Monthly Archives: Abenduaren 2007

My Son Hacked Gamespot

Beraz,, goizean, nire semea zehaztuko da adin-hamahiru mugatuan Halo ikusteko 3 bideoa Gamespot. I’m outside shoveling snow, so I’m not there to help or hinder. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that … he has a eureka! moment. He realizes that even though Gamespot wants him to enter his real jaiotze-data, benetan sartu ahal izan edozein birth date he wants. Once he realized that, nahikoa zaharrak berak bideoa ikusteko egin zuen.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about this 🙂

Igandea Funny: “Garbage da inprimatzea”

Nire unibertsitateko out lehenengo lana at 1991, Zortea behar fabrikazio-enpresa batean lan egin izan dut 13 kokapenak, not including its corporate HQ in New Jersey. I joined just when the company was rolling out a new ERP system. We were a small IT department of about ten people altogether, two of whom Did Not Travel. Part of the project involved replacing IBM System 36 boxes with HP hardware and HPUX. Everyone used green tubes to access the system.

Proiektuan zehar pasatzean, eta nago bidalitako behera Baltimore berri bat co-langilea batera, Jeff. Our job was to power up the Unix box, ziurtatu O / S exekutatzen, instalatu ERP sistema, konfiguratzeko ERP du, train people on the ERP and do custom work for folks on the spot. (Hau ametsetako lana izan zen, batez ere, zuzen izarrekin unibertsitateko datozen). Before we could really get off the ground, berde hodi guztiak despaketatzeko behar dugu, put them on desks and wire them. And the best part was that we had to put the RJ11 connectors on ourselves.

Arrazoi inoiz ez dut ulertzen, eta inoiz pentsatu buruz galdetu momentuan egiteko, izan genuen kontratazio enpresa batzuk ere etortzen dira eta kable exekutatu landare osoan zehar, but we didn’t have them put on the connectors. Beraz,, there was a "patch box" with dozens of of unlabeled cables in the "computer room" eta horiek eraikinaren inguruan snaked eraikinaren hainbat tokitan.

Gure bidea egin dugu, horren bidez, asteburuan zehar, alanbre bakoitzean probatzen, Konektore bat jarri (Ziurtatu zuzen vs egiten zen. zeharkatu), hodi berdea eta inprimagailuak ezarpen bit ziren egokiak bermatuz, labeling wires, making sure that "getty" was running correctly for each port and probably a thousand other things that I’ve suppressed since then. It all came together quite nicely.

Baina, there was one important cable that we couldn’t figure out. The plant in Baltimore had a relationship with a warehousing location in New Jersey. Some orders placed in Baltimore shipped out of that location. There were two wires that we had to connect to the HPUX box: a green tube and a printer. The green tube was easy, baina inprimagailua hiru aste amesgaizto bihurtu.

Ez baduzu ezagutzen, edo kendu da, hodi berdea eta inprimagailu era honetan aurre, there are various options that you deal with by setting various pins. 8-bit, 7-bit, parekotasuna (are / bakoitiak / bat ere ez), probably others. If you get one of those settings wrong, hodi edo inprimagailu oraindik ere erakusten du gauzak, Guztira, baina huskeriak izango da, or it will be gibberish with a lot of recognizable stuff in between. Jakina, these pins are hard to see and have to be set by using a small flat-edge screw driver. And they are never standard.

Sortu dugu azkar asko deien lehen NJ zentzuduna batera (grizzled ordenagailu bat hater duten ziurrenik Curses digu egun honetan). We got the green tube working pretty quickly, but we couldn’t get the printer to work. It kept "printing garbage". We would create a new RJ11 connector, switching between crossed and straight. We would delete the port and re-created in Unix. We went through the arduous task of having him explain to us the pin configuration on the printer, inoiz benetan ziur zen bada behar bezala egiten.

Ordua da zuzeneko joan, Baltimoreko dena Humming, baina ezin dugu madarikatua inprimagailua NJ lan! We’ve exhausted all possibilities except for driving back up to NJ to work on the printer in person. To avoid all that driving, we finally ask him to fax us what he’s getting when it’s "garbage", agian, ez batzuek zabor horretan ideiarik gaituen esango zer gaizki ari gara izango zelairatuko.

Noiz fax lortu dugu, we immediately knew what was wrong. Ikusi, our method of testing whether we had configured a printer correctly was to issue an "lp" honelako komandoa:

lp / etc / passwd

Funtsean,, we printed out the unix password file. It’s always present and out of the box, always just one page. You standard Unix password file looks something like this:

Smith:*:100:100:8A-74(bulego):/home / Smith:/usr / bin / sh
:*:200:0::/home / gonbidatu:/usr/bin/sh  

We had been printing out the password file over and over again for several weeks and it was printing correctly. Hala eta guztiz ere, azken bezeroari, it was "printing garbage".


Yet Another Network egiaztagiriak anitzeko Challenge Número eta irtenbidea

Nire bezero gutxi magiko bat telefonotik Juniper itxuraz beren zaharrak ordezkatu Cisco sarea karga balancer (NLB). At about the same time, bat instalatuko dugu Hotfix zuzenketa workflow arazo bati aurre egiteko.

Egun bat edo bi geroago, Arazo bat nabaritu dugu partekatutako zerbitzu-hornitzaileak sar dugu (SSP). We could get to it, but we would be challenged for a user ID and password many times on each page. This didn’t happen with the main portal app, nor central administration. Naturally, ez genekien bi zein (Juniper edo Hotfix zuzenketa) alea izango litzateke, Biziki susmatzen nuen arren Hotfix zuzenketa, ez genuen instalatu nahiko eskubidea kalkulatzen.

It turned out that Juniper had some kind of compression setting. Bat robed zifrak over in the network group turned that setting off. That solved our problem.

This is not the first time that compression has been the root cause of a SharePoint problem for me. IIS compression adversely affected a 3rd party tool from the good people at The Dot Net Factory for IE 6 Nabigatzaile (IE 7 Nabigatzaile arazorik gabe lan egin).

Beraz,, add "compression" arriskuen zerrenda.



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Plataforma blogak aldatzea pentsatzen

I started off my "blogging career" using Microsoft’s platform and it’s been good to me. It’s easy to post, there are good options and widgets for managing your "space", duin web biltegiratze eta abarren.

Hala eta guztiz ere, I really just fell into the MS solution with almost no planning. That alone calls for me to evaluate where I am and where I’m going, in terms of a blogging platform. There are also two important limitations that bother me right now vis-à-vis Windows Live Spaces.

Lehen, I can’t get very good statistics. There are stats but the detail is often truncated and not presented in a way that allows for any kind of analysis. There no sorting or export capability. I get many blog ideas based on the kind of information people find (edo, batez ere, huts aurkitu) when they search my blog. It’s very hard to use lives spaces for that.

Bigarren, there does not seem to be any mechanism to "monetize" a windows live space blog. Izan ere,, ordena MS iragarkiak kentzeko (bertatik eratorritako prestazio ez dut), I need to actually pay Microsoft. (Gutxienez, horrela ulertzen dut; Izan dut ezin da behin betiko erantzunak lortzeko, eta galdera hau gustatzen).

Orain dela dut ezarritako eredua eta jaurtiketa iezaiozu ohitura, I want to evaluate other options. I’ve done some research and there are a lot of choices, baina bitxia naiz, zer beste pertsona gisa, bereziki in SharePoint komunitateko beste batzuk (blogari edo irakurle gisa), like to use.

Honen gaia interesatzen duzu eta ez duzu iritzi bat izanez gero edo prest daude zure esperientzia partekatzeko, Mesedez, utzi iruzkin bat edo posta elektroniko zuzenean.

Eskerrik asko!

<amaieran />

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SharePoint Designer-posta bidaltzen ???? E-mail bat

Foroa erabiltzaile noizean behin eskatu: Zergatik ez SharePoint Designer jarri ???? nire ordez eremuan balio bat email sartu?

Arrazoi bat gertatzen da, aldagai duzun erreferentzia da nulua delako.

This can happen because you are trying to reference a field from the "current item" baina erabiltzaileak inoiz sartu balio bat inprimaki Eremu horretan.

<amaieran />

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Konparatu / Datak Blank proba SharePoint Designer eu

Eszenatoki: Bat SharePoint Designer eu, you need to determine if a date field is blank.

Arazoa: SPD does not provide a direct method for comparing dates to anything other than a date. You cannot create a condition like this: "If [Data Eremua] equals blank".

Irtenbidea: Convert the date to a string. Use string comparison to determine if the date is blank.

Screen Shots:

The following screen shots show how to do this. Egoera honetan, Elementu batean eremu bat, "Environmental Permits:First Permit Reminder Date", aurkeztu da, eta erantzuna suteak eu.




Hori saiatu naiz, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it works. I was worried that SharePoint Designer might disallow the string assignment (Aldakorra:StringReminderDateDate) baina baimendu egin du.

Ere izan nintzen kezkatzen duten aukera ematen du, balioa nulua izan daiteke eta bai putz sortu exekuzio at WF edo agian tenperatura globala igo 1/2 maila bat, baina kezka horiek unfounded.


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Bar da oraindik Pretty High MOSS zabaltzeko

Gaur egun, I was working with a client and describing how to modify the content query web part and display additional bits of information from a content type.

"First, CQWP du bere datu-iturri konektatu konfiguratu, ondoren, esportatu zure lanpostua, aldatu <CommonViewFields>, igo, remove the original and now it’s ‘primed’ to display those other columns. Hurrengoa, ireki SharePoint diseinatzailearen, navigate to the site collection root and locate ItemStyle.xsl. Copy one of the templates as a useful starting point. Go back and modify the CQWP to make use of this new template. Azkenik, aldatzeko plantilla zure eremu berriak eskaintzea! (Ez ahaztu egiaztatu berriro, beraz, beste erabiltzaileek emaitzak ikusi ahal)."

Dena nahiko argi me (eta gurekin gehienak SharePoint sustatzailearen motak) zer gertatzen den eta nola nahiko polita da, benetan, that the data retrieval aspects of the CQWP are so well-separate from the data presentation aspects. Baina, ez da hain erraza, azaldu, da?

<amaieran />

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Erakutsi Edukia Query Web Part Emaitzak Grid bat / Taula

Orokorra eta Helburua

Kutxa Out, Moss’ Edukia Query Web zatia (CQWP) erakusten du bere emaitzen zerrenda formatu batean, similar to search results. It is also possible to display the results in a grid format (I.E. HTML taula formatuan). Grid formats are better in some circumstances. I describe how to achieve that effect in this article.

Mailako eszenatokia

I have worked with a client on an enterprise-wide MOSS rollout. We have designed their taxonomy such that projects are first class citizens in the hierarchy and have their own top level site. Project managers maintain a singleton list of project summary information, hala nola, titulua, aurrekontua, espero data, remaining budget and other summary type fields. By "singleton" I mean a custom SharePoint list guaranteed to contain only one item. Simplistically, itxura hau atsegin du:


Teknikoarekin askoz berean azaldutako hemen (!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!447.entry). The CQWP uses an XSL transform to emit HTML for the browser to render.

I always envision the result before diving into the XSL because XSL is a nightmare. Here’s my desired result:


Hau bezalako HTML ondorioz sortzen:

 <taula mugan= 1>

<!-- Labels ->
 <tr bgcolor= Urdina>
 <td><letra- kolorea= Zuri><b>Proiektuaren izena</b></letra-></td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera><letra- kolorea= Zuri><b>Osatzeko data</b></letra-></td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera><letra- kolorea= Zuri><b>Aurrekontua</b></letra-></td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera><letra- kolorea= Zuri><b>Benetako Gastuak</b></letra-></td>
 <td><letra- kolorea= Zuri><b>Egoera orokorra</b></letra-></td>

 <td>Re-alanbre ordenagailu gela.</td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera>02/01/08</td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera>22,500.00</td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera>19,000.00</td>

 <td>Emateko SQL Alza zerbitzariak</td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera>04/01/08</td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera>7,500.00</td>
 <td lerrokatu= Eskuinera>0.00</td>



Jarraitu urrats hauek sarera sortzeko:

  1. Identifikatu sarera osagaiak (errenkadak / zutabeak).
  2. Define sortu eta beharrezko gune zutabeak.
  3. Sortu proiektu eta bakarrak zerrendak guneak sailkatuta.
  4. Gehitu CQWP du web orri bat eta konfigura ezazu zure zerrendak bilatzeko.
  5. Aldatzeko CQWP en XML gora bildu osagarriak zutabeak.
  6. XSL aldatzeko mahai bat sortzeko.

I’m going to concentrate on number six. Numbers one through four are straight-forward and something that any CQWP user has already done. Number five has been well-documented by others including this exhaustive screen-shot laden article from MSDN hemen ( eta Heather Solomon bloga hemen (

Intxaurrak eta morroilo

Hasiko da eta ezartzeko urrats bidez bost bat MSDN dokumentazioa eta Heather Solomon en artikuluaren arabera.

Puntu honetan, gehitu dituzun zure CQWP orrian eta ez duzu zure <CommonViewFields> beharrezko gisa konfiguratuta.

Ohiko urratsak jarraituz, Tarteko emaitza hauek lortu dut:

1. Sortu eduki mota bat, a templatized custom list for that content type and two sites. Here is the content type:


Hemen gune egitura da:


2. Gehitu CQWP ondoren sortzen nire proiektua subsites bakarrak eta proiektuaren laburpen zerrendak:


3. Gehitu informazio gehigarri nahi dut bidez guztiak <CommonViewFields>:

        <jabetza izena="CommonViewFields" mota="katea">Project_x0020_Name;Project_x0020_Expenses;Project_x0020_Status;Project_x0020_Start_x0020_Date;Project_x0020_End_x0020_Date;Project_x0020_Budget</jabetza>

Kontuan izan nuen jabetza eremu guztiak mantentzeko lerro bat edo ez litzateke lan (CQWP esango luke kontsulta hori ez da elementurik itzuli).

4. Puntu honetan, we’re ready to move beyond the MSDN article and flip on over to Heather Solomon’s article. Follow her steps starting near step #5 pertsonalizatu bat sortzeko / unghosted version of ItemStyle.xsl. I follow Heather’s advice, urratsa bidez sortu 11 eta tarteko emaitza horiek:

4.1: Izendatzeko nire XSL txantiloia honela:

<xsl:template name="Grid" match="Row[@Style=’Grid’]" mode="itemstyle">

Zertxobait aldatu dut bere iradoki <xsl:-bakoitzak …> gehituz <br /> etiketatu garbiagoa zerrenda eskaintzeko:

    <xsl:-bakoitzak hautatu="@ *">
      P:<xsl:balio du hautatu="izena()" /><br/>

4.2: Web zati aldatu dut, go to appearance and select my "Grid" estilo:


Aplikatu aldaketa eta hemen emaitza da:


Batez ere, bertatik ikus dezakegu eremu dugula nahi (Proiektuaren izena, gastu, egoera, etc) are available for us to use when we emit the HTML. Not only that, but we see the names by which we must reference those columns in the XSL. Adibidez, we reference Project Status as "Project_x005F_x0020_Name".

Puntu honetan, irteten Heather bloga eta erraldoi hauen sorbaldak dugu, Nire pixka gehitu.


OHARRA: Noiz aldaketa egin ContentQueryMain.xsl bai ItemStyle.xsl, fitxategi horiek egiaztatzeko itzuli behar duzu, ikusiko duzu zure aldaketak eragina aurretik.

Sareta hartzeko helburuetarako, MOSS uses two different XSL files to produce the results we see from a CQWP. To generate the previous bit of output, we modified ItemStyle.xsl. MOSS actually uses another XSL file, ContentQueryMain.xsl to in conjunction with ItemStyle.xsl to generate its HTML. As its name implies, ContentQueryMain.xsl is the "main" XSL that controls the overall flow of translation. It iterates through all the found items and passes them one by one to templates in ItemStyle.xsl. We’ll modify ItemStyle.xsl to generate the open <taula> datuak lerro lehen igortzen aurretik Etiketa eta itxiera <taula> tag after emitting the last row. To accomplish this, ContentQueryMain.xsl is modified to pass two parameters to our "grid" ItemStyle.xsl en txantiloia, "last row" and "current row". ItemStyle.xsl uses these to conditionally emit the necessary tags.

Heather Solomon bere teknika erabiliz, we locate ContentQueryMain.xsl. It is located in the same place as ItemStyle.xsl. This screen shot should help:


Aldaketa hauek egin behar dugu:

  • Aldatzeko xsl txantiloi bat, "CallItemTemplate" that actually invokes our Grid template in ItemStyle.xsl. We will pass two parameters to the Grid template so that it will have the data it needs to conditionally generate opening and closing <taula> Euskal Herria.
  • Modify another bit of ContentQueryMain.xsl that calls the "CallItemTemplate" to pass it a "LastRow" parametroa da, beraz, gure LastRow Grid txantiloi daiteke gainditu.

Locate the template named "OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate" katea identifikatu:

  <xsl:txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate">

Honela ordezkatu txantiloi osoan:

  <xsl:txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate">
    <xsl:param izena="CurPosition" />

      Add the "LastRow" parametroa.
      We only use it when the item style pass in is "Grid".
    <xsl:param izena="LastRow" />

      <xsl:denean test="@ Style = 'NewsRollUpItem'">
        <xsl:aplikatzen-txantiloiak hautatu="." modua="itemstyle">
          <xsl:-rekin param izena="EditMode" hautatu="$cbq_iseditmode" />
      <xsl:denean test="@ Style = 'NewsBigItem'">
        <xsl:aplikatzen-txantiloiak hautatu="." modua="itemstyle">
          <xsl:-rekin param izena="CurPos" hautatu="$CurPosition" />
      <xsl:denean test="@ Style = 'NewsCategoryItem'">
        <xsl:aplikatzen-txantiloiak hautatu="." modua="itemstyle">
          <xsl:-rekin param izena="CurPos" hautatu="$CurPosition" />

              Pasatu uneko posizioa eta lastrow to Grid itemstyle.xsl txantiloia.
              ItemStyle.xsl irekia da, eta amaiera hori igortzen erabiliko du <taula> Euskal Herria.
      <xsl:denean test="@ Style = 'Sareta'">
        <xsl:aplikatzen-txantiloiak hautatu="." modua="itemstyle">
          <xsl:-rekin param izena="CurPos" hautatu="$CurPosition" />
          <xsl:-rekin param izena="Azken" hautatu="$LastRow" />

        <xsl:aplikatzen-txantiloiak hautatu="." modua="itemstyle">

Iruzkinak deskribatzeko aldaketak helburua.

Jakina, the "OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate" is itself called from another template. Locate that template by searching for this text string:

<xsl:txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.Body">

OuterTemplate.Body argibideak zehar joan eta txertatu LastRow parametroa honela (etzana iruzkina gisa agertzen):

<xsl:dei-txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.CallItemTemplate">
  <xsl:-rekin param izena="CurPosition" hautatu="$CurPosition" />
  <!-- Txertatu LastRow parametro. -->
  <xsl:-rekin param izena="LastRow" hautatu="$LastRow"/>

Hori guztia egin ondoren, azkenik dugu gauza martxan dagoela, beraz, gure ItemStyle.xsl dezakeen igortzen <taula> at leku egokian tags.


OHARRA: Berriz, ItemStyle.xsl egiaztatu edozein aldaketak egin ondoren, beraz, aldaketa horiek eragina ikusten duzu.

Bi eginkizun daukagu ​​hemen:

  • Replace the entire Grid template. You can copy/paste from below.
  • Add some mumbo jumbo outside the template definition that enables "formatcurrency" template to work. (Esan izan dut fina da, helduleku bat XSL dezakezu).

Lehen, ItemStyle.xsl goiko gertu, gehitu lerro hau:

  <!-- Zenbait mumbo Jumbo aukera ematen U.S erakutsi digu. moneta. -->
  <xsl:hamartar-formatua izena="langileak" digitu="D" />

  <xsl:txantiloia izena="Lehenetsi" dator="*" modua="itemstyle">

Kontuan gehitu dut zuzenean aurretik <xsl:template name="Default" …> definizioa.

Hurrengoa, go back to our Grid template. Replace the entire Grid template with the code below. It is thoroughly commented, baina ez izan zalantzarik eta me elektronikoetan edo nire blogean iruzkinak uzteko Zalantzarik baduzu.

  <xsl:txantiloia izena="Grid" dator="Errenkadan[@ Style = 'Sareta']" modua="itemstyle">

      ContentMain.xsl igarotzen CurPos eta Azken.
      Horiek erabili dugu conditionally igortzen irekia da, eta amaiera <taula> Euskal Herria.
    <xsl:param izena="CurPos" />
    <xsl:param izena="Azken" />

    <!-- Aldagai hauek estandarra ItemStyle.xsl tik aldatu gabe -->
    <xsl:aldagai izena="SafeImageUrl">
      <xsl:dei-txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.GetSafeStaticUrl">
        <xsl:-rekin param izena="UrlColumnName" hautatu="'ImageUrl'"/>
    <xsl:aldagai izena="SafeLinkUrl">
      <xsl:dei-txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.GetSafeLink">
        <xsl:-rekin param izena="UrlColumnName" hautatu="'LinkUrl'"/>
    <xsl:aldagai izena="DisplayTitle">
      <xsl:dei-txantiloia izena="OuterTemplate.GetTitle">
        <xsl:-rekin param izena="Izenburua" hautatu="@ Izenburua"/>
        <xsl:-rekin param izena="UrlColumnName" hautatu="'LinkUrl'"/>
    <xsl:aldagai izena="LinkTarget">
      <xsl:bada test="@ OpenInNewWindow = 'True'" >_blank</xsl:bada>

      Hemen aldagai bat definitu dugu, "tableStart".  Honek HTML
      .  Kontuan bada CurPos = 1, CDATA etiketa batean HTML ditu.
      Besterik, hutsik egon beharko da.

      TableStart balioa emited denbora ItemStyle behin deritzo bidez
    <xsl:aldagai izena="tableStart">
      <xsl:bada test="$CurPos = 1">
        <taula border = 1>
          <tr bgcolor="blue">
            <td><font color="white"><b>Proiektuaren izena</b></letra-></td>
            <td align="right"><font color="white"><b>Osatzeko data</b></letra-></td>
            <td align="right"><font color="white"><b>Aurrekontua</b></letra-></td>
            <td align="right"><font color="white"><b>Benetako Gastuak</b></letra-></td>
            <td><font color="white"><b>Egoera orokorra</b></letra-></td>

      Beste aldagai bat, tableEnd, besterik gabe, amaiera-taula Etiketa definitzen.

      TableStart gisa,, da beti emited.  Horregatik, bere balioa
    <xsl:aldagai izena="tableEnd">
      <xsl:bada test="$CurPos = Azken">
        <![CDATA[ </taula> ]]>

      Beti igortzen tableStart edukia.  Horrela ez bada, lehen
      , gero, bere balioa ezagutzen dugu

      Desgaitu irteerako ihes tableStart denean, ez da hutsik egon delako, it
      .  Bada
      , it will generate
      stuff like "&lt;taula&gt;" instead of "<taula>".
    <xsl:balio du hautatu="$tableStart" disable-irteera-ihes="bai"/>

        <xsl:balio du hautatu="@ Project_x005F_x0020_Name"/>

      <td lerrokatu="eskubidea">
        <xsl:balio du hautatu="@ Project_x005F_x0020_End_x005F_x0020_Date"/>

      <td lerrokatu="eskubidea">
        <xsl:dei-txantiloia izena="formatcurrency">
          <xsl:-rekin param izena="balioa" 
hautatu="@ Project_x005F_x0020_Budget"></xsl:-rekin param> </xsl:dei-txantiloia> </td> <td lerrokatu="eskubidea"> <xsl:dei-txantiloia izena="formatcurrency"> <xsl:-rekin param izena="balioa" hautatu="@ Project_x005F_x0020_Expenses">
</xsl:-rekin param> </xsl:dei-txantiloia> </td> <td> <xsl:balio du hautatu="@ Project_x005F_x0020_Status"/> </td> <!-- Honako hau guztia komentatu gauzak argitzeko. Hala eta guztiz ere, ekarri du atzera, eta bete bihurtu <td> bere ikusteko         . --> <!-- <div id="linkitem" class="item"> <xsl:if test="string-length($SafeImageUrl) != 0"> <div class="image-area-left"> <a href="{$SafeLinkUrl}" target="{$LinkTarget}"> <img class="image-fixed-width" src="{$SafeImageUrl}"
alt="{@ ImageUrlAltText}"/> </bat> </div> </xsl:bada> <div class="link-item"> <xsl:dei-txantiloia
name="OuterTemplate.CallPresenceStatusIconTemplate"/> <a href="{$SafeLinkUrl}"
target="{$LinkTarget}" title="{@ LinkToolTip}"> <xsl:value-of select="$DisplayTitle"/> </bat> <div class="description"> <xsl:value-of select="@Description" /> </div> </div> </div>
--> </tr> <!-- Igortzen itxiera etiketa taula. Gara ez bada, azken errenkadan, Hutsik egongo da. --> <xsl:balio du hautatu="$tableEnd" disable-irteera-ihes="bai"/> </xsl:txantiloia> <xsl:txantiloia izena="formatcurrency"> <xsl:param izena="balioa" hautatu="0" /> <xsl:balio du hautatu='formatu-kopurua($balioa, "$DDD,DDD,DDD.DD", "staff")' /> </xsl:txantiloia>

Standard WSS / MOSS Datuak sartzeko Irudiak onartzen ez Kaskadako Drop-gorabeherak (edo beste komunikazio-barruko-tik)

UPDATE (04/2008): Handi hau blog sarrera ona javascript ikuspegia erakusten du arazo honen:

EGUNERATZEA II: (04/2008): Blog sarrera honen itxura eta baita zin:

Hainbat aldiz aste bat, egunero ez bada, forum users describe a requirement that would normally be met via cascading drop-downs. Adibidez, Bi goitibeherako kontrolak daukat:

  • U.S zerrenda. estatu
  • U.S zerrenda. cities.

As responsible UI providers, we want it to operate like this:

  • Paul selects a U.S. state from the drop-down.
  • This causes the cities drop-down to filter only those cities that belong to the selected state.
  • Paul selects a city from this filtered list.

There is no out-of-the-box support for this feature. Izan ere,, there is no OOB support for any kind of direct intra-form communication. This includes programmatically hiding/enabling/disabling fields in response to field changes elsewhere on the form.

The real objective of this article to to describe possible solutions and these are the options as I know them:

  1. Develop a custom column type. As a custom-column-developer, you have full control over the "world" of that custom column. You can implement a cascading drop-down that way.
  2. Consider using workflow. In some cases, you want to automatically assign a value to field based on another field’s value. Kasu honetan, you would normally try to use a calculated column, but some times, it just won’t get the job done. SharePoint Designer workflow is a relatively administer-friendly alternative to dropping down into code and visual studio. If you go this route, be aware of the issue addressed by Artikulu honetan (!CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!405.entry).
  3. Event handlers: Like workflow, this is an after-the-fact solution. Your event handler is a .NET assembly (C #, VB.NET) to which SharePoint passes control. The object you develop has access to the data of the list (and the whole object model) and can do any needed calculation.
  4. Use SharePoint Designer to create custom entry forms. I don’t have direct experience with this approach, but I hear they are doing good things with NewForm.aspx these days 🙂
  5. Roll your own ASP.NET data entry function (as a stand-alone web page or as a web part) and use that instead.

If anyone knows other and/or better options, please post a comment and I’ll update the body of this post.

<amaieran />

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Yes/No (laukia) Kontsulta Edukia Web Taldea iragazketa

To filter for a query for the Yes/No check box entitled "PG Milestone", konfiguratzeko hau atsegin CQWP:


Beraz, begi-bistakoa-behin-you-jakin-baina hard-to-find-bat-erantzun-galdera beste bat da: Nola Bai / eduki kontsulta web parte-laukia erabiliz No iragazi.

Lehen bilaketa-emaitza I find using the search term "filter yes/no content query web part" laua da gaizki atera, beraz, hau jarri nuen han ikusi eta okerrak emaitza ordeztu bada dezakezu bilaketa tipikoa emaitzak pentsatu nuen.

Nahiko erraza da: True values = "1" and false values do not equal "1" (nahiko retro, benetan).

Goiko adibidean, I created site column of type "Yes/No (kontrol-laukia)" named "PG Milestone". I added it to a doc library, Igotako gutxi dokumentu bat, ezarri pare bat balio du, eta probatu.

<amaieran />