Configuring SQL Reporting Services 2005 with Windows SharePoint Services 2003

I wrote the article for Configuring SQL Reporting Services 2005 with Windows SharePoint Services 2003.

This article explains how to integrate SQL Reporting Services with Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. The PreBuild Microsoft’s Reporting Services WebPart is used to be configured to display SQL Reports which is to be fetch data from SQL Reporting […]

Бацкуп и Ресторе сајта у СхареПоинт 2003

Бацкуп & Ресторе за СхареПоинт 2003 / Систем Виндовс СхареПоинт Сервицес 2.0 се може урадити помоћу следеће две алатке.

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Бацкуп и Ресторе сајта у СхареПоинт 2003