asmx.

Now i came to know there is other way to fetch the data from List View.

Sintaksis:{daftar […]

Pemrograman Perbarui Daftar Konten di SharePoint

Hi Pengembang,

The Below is the Sample Code to update the Sharepoint list content programmatically by using SharePoint Object Model.

SPSite Site = new SPSite(“http://localhost:21000”); SPWeb Web = Site.OpenWeb(); SPList List = Web.Lists[“Address Book”]; SPListItem ListItem = List.GetItemById(0);

string FullName = string.Empty;

FullName = ListItem[“FirstName”].ToString() + ListItem[“LastName”].ToString(); SPListItem[“FullName”] = FullName; ListItem.Update();

Konfigurasi SQL Reporting Services 2005 dengan Windows SharePoint Services 2003

Saya menulis artikel untuk SQL Services Konfigurasi Pelaporan 2005 dengan Windows SharePoint Services 2003.

Artikel ini menjelaskan bagaimana mengintegrasikan SQL Reporting Services dengan Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. The prebuild Microsoft Reporting Services web part digunakan untuk dikonfigurasi untuk menampilkan Laporan SQL yang akan mengambil data dari SQL Reporting […]

Backup dan Restore Situs di SharePoint 2003

Backup & Restore untuk SharePoint 2003 / Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua alat berikut.

stsadm.exe smigrate.exe

Saya telah diposting di blog saya dengan Sharepoint synatx & contoh.


Backup dan Restore Situs di SharePoint 2003

Daftar Konten retreiving melalui WebService di SharePoint 2003

Tambahkan webreference ke Lists.asmx di situs Sharepoint.

http://localhost / _vti_bin / Lists.asmx (SharePoint maya Direktori URL / _vti_bin / Lists.asmx

menulis metode berikut dalam jejaring Anda.

swasta data.DataTable GetDataTableFromWSS(bool onlySchema) { String WssSiteUrl =; String WssSiteUrl = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[“WssSiteUrl”]; WssSite.Lists daftar = new WssSite.Lists(); lists.Url = WssSiteUrl + “_vti_bin / Lists.asmx”; lists.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;

lists.PreAuthenticate = true; //you have to pass the […]