Kako Deploy SiteTemplate(.STP) datoteke v SharePoint Farm

Predlog mest se lahko neposredno naložili v “Site Template Gallery” root v zbirki mest. Če želite, da se uporabi strani Template na SharePoint Farm Level. Uporabite stsadm-addtemplate za nalaganje datotek stp.


Stsadm -o Addtemplate -filename <Ime datoteke> -Naslov <Naslov predloge> -opis <opis predloge>


Kako razporediti Solution paket v MOSS 2007

To deploy the solution package like *.wsp or *.cab in SharePoint FARM. first we need to add the solution package file to the solution store, then it can be deployed at web application level or in FARM level(Global Deployment). Use the following stsadm command to add the solution to the deployment store. stsadm -0 addsolution […]