Configurarea SQL Reporting Services 2005 cu Windows SharePoint Services 2003

I wrote the article for Configuring SQL Reporting Services 2005 cu Windows SharePoint Services 2003.

Acest articol explică modul în care să integreze SQL Reporting Services cu Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. The PreBuild Microsoft’s Reporting Services WebPart is used to be configured to display SQL Reports which is to be fetch data from SQL Reporting […]

Backup and Restore site-ului în SharePoint 2003

Spate & Restore for SharePoint 2003 / Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 can be done using the following two tools.

stsadm.exe smigrate.exe

I have posted in my sharepoint blog with synatx & example.

Check Out:

Backup and Restore site-ului în SharePoint 2003