Cartlanna Catagóire: SharePoint

Forbróirí: Conas is féidir liom Foghlaim SharePoint?

Suas chun dáta: 04/25/08: An raibh ag teacht suas ar roinnt blog post agus fuair nasc chuig airteagal seo: I make note of it because in addition to asking, "how do I learn sharepoint?", some people ask "why should I learn sharepoint?". That article partly answers the later.

I cúpla mí anuas, dosaen nó níos mó folks ó ar fud an phláinéid a bheith ríomhphost a sheoladh chuig dom agus ag iarraidh ar an cheist ghinearálta, "How do I learn SharePoint?"

Tá mé éigean údarásach, ach tá mé go raibh roinnt rath (agus ag iarraidh a fháil níos fearr an t-am) so I thought I’d document my personal road map. Others may find it valuable.

Roimh dhéanfaidh mé go, Ba mhaith liom ach a thabhairt faoi deara go bhfuil sé soiléir dom, bunaithe ar na ríomhphoist pearsanta agus an líon níos mó de MSDN / Poist den chineál céanna hOllscoile SharePoint, that there is huge developer interest in getting up to speed with WSS/MOSS. I wonder what it’s going to be like a year from now … níos éasca a fháil tallann SharePoint maith? The same? Are folks committing themselves to the platform at a rate sufficient to keep up with demand for good resources? How could you even figure something like that out short of a WAG?

Roadmap Pól

I was full time employed by the good folk at Conchango while I followed this road map. This means that from a learning perspective, I was actively engaged in projects as I followed the steps I outline below.

Roinnt Téarmaí Bunúsach

I gcás daoine ag dul isteach an saol seo, tá dhá phríomh acrainmneacha:

  • SSU: Seirbhísí Windows SharePoint
  • CAONAIGH: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

WSS is "free" sa mhéid is go bhfuil sé cuachta le fuinneoga freastalaí 2003 (nó is féidir ar a laghad, a íoslódáil ó MS). I put quotes around free because you need a box, a O bailí / S ceadúnas agus is dócha SQL (though there’s a "free" cineál de SQL chomh maith).

MOSS is built on top of WSS and extends it. There is no MOSS without WSS. MOSS is not free.

B'fhéidir nach lá amháin, ach go luath tar éis tá tú bhí roinnt cur amach bunúsach leis an ardán, it’s important to learn the differences. Mar shampla, cuid gréasáin cumhachtach, an Ábhar Iarratas Gréasáin Cuid, is a MOSS feature and not available WSS. People often make the incorrect assumption that CQWP is available in WSS and then end up scrambling for a stop-gap measure when they realize their error.

Buail an Leabhair

I started working with WSS/MOSS on about 01/02/2007. I had a little prior experience with SPS 2003 but very little. To get myself started, Cheannaigh mé an dhá leabhar atá liostaithe anseo (!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!203/).

I started with the big blue administration book. Naturally, it covers administration. Ag an am céanna, Soláthraíonn sé suirbhé ar gach gnéithe CAONAIGH (agus gnéithe SFP, chomh maith le).

Maidir liom féin, nach bhfuil sé chomh tábhachtach a mheabhrú go léir na sonraí éagsúla (go dtí go tá sé in am a fháil deimhnithe) but it’s good to know the boundaries. (A leanúint liom an cur chuige céanna i 1 lámhachóirí duine a imirt mé ar an Xbox nó PC — I enter a room and tend to make a counter-clockwise loop until I get back where I started. I just feel better knowing the shape of the box I’m in.)

Tar éis a léamh an leabhar gorm mór, I would read the entire Inside WSS book. It dives deeply into issues that developers care most about.

Cruthaigh Timpeallacht Fhíorúil

D'fhonn a dhéanamh ar aon fhorbairt nó a úsáid i gceart ar an gcomhshaol, is gá duit a blown fuinneoga córas oibriúcháin iomlán freastalaí le SharePoint Dearthóir, Visual Studio 2005 (2008 Oibríonn, ach tá roinnt uirlisí úsáideacha fós le haistriú mar an scríbhinn airteagal seo), InfoPath 2007 and some other stuff. There are many good blog entries describing this process. I’d have a look at these two:

Ina theannta sin, Andrew Connell roinnte a chuid taithí le VMWare anseo:

Use your favorite search engine to see what other people do. It’s a useful learning exercise in and of itself.

Spend a few minutes angrily denouncing the fact that you need a server environment on which to do development. Ach … don’t bother blogging about it or posting it to MSDN forums. It’s already been done 🙂. Ina áit sin, embrace it and move on. You’ll be better off for it.

Faigh Deimhnithe

Creidim go bhfuil an SharePoint MS cosán deimhniúcháin, atá comhdhéanta ceithre scrúduithe, is exhaustive. I suggest that you follow their online preparation guide and do your best to understand each of the areas of the test.

nach suggest that you take the exam just to pass it. Mé nach suggest that you use one of the "brain dump" style 3rd party "tools" for passing MS tests. If you can take the test, pas é bunaithe ar mheascán de do chuid staidéir dírithe féin agus taithí phraiticiúil ar, go mbainfidh tú a bheith ina forbróir láidre agus iarrthóir poist ar sé.

There are four tests in two "tracks":



I recommend that developers study for all of these exams. You’ll be strong for them, cé go Is dócha mé má ndearna tú na scrúduithe admin, Ba mhaith leat a fháil trí.

Fuair ​​mé an leagan STP a bheith i bhfad níos dúshlánaí ná na leaganacha MOSS comhfhreagrach, much to my surprise. I was in a class recently and several others made the same point.

Cé go raibh mé ag déanamh staidéir ar an 70-542 scrúdú (Forbairt CAONAIGH) I tracked my study resources. These may be helpful to you as well:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!192.entry

Breiseán Yourself Isteach an Chomhphobail

Is é an pobal bríomhar SharePoint, láidir agus fás níos mó an t-am.

Ba mhaith leat chun breathnú ar an méid seo a leanas a thosú:

  • Blaganna
  • Fóraim
  • CodePlex
  • Twitter


Más rud é nach dtuigeann tú RSS, stop everything and learn it. It will take 10 nóiméad a fhoghlaim, b'fhéidir eile 10 nóiméad a aimsiú bunaithe ar an ngréasán léitheoir RSS (Is maith liom léitheoir google ar, / léitheoir).

Start by adding this blog to your RSS reader 🙂

Ar Aghaidh, cuir to your reader. They aggregate many blogs into a single feed.

Le himeacht ama, you’ll find blogs that are not aggregated that way. Just add them individually.

I subscribe to a few dozen blogs which I’ve accumulate over the last year. Más mian leat, Is féidir liom a onnmhairiú mo liosta agus r-phost.

Faoi dheireadh, you may want to start your own blog. I personally think that a series of blog entries describing a "newbie’s" Bheadh ​​an dul chun cinn foghlama SSU / CAONAIGH bheith ina sraith spéisiúil. Is mian liom a bhí déanta agam go féin.


Mé páirt ghníomhach i dhá ghrúpa fóram: MSDN agus Ollscoil SharePoint.

Forums are excellent places to learn. People ask questions ranging from the very simple ("How do I create a site column") chuig an panicked ("My server is down!") chun ceisteanna dearaidh níos hipitéiseach.

Nuair a fhaigheann tú blas ar an timpeallacht, venture out and start replying. Short of directly interacting with a customer, níos fearr ná rud ar bith le haghaidh an lámha ar an taithí.


Téigh go dtí

Seiceáil sé amach agus cuardach a dhéanamh ar thionscadail SharePoint.

Liostáil leis an achoimre laethúil beatha CodePlex i do léitheoir beatha.

Aon tionscadal nua SharePoint chur le do léitheoir beatha.

Faoi dheireadh, tar éis ag léamh na fóraim agus atá os comhair síos do SSU / CAONAIGH deamhain féin, a mheas do thionscadal CodePlex féin a chur le chéile.


Mar a scríobh mé an iontráil seo blog, a lán de na SharePoint tíre a bheith tosaithe ag baint úsáide as Twitter.

It’s hard to characterize Twitter. You’ll just have to check it out yourself.


That wraps up my roadmap and makes me current. I just started using Twitter two weeks ago.

WSS/MOSS is a very cool platform and the community is growing all the time. Use community resources to improve your skills and enjoy the journey!


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati: ,

SharePoint nach soláthraíonn Féilire Roll-ups; Solutions Féideartha

Suas chun dáta: An anonymous person in the comments posts this link:

Fóram úsáideoirí a iarraidh go minic ceist mar seo:

"I would like to have a calendar at the site level that is populated by events from subsite calendars. Ideally, Beidh úsáideoirí in subsites chruthú imeachtaí féilire, and will have the option of marking them as ‘public.’ Events marked as public will dynamically appear in the shared site calendar. Thus the shared site calendar is a roll-up of all public events from all subsite calendars."

An bhfuil SSU 3.0 nó CAONAIGH 2007, it is not possible to directly configure a "roll-up" calendar. Calendars exist on their own, neamhspleách ar aon féilire eile.

Chun a chruthú féilire rolla-suas, leanúint ar cheann de na cosáin:

  1. Use a Content Query Web Part. This is the easiest solution for MOSS users (Ní SSU a chur ar fáil CQWP). CQWP, ar an drochuair, does not provide a calendar view of data out of the box. It does provide enormous rendering flexibility (féach anseo le haghaidh sampla amháin) ach de réir réamhshocraithe, shows its results in simple list format. In many cases, CQWP is dócha go bhfuil rogha maith.
  2. A more programming-oriented solution would be to use event receivers. Implement event receivers on the subsite calendars that keep their public events in sync with the master calendar. As a given subsite calendar is modified, reach out to the master calendar and update it as needed. This option is available in both WSS 3.0 agus CAONAIGH.

There are probably other clever solutions to this problem. If you have one or know of one, fág nóta nó thoil ríomhphost chugam agus beidh mé cothrom le dáta an bpost.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Úsáideoir Deiridh Leid Thapa: Sórtáil Radhairc i Leabharlann Doiciméad, Liosta, etc.

Is féidir linn, Ba chóir agus a bhfuil go leor tuairimí a chruthú i liostaí SharePoint (leabharlanna doiciméad, liostaí saincheaptha, etc). SharePoint always lists available views in alphabetical order. We cannot change this using out of the box functionality. If it can be done via customization (agus níl mé cinnte gur féidir é a), tá sé i bhfad chun theicniúil do do úsáideoir deiridh tipiciúil.

Más mian leat chun rialú a dhéanamh an t-ord a liostaíonn SharePoint tuairimí ar fáil, ach roinnt nó litir réamhcheangal leis an ainm dearcadh, mar atá i:

1 – De réir Cineál Ábhar
2 – Gach Doiciméid
3 – Dáta Dlite


A – De réir Cineál Ábhar
B – Gach Doiciméid
C – Dáta Dlite

I have also created views whose purpose is strictly to feed a KPI. I have been following this naming convention:

Z_KPI_[Cur síos]

That causes my "KPI" tuairimí a bheith i láthair ag bun an liosta.


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Barra Is Fós Pretty Ard leathnú CAONAIGH

Sa lá atá inniu, I was working with a client and describing how to modify the content query web part and display additional bits of information from a content type.

"First, chumrú tú an CQWP chun ceangal a bhfoinsí sonraí, ansin é a onnmhairiú leat chun do stáisiún oibre, mhodhnú <CommonViewFields>, uaslódáil, remove the original and now it’s ‘primed’ to display those other columns. Ar Aghaidh, open up SharePoint designer, navigate to the site collection root and locate ItemStyle.xsl. Copy one of the templates as a useful starting point. Go back and modify the CQWP to make use of this new template. Mar fhocal scoir, modify the template to render your new fields! (Don’t forget to check it back in so that other users can see the results)."

It’s all quite clear to me (and most of us SharePoint developer types) what’s going on and how it’s quite nice, i ndáiríre, that the data retrieval aspects of the CQWP are so well-separate from the data presentation aspects. Ach, it’s not so easy to explain, is it?

<deireadh />

Clibeanna Technorati: ,

Yes/No (sheiceáil sa bhosca) scagadh i Content Iarratas Gréasáin Cuid

To filter for a query for the Yes/No check box entitled "PG Milestone", CQWP mar seo a chumrú:


Tá sé seo ar cheann eile de na soiléir-aon uair amháin-a-fhios-é ach crua-a-aimsiú-freagra--ar cheisteanna: Conas a scagadh ar / Níl ticbhosca Is ea baint úsáide as an t-ábhar mar chuid gréasáin cheist.

An chéad toradh an chuardaigh I find using the search term "filter yes/no content query web part" Tá árasán amach mícheart, mar sin shíl mé gur mhaith liom a chur ar an suas ann agus féach an féidir é a chur in ionad an toradh mícheart i dtorthaí cuardaigh tipiciúil.

Tá sé éasca go leor: True values = "1" and false values do not equal "1" (deas retro, iarbhír).

Sa sampla thuas,, I created site column of type "Yes/No (ticbhosca)" named "PG Milestone". I added it to a doc library, uaslódáil doiciméid cúpla, leagtar ar an luach ar feadh cúpla agus a thástáil a.

<deireadh />

Clibeanna Technorati: , ,

MOSS Insíonn Mise Is é mo Colún Ainm Cosaint I nó Úsáide … Ach Ní Tá sé

Suas chun dáta 12/04/07: Féach Microsoft seo kB ( le haghaidh faisnéise a bhaineann le.

Dáiríre, casadh sé amach go bhfuil sé, ach tricksy MOSS bhí a dhéanamh deacair é a.

My customer does some development work on his MOSS site over the weekend. It’s a bit of a jumble as to what he actually did, ach tá an toradh deiridh seo:

  • He tries to add a site column called "Quantity" agus freagraí CAONAIGH: "The column name that you entered is already in use or reserved. Choose another name."
  • He attempts to add it to another environment and that works. Dá bhrí sin,, "Quantity" ní ainm forchoimeádta.
  • He tries to find an existing site column named "Quantity" in that site collection. He cannot find it.

Rinne mé roinnt taighde, and even some coding, céirithe fealsúnachta agus ar deireadh fuair go raibh colún ainmnithe Cainníocht, i ndáiríre, exist. It was in the "_Hidden" group. Hence, Ní raibh muid ábalta teacht air tríd an comhéadan úsáideora SharePoint.

Conas a fuair sé ann? I do not know, ach tá mé teoiric (nó mar a bheadh ​​mo bhean ghlaoch air, "blah blah blah"). Áit éigin feadh na líne, a teimpléad daichead fabulous was added and probably activated at a site in the site collection. It was then deactivated (nó ar an láithreán bhaint). The site column, áfach,, remained but in the "_Hidden" group. If someone knows better, cuir in iúl dom trí r-phost nó tríd an bpost i na tuairimí.

SharePoint was telling the truth. It’s hardly worth pointing out that that message is not as helpful as it could be. It would be nice to see that message fork into two different messages in the future: 1) Abair go bhfuil an t-ainm colún áirithe nó nach bhfuil sé. 2) Más rud é nach bhfuil sé ar cosnamh, thaispeáint ar an láithreán, nó ar a laghad an ngrúpa, ina bhfuil an t-ainm colún in úsáid cheana féin.


“Ní féidir a fháil ar an scéimre liosta maoin colún ón liosta SharePoint” — Cur síos / obair-arounds

An tseachtain seo, atáirgeadh againn ar deireadh le fadhb a bhí thuairiscítear ag úsáideoir iargúlta: Nuair a rinne sí chun an t-ábhar ar liosta a onnmhairiú go dtí barr feabhais, bheadh ​​rudaí cosúil le tosú ag obair, ach ansin bheadh ​​Excel pop suas earráid: "Cannot get the list schema column property from the SharePoint list". She was running office 2003, windows XP and connecting to MOSS.

Chuardaigh mé an Internets agus chonaic roinnt tuairimíocht ach faic 100% definitive. Hence, an post seo.

An fhadhb: Onnmhairithe d'fhonn barr feabhais a tá a dháta (date = an cineál sonraí a an colún).

Cad a d'oibrigh linn: Convert the date to a "single line of text". Ansin,, é a thiontú ar ais go dtí dáta.

That solved it. It was nice to see that the conversion worked, iarbhír. It was quite nervous that converting things this way would fail, but it did not.

Tá an bug thrown scáth ollmhór thar an gcineál sonraí a dháta sa chliaint aigne, mar sin táimid ag dul a bheith ag lorg amach freagra deifnídeach ó Microsoft agus tá súil againn go mbainfidh mé sa phost agus a nuashonrú anseo sa tréimhse ghearr ama eile lena n-freagra oifigiúil agus eolas hotfix.

Tagairtí Eile:


Liostáil le mo bhlag.

Clibeanna Technorati: ,

Ní féidir leat buille Reach SharePoint ar

Le linn an dá lá seo caite, I have participated in two meetings during which we presented the results of a SharePoint project. The CIO and his team joined the first meeting. That’s standard and not especially notable. The IT department is obviously involved in an enterprise rollout of any technology project. The second meeting expanded to include a V.P. ó mhargaíocht, roinnt stiúrthóirí AD, Loighistic, Déantúsaíocht, Tionscadail Chaipitil, Cáilíocht, Ceannaigh, Forbairt Chorparáideach agus ranna eile (Ní raibh cuid acu páirteach fiú go díreach sa chéim reatha). That’s a mighty wide audience.

I mo shaol roimhe, I primarily worked on ERP and CRM projects. They both have a fairly wide solution domain but not as wide as SharePoint. To be fully realized, SharePoint projects legitimately and necessarily reach into every nook and cranny of an organization. How many other enterprise solutions have that kind of reach? Not many.

SharePoint clearly represents an enormous opportunity for those of us fortunate enough to be in this space. It provides a great technical opportunity (a iompú ar bhealach ar a cheann anseo under "Technologies You Must Master"). But even better, SharePoint exposes us to an extensive and wide range of business processes through these engagements. How many CRM specialists work with the manufacturing side of the company? How many ERP consultants work with human resources on talent acquisition? SharePoint exceeds them both.

Cosúil le aon rud, nach bhfuil sé foirfe, ach tá sé ina áit mhaith damanta a bheith.

Chun an grá [líonadh isteach i do duine is mó a grá / níos airde a bheith], don’t change the ‘Title’ colún láithreán.

Ar an Fóraim SharePoint, someone occasionally asks about "changing the label of Title" or about "removing title from lists".

Bottom line: Ná ní dhéanann sé!

Faraor, Ceadaíonn an comhéadan úsáideora a athrú aon-bhealach an lipéad colún mar a léirítear:


Title is a column associated with the "Item" cineál ábhar. Go leor, go leor, go leor CT ar úsáid an colún seo agus má athraíonn tú anseo, it ripples out everywhere. There’s a good chance that you didn’t intend for that to happen. You were probably thinking to yourself, "I have a custom lookup list and ‘Title’ ní hamháin ciall a bhaint as mar ainm gcolún, so I’m going to change it to ‘Status Code’ and add a description column." But if you follow through on that thought and rename ‘Title’ to ‘Status Code’, gach liosta teideal (lena n-áirítear leabharlanna doiciméad) changes to "Status Code" agus má tá tú is dócha nach raibh ar intinn chun go dtarlóidh.

Is é an fhadhb fíor go bhfuil an t-athrú aon-bhealach. The UI "knows" that "title" is a reserved word. Mar sin,, if you try and change "Status Code" back to "Title", beidh sé cosc ​​ort agus anois tá tú péinteáilte tú féin isteach i gcúinne using paint that never dries 🙂

Mar sin, cad a tharlaíonn má d'athraigh tú cheana féin é? I haven’t seen the answer we all want, which is a simple and easy method to change the label back to ‘Title’. Right now, the best advice is to change it to something like "Doc/Item Title". That’s a generic enough label that may not be too jarring for your users.

Tá mé smaointe eile beag atá ar liosta mo do-a dhéanamh de na rudaí a thaighde:

  • Teagmháil Microsoft.
  • An bhfuil rud éigin leis an tsamhail réad, b'fhéidir i gcomhar le gné.
  • Figiúr amach an scéimre bunachar sonraí agus de láimh SQL thabhairt cothrom le dáta. (Ba chóir duit teagmháil Microsoft roimh é seo a dhéanamh cé go; beidh sé ar neamhní is dócha do chonradh tacaíochta).

Má tá aithne ag aon duine conas a réiteach seo a, le do thoil post a comment.

Nuashonraigh déanach san iarnóin, 11/15: Fuair ​​mé an nasc seo a chuireann síos ar mhodh a chruthú i ndáil le cineál liosta nach bhfuil colún teideal:

Gníomhartha SPD sreabhadh oibre saincheaptha — feabhsuithe ionramháil teaghrán

Faoi na seachtaine ó shin, I started up a codeplex project that provides a simple and reasonably generic method for adding custom action functions to SharePoit Designer workflow. It’s described here: Beyond simply providing a framework, it also aims to provide a set of useful functions that will make SPD more useful/flexible/powerful.

Seo iad na gnéithe atá ann faoi láthair atá beartaithe do leagan 1.0:

Má tá aon leas sa tionscadal seo duine ar bith, fág nóta nó thosú / a chur le plé anseo le do thoil:

Seo é an tacar reatha feidhmeanna atá códaithe (cé nach thástáil go hiomlán mar an 11/08/07):

Feidhm Cur Síos (más rud é nach céanna. fheidhm Glan)
Num-iontrálacha() Returns the number "entries" in a string as per a specified delimiter.

Mar shampla: Num-entries in a string "a,b,c" with delimiter "," = 3.

Iontráil() Returns the nth token in a string as per a specified delimiter.
Fad String.Length
Ionadaigh() String.Replace()
Tá() String.Contains()
Returns the word "true" or the word "false".
Bhfotheaghrán(tús a chur) String.Substring(tús a chur)
Bhfotheaghrán(tús a chur,deireadh) String.Substring(tús a chur,deireadh)
Cos() String.ToUpper()
Ní eagar() String.ToLower()
StartsWith() String.StartsWith()
Returns the word "true" or the word "false".
EndsWith() String.EndsWith()
Returns the word "true" or the word "false".