Author Archives: Paul Galvin

Kako odrediti ljude kao pretrage djelokrugu / Sadržaj Izvor pomoću SharePoint 2013 REST API

I had reason to work with the SharePoint 2013 Search API via REST for the first time. I wanted to search for people, not documents. The key learning here is that you specify content sources via its GUID (or at least in this case). The following jQuery snippet shows how:

    loadExpertsAsync: funkcija() { = pravi;

            url: to.CreateFullApiUrl() +
                "?querytext='portals'&sourceid='b09a7990-05ea-4af9-81ef-edfab16c4e31'" +
                "&selectproperties='LinkedInProfileUrl,GoogleCirclesProfileUrl,BALargeProfilePictureUrls,BAGridPictures,WorkEmail,Skills,AboutMe,Interests,JobTitle,PastProjects,PictureURL,PreferredName,TwitterHandle,LinkedInProfileUrl,PreferredName,GoogleCirclesProfileUrl'" +
            način: "GET",
            headers: { "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose" },
            cache: lažan,
            success: funkcija (rezultirati) {

U mom slučaju, I’m running the API against SharePoint online. To get the GUID, I followed these steps:

  1. Access the SharePoint admin center
  2. Select “search” from the left hand navigation
  3. Select “Manage Result Sources”
  4. Select “Local People Results”
  5. Look at the URL.

My URL looked something like:

The sourceid parameter is what worked for me.

(I understand that the sourceid may actually be a sort of permanent thing with SP, ali ionako ću uvijek provjeriti 🙂 ).


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Primjer SharePoint odmoriti Pozivi

Here’s a set of sample REST calls that work for me and may help you out as well. Kao što je 02/2014, dva su primjera 🙂

  1. Reference a Column With Spaces In Its Name
  2. Reference a Multi-Select Column
  3. Perform a People Search via REST


I’ll add to this as time passes.

Here are some useful inks I’ve found as well:

Reference a Column With Spaces In Its Name

I create a custom list with a column named “Blog Author” (space between Blog and Author).

The $select to reference that column is:


Simply replace the space with “_x0020_”. We see the _x0020_ in many examples across the internets and REST is no different.

If you don’t do that, you’re liable to get an error message like this:

The expression “Blog Author” is not valid.

Easy enough.

Reference a Multi-Select Lookup Column

Set up:

  1. Create a custom list named Categories.
  2. Add some categories. I added categories thusly:image
  3. Create another custom list called MockBlog and add Categories as a multi-select list column (or site column if that’s how you roll).

Add some items to your Mockblog list and you’re ready.

An Ajax style call using jQuery will look something like this:

serverUrl  = "/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('MockBlog')/predmeti" +
             "?$select=Title,Categories/Title,Blog_x0020_Author/Title" + 

We’re telling SharePoint “Give me the title for all the Categories (Categories/Title). Get the actual values for Naslov po $expanding the Categories list.” (My RESTful paraphrasing is probably pretty loose, but this how I’m interpreting it).

If you’re doing this via JavaScript and using Fiddler to look at the output, you get something like this in return:



(The above is a JSON object)

Perform a People Search via REST

I blogged about this separately. The key is to specify a sourceid parameter whose value is the GUID of the Local People content source. (Content sources used to be called scopes and it’s my-oh-my so hard not to call everything a scope for me!).

Više o tome pročitajte ovdje:



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Brzo i jednostavno: Stvoriti SharePoint Site Korištenje OSTATKA

There are a lot of resources around that show how to do this, but I couldn’t find a comprehensive go-to link, so here we are.

You can create a SharePoint site using the REST API.  Here’s a fully baked example:

    SiteRequestForm.html: Collect information and create a site for the user.

        <td>Site Name:</td>
        <td><ulazni tip= "Text" ime="SiteName" id="SiteName" /></td>
        <td colspan="2">
            <ulazni tip="submit" id="CreateSiteButton" vrijednost="Create the Site" />

<skripta src="../Plugins/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></skripta>

bio CreateSiteLogicContainer = {

    createSiteData: {
            "parameters": {
                __metadata: { "type": "SP.WebInfoCreationInformation" },
                Url: "Paultest1",
                Naslov: "Paultest1",
                Opis: "rest-created web by Paul!",
                Jezik: 1033,
                WebTemplate: "sts",
                UseUniquePermissions: lažan

    createSite: funkcija () { = pravi;

        CreateSiteLogicContainer.createSiteData.parameters.Url = $("#SiteName").Val();
            url: "",
            način: "POST",

            headers: {
                "Accept": "application/json; odata=verbose",
                "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",
                "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").Val()

            podaci: JSON.stringify(CreateSiteLogicContainer.createSiteData),

            success: funkcija () { oprezan("success"); },
            pogreška: funkcija () { oprezan("error"); }


    wireUpForm: funkcija () {
        $("#CreateSiteButton").klik(funkcija () {
            oprezan("About to try and create the site.");




When successful, you get a JSON packet in response like this:


My key thoughts and learnings from this include:

  • This approach uses jQuery.  U mom slučaju, my jQuery library is located in “../plugins.”  You’ll want to change that to point to your favorite JQ location.
  • You can copy and paste that whole snippet into a Content Editor Web Part on a page and it should work just fine.  You’ll want to change the end point of the API call and make sure you reference JQ correctly.
  • The URL is relative to your API’s endpoint.  U mom slučaju, it’s creating sub-sites underneath
  • You don’t need to provide a content-length. Some blog posts and MSDN document implies that you do, but happened for me automatically, which I assume is being handled by the $.ajax call itself.
  • This line is required in order to avoid a “forbidden” response: "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").Val().  There are other ways to do it, but this is pretty nice.  I have lost the link to blog that provided this shortcut.  H/T to you, mysterious blogger!

Good luck and hope this helps someone out.


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Prevladati uznemirujući problem relativnim URL-ovima u SharePoint brzom pokretanju

I wanted to add a link to the quick launch navigation the other day and SharePoint told me:


Pure text version of that is:

Ensure that the URL is valid and begins with either a valid character (a number sign (#) or forward slash (/)) or a valid supported protocol (na primjer, ‘http://', ‘https://', ‘file://', ‘ftp://', ‘mailto:', ‘news:').

“Blech and pox!” I said.

A workaround to this is to use JavaScript to find a known link in the quick launch and override its behavior.

To test this, add a new link to your test site thusly:


I used jQuery. Da biste ga riješiti, get some JavaScript and jQuery onto the page using your favorite technique and with a line of code like this:


$(dokument).spreman( funkcija () {

    $("a:contains('Test URL replacement')").klik(funkcija () { oprezan("changed click behavior!"); povratak lažan;});


And Bob’s your uncle.

The jQuery selector finds every <a> tag that has “Test URL replacement” in its name. You may want to find-tune that depending on your link and such.

The .click(funkcija() overrides whatever SharePoint would have done when the user clicked. Make sure you “return false” or else it will do your stuff and then try to the href thing too, which is almost certainly not your goal.

This was done and test in a SharePoint online environment but should work well in 2010 and earlier too.


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Brzo i jednostavno: SharePoint REST Call samo vraća 100 Ploče

I’ve been working on a public facing web site for my SharePoint practice here in New York and it uses a lot of JavaScript and REST calls to show content.

During mainline development, I create a small dataset with just 10 or so rows in a custom list and my REST calls all pulled from there.  Once I bumped up the list to have a few hundred rows of data to test for anticipated growth, I found that I was getting exactly 100 rows returned back on my REST calls.

This is a very simple thing to address.  U mom slučaju (and I believe in most cases), the default REST calls to SharePoint (and possibly as an industry standard?) povratak 100 rows.  To return more than the default, use the $top parameter on your call, kao u:

GET /Insights Dev/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle(‘MockBlog’)/predmeti?$select=ID,Naslov,Categories/Title,Blog_x0020_Author/Title,DatePublished,BlogSummary&$expand=Blog_x0020_Author,Categories&$filter=&$top=9999

I picked 9999 in this case since I know that growth-wise, there won’t be more than 200 or so rows added to this list in a year.  If it becomes ungainly, we can implement some paging down the road.


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Brzo i jednostavno: Riješite "Invalid URL parametar” Problem s UpdateListItems u lists.asmx

When working with UpdateListItems via lists.asmx, it’s easy to generate the error:

Invalid URL Parameter.

The URL provided contains an invalid Command or Value. Please check the URL again.

You can get this error when you forget to include ID in the the list of fields to update.  To, like a lot of these SP web services, is a bit counterintuitive since you need to include the ID in the ID attribute of the <Method> element.  And you’re not updated ID and probably never want to in the first place.

This SOAP envelope works:

<soapenv:Omotnica xmlns:soapenv =''>
    <UpdateListItems xmlns=''>                     
         <Batch OnError="Continue">
          <Method ID="1" Cmd="Update">
            <Field Name="CooperativeLock">locked!</Polje>
            <Field Name="ID">1</Polje>

If you strip out the ID field reference then you’ll get the annoying “Invalid URL parameter” message.


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Siromah je Caching u JavaScriptu

[TL;DR version: use cookies to store the results of async calls; render the results of past async calls immediately and then validate them after page-load.]

I’ve been working on SharePoint intranet site for a client that features, između ostalog, a stylized secondary navigation whose menu options are managed via a regular old custom list.  The idea is that the client gets to control “their” site’s menu without affecting or being affected by the global navigation put out by IT.

(there is something incredibly subversive about adding a CEWP that points to an HTML file that loads some CSS and JS to fundamentally alter almost everything about a site’s behavior… but that’s for another post)

The code for this pretty simple:

The sore spot here is that every time anyone hits one of the site’s pages, that user’s web browser is reaching out to get items from the list.  Once dev is complete and testing has proven things to be stable and complete, this call is unnecessary more than 99% of the time since the menu rarely changes.  It also has a weird UI affect which is common in this brave new world of hyper-ajaxy web sites – the page renders and only then does the menu render.  It’s jittery and distracting in my view.  And jittery. Tako, caching. 

I modified the logic thusly:

  • Look for a cookie in the browser that contains the menu as I last read it
    • If found, render it immediately.  Don’t wait for the page to finish loading.  (You need to make sure your HTML is strategically placed here, but it’s not hard to do).
  • Wait for the page to finish loading and make an async call to load up menu items from a list using REST or lists.asmx or whatever
  • Compare what I got against the cookie
    • If it matches, STOP
    • Inače, using jQuery, dynamically populate a bunch if <Li>’s in a <Ulica>
  • Use CSS to do all the formatting
  • Profit!

Some of you are going to say, “hey! there’s no real caching going on here since you’re reading the menu anyway every single time."  And you’re right – I’m not giving the server any kind of break.  But because the call is async and happens after the page’s initial HTML payload fully renders, it “feels” more responsive to the user.  The menu renders pretty much as the page draws.  If the menu happens to the change, the user is subjected to a jittery re-draw of the menu, but only that one time.

There are some ways to make this caching more effective and help out the server at the same time:

  • Put in a rule that the “cookie cache” is valid for a minimum of 24 hours or some other timeframe. As long as there is no expired cookie, use the cookie’s menu snapshot and never hit the server.

Well … that’s all that come to mind right now :). 

If anyone has any clever ideas here I’d love to know them.

And lastly – this technique can be used for other stuff.  This client’s page has a number of data-driven things on various pages, many of them changing relatively rarely (like once a week or once a month).  If you target specific areas of functionality, you can give a more responsive UI by pulling content from the local cookie store and rendering immediately.  It feels faster to the user even if you’re not saving the server any cycles.  Vi moći save the server cycles by deciding on some conditions and triggers to invalidate this local cookie cache.  That’s all situational and artsy stuff and really the most fun :). 


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Kako: Konfiguracija jedinica test i test pokrivenost s QUnit.js i Blanket.js za ured 365 SharePoint App


I’ve been exploring unit testing and test coverage for JavaScript as I work on a new SharePoint app for SharePoint online in the Office 365 suite.  The obvious research paths led me to Qunit.js and right after that, na Blanket.js.

QUnit let me set up unit tests and group them into modules.  A module is just a simple way to organize related tests. (I’m not sure I’m using it as intended, but it’s working for me so far with the small set of tests I have thus far defined).

Blanket.js integrates with Qunit and it will show me the actual lines of JavaScript that were – and more importantly – were not actually executed in the course of running the tests.  This is “coverage” – lines that executed are covered by the test while others are not.

Between setting up good test cases and viewing coverage, we can reduce the risk that our code has hidden defects.  Good times.


Assuming you have your Visual Studio project set up, start by downloading the JavaScript package from  Add the JavaScript and corresponding CSS to your solution.  Mine looks like this:


Figure 1

Kao što možete vidjeti, I was using 1.13.0 at the time I wrote this blog post. Don’t forget to download and add the CSS file.

That out of the way, next step is to create some kind of test harness and reference the Qunit bits.  I’m testing a bunch of functions in a script file called “QuizUtil.js” so I created an HTML page called “QuizUtil_test.html” as shown:

image Figure 2

Here’s the code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <naslov>QuizUtil test with Qunit</naslov>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../CSS/qunit-1.13.0.css" />
    <skripta tip="text/javascript" src="QuizUtil.js" data-cover></skripta>
    <skripta type ="Text / javascript" src ="qunit-1.13.0.js"></skripta>
    <skripta type ="Text / javascript" src ="blanket.min.js"></skripta>

        test("QuizUtil getIDFromLookupField", funkcija () {
            bio goodValue = "1;#Paul Galvin";

            equal(getIDFromLookupField(goodValue) + 1, 2), "ID of [" + goodValue + "] + 1 should be 2";
            equal(getIDFromLookupField(undefined), undefined, "Undefined input argument should return undefined result.");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField(""), undefined, "Empty input argument should return an undefined value.");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField("gobbledigood3-thq;dkvn ada;skfja sdjfbvubvqrubqer0873407t534piutheqw;vn"), undefined,"Should always return a result convertible to an Integer");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField("2;#some other person"), "2", "Checking [2;#some other person].");
            equal(getIDFromLookupField("9834524;#long value"), "9834524", "Large value test.");
            notEqual(getIDFromLookupField("5;#anyone", 6), 6, "Testing a notEqual (5 is not equal to 6 for this sample: [5;#anyone]");


        test("QuizUtil htmlEscape()", funkcija () {
            equal(htmlEscape("<"), "&Bilo;", "Escaping a less than operator ('<')");
            equal(htmlEscape("<div class=\"someclass\">Some text</div>"), "&Bilo;div class=&quot;someclass&quot;&gt;Some text&Bilo;/div&gt;", "More complex test string.");

        test("QuizUtil getDateAsCaml()", funkcija () {
            equal(getDateAsCaml(novi Datum("12/31/2013")), "2013-12-31T:00:00:00", "Testing hard coded date: [12/31/2013]");
            equal(getDateAsCaml(novi Datum("01/05/2014")), "2014-01-05T:00:00:00", "Testing hard coded date: [01/05/2014]");
            equal(getDateAsCaml(novi Datum("01/31/2014")), "2014-01-31T:00:00:00", "Testing hard coded date: [01/31/2014]");
            equal(getTodayAsCaml(), getDateAsCaml(novi Datum()), "getTodayAsCaml() should equal getDateAsCaml(new Date())");
            equal(getDateAsCaml("nonsense value"), undefined, "Try to get the date of a nonsense value.");
            equal(getDateAsCaml(undefined), undefined, "Try to get the date of the [undefined] date.");

        test("QuizUtil getParameterByName (from the query string)", funkcija () {
            equal(getParameterByName(undefined), undefined, "Try to get undefined parameter should return undefined.");
            equal(getParameterByName("does not exist"), undefined, "Try to get parameter value when we know the parameter does not exist.");


        test("QuizUtil various cookie functions.", funkcija () {
            equal(setCookie("test", "1", -1), getCookieValue("test"), "Get a cookie I set should work.");
            equal(setCookie("anycookie", "1", -1), pravi, "Setting a valid cooking should return 'true'.");
            equal(setCookie("crazy cookie name !@#$%\"%\\^&*(()?/><.,", "1", -1), pravi, "Setting a bad cookie name should return 'false'.");
            equal(setCookie(undefined, "1", -1), undefined, "Passing undefined as the cookie name.");
            equal(getCookieValue("does not exist"), "", "Cookie does not exist test.");

    <div id="qunit"></div>
    <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>


There are several things happening here:

  1. Referencing my code (QuizUtil.js)
  2. Referencing Qunity.js
  3. Defining some modules (getIDFromLookup, Cookies, i drugi)
  4. Placing a <div> whose ID is “qunit”.

Tada, I just pull up this page and you get something like this:


Figure 3

If you look across the top, you have a few options, two of which are interesting:

  • Hide passed tests: Pretty obvious.  Can help your eye just see the problem areas and not a lot of clutter.
  • Module: (drop down): This will filter the tests down to just those groups of tests you want.

As for the tests themselves – a few comments:

  • It goes without saying that you need to write your code such that it’s testable in the first place.  Using the tool can help enforce that discipline. Na primjer, I had a function called “getTodayAsCaml()".  This isn’t very testable since it takes no input argument and to test it for equality, we’d need to constantly update the test code to reflect the current date.  I refactored it by adding a data input parameter then passing the current date when I want today’s date in CAML format.
  • The Qunit framework documents its own tests and it seems pretty robust.  It can do simple things like testing for equality and also has support for ajax style calls (both “real” or mocked using your favorite mocker).
  • Going through the process also forces you to think through edge cases – what happens with “undefined” or null is passed into a function.  It makes it dead simple to test these scenarios out.  Good stuff.

Coverage with Blanket.js

Blanket.js complements Qunit by tracking the actual lines of code that execute during the course of running your tests.  It integrates right into Qunit so even though it’s a whole separate app, it plays nicely – it really looks like it’s one seamless app.

This is blanket.js in action:

image Figure 4


Figure 5

(You actually have to click on the “Enable coverage” checkbox at the top [see Figure 3] to enable this.)

The highlighted lines in Figure 5 have not been executed by any of my tests, so I need to devise a test that does cause them to execute if I want full coverage.

Get blanket.js working by following these steps:

  1. Download it from
  2. Add it to your project
  3. Update your test harness page (QuizUtil_test.html in my case) as follows:
    1. Reference the code
    2. Decorate your <skripta> reference like this:
    <skripta tip="text/javascript" src="QuizUtil.js" data-cover></skripta>

Blanket.js picks up the “data-cover” attribute and does its magic.  It hooks into Qunit, updates the UI to add the “Enable coverage” option and voila!

Rezime (TL; DR)

Use Qunit to write your test cases.

  • Download it
  • Add it to your project
  • Write a test harness page
  • Create your tests
    • Refactor some of your code to be testable
    • Be creative!  Think of crazy, impossible scenarios and test them anyway.

Use blanket.js to ensure coverage

  • Make sure Qunit is working
  • Download blanket.js and add it to your project
  • Add it to your test harness page:
    • Add a reference to blanket.js
    • Add a “data-cover” attribute to your <skripta> dan
  • Run your Qunit tests.

I never did any of this before and had some rudimentary stuff working in a handful of hours. 

Happy testing!


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Zadnja Odijelo ćete ikada nositi?

[Quick napomena - ovo je prilično dugo poslije na otvaranju novih radnih mjesta za moje skupine ovdje u New Yorku, a vi morate živjeti u tri države području, ako ste zainteresirani.]

Pridružio sam se slalomu Consulting tijekom 18 mjeseci a to čini ovaj moj najduži trajan posao jer 2007. Nisam planirao ga na taj način. Prije nizu posao poskakivanje koja je započela sa svojim skokom u SharePoint svijetu, Bio sam na jednom mjestu jedanaest godina. Konačno sam pronašao novi, trajna mjesto za rad za dugo vući ovdje u slalomu.

Ovo mjesto raste i trebam neke pomoći kontrolirati da. Vrsta pomoći trebam se obično naziva "SharePoint rješenja arhitekture" iako sam pronašao arhitekt biti više riječi i / ili nepravilno koristi u SharePoint prostora za neko vrijeme sada. Ja sam bio bore o tome na blogu o tome. Ne želim se jednostavno popis iz hrpa natuknica u Dice / Monster stil. Moje izvrsni zapošljavanje vršnjaci smo radili da je već :). Tako, Odlučio sam da se "dan u životu" pristupu. Pročitajte više i uzeti u obzir:

1) Ako je žalbe i

2) Bilo da znate u kostima koje možete to učiniti.

Ako da, kontaktirajte me (paul.galvin @ i razgovarajmo.

To su ono što možete očekivati ​​da će to učiniti u tipičnom tjednu / mjesecu kao arhitekt rješenja o mom timu:

  • Trčanje projekte, često više od jedne u isto vrijeme. Neki projekti su velike i tako da bih posjedovati da je jedan projekt. "Running" projekt znači da imate nadzor i odgovornost za ukupnu kvalitetu isporuke. U gotovo svakom slučaju ćete imati PM i stvarno jak tim devs, BAS, UX ljudi, itd., da vam podršku. Ali vi ćete biti glavno lice klijent vidi, trustovi, itd.. Nema skrivanja u sjeni u toj ulozi :). Vi ćete naplatiti ovaj put, a cilj je da bi vas zauzet dovoljno da to učinite 80 posto vremena.
  • Pomoć s papirologijom - krmača, RFP, palube - sve što dobre stvari. Mislim da mi imamo posijati proces dolje prilično široka i čvrsta tako da je prilično šablonski. Ako ste navikli na pisanje krmača danas, Naš proces ne će biti izazov za vas. RFP - to su malo teže. Oni imaju tendenciju da se ugovoriti u prirodi za početak i RFP obično povući u više različitih autora. To je i dobro i loše, , ali uglavnom dobri. To se može dobiti scrambly kada moramo žonglirati potrebu za izvrsne usluge kupcima, a istovremeno pokušava osvojiti novi posao. Vjerojatno neće posjedovati RFP ali će se tražiti da doprinose sekcije.
  • Prodaja pozivi, ali ne bliže. U toku mjeseca, možete očekivati ​​da će ići na par prodaje pozive s našeg prodajnog tima. Vi ćete biti u MSP u sobi, uzeti bilješke i pomoći oblikovati rješenje. Međutim, nećete biti upitani ili se očekuje da obrađuju prodajni ciklus od početka do kraja. Vi ne morate "prodati,"Trebate samo biti mirni glas stručnog razloga u sobi. To izgrađuje povjerenje i to je razlog zašto ste tamo. Naravno, ako vam se sviđa prodaje, onda ima mjesta za vas da rastu i ovdje.
  • Pomoć u zapošljavanju. Imamo neku vrstu upućivanje programa, pa ako znate najčvršći ljudi u zajednici za koji mislite da bi trebao biti dio slalomu, možete imati koristi na taj način. Mi smo posvećeni regrut (koji su izvrsni) učiniti lavovski dio ove vrste rada. Stvarna pomoć je intervjuiranja kandidata - da su dobro uklapaju kulturno? Znaju li oni svoje stvari? Mogu oni čine * my * život lakšim? 🙂 This comes in spurts, nekoliko puta mjesečno, Iako se u nekim mjesecima ne bi to učiniti na sve.
  • Pomoć definirati najbolje prakse, izgraditi naš IP i učiniti nas konkurentnijim na tržištu. Vi ste iskusan dečko / cura. Vi ste bili oko bloka - ne samo u sustavu SharePoint, ali imaju iskustva u drugim tehnologijama i proživjela dobre i loše (čak strašno) Projekti diljem. Kao rezultat toga, znaš što radi, a što ne. Mi ćemo želim podijeliti to iskustvo s nama na temelju dana u dan u taktičkom smislu (i.e. pokrenuti svoje projekte jako dobro) ali i strateški. "Najbolje prakse" je malo precijenjena, kao pojam, a ja se ustručavati koristiti. Osnovna ideja je da ste dolaze kao iskusna osoba s dubokim i relevantna iskustva, a mi želimo da se integriraju najbolje od vaših learnings u tome možemo sudjelovati s korisnicima na osnovi dana u dan.
  • Zabavite - Mi smo vrlo integrirana hrpa. Želim da se izbjegne još jedna prazna fraza, ali to je stvarno sposoban u ovom slučaju - mi radimo (vrsta) i igramo još teže :). Postoji neka vrsta Aaron Sorkin je šala ovdje, Soba je uvijek pun pametnih ljudi, mi volimo našu piće i mi organizirati sajam niz zabavnih događanja - film noći, bejzbol brodom (čak i ako su užasan, gotovo zli momčadi).

Ako sam mogao sažeti sve to u jednu riječ, Ja bih koristiti riječ "vodstvo." Voditi projekte, uzeti glavnu ulogu u izgradnji iz prakse (IP, izgradnji tima), itd..

Ali čekajte! Postoji više! Zašto bi inače rade u slalomu?

  • Izvanredan jedinstvo namjere - svatko želi rasti ovu stvar van. “This thing” is the New York office. Svatko je na brodu s tim.
  • Vjetar u jedra - sestra uredi, sestrinske prakse - Slalom je "full service" konzalting organizacija. Vodim se SharePoint praksu ("Praksa Površina Olovo" u slalomu žargon). Imam sestrinske prakse na 11 Slalom drugi uredi. Dakle, iako sam kralj što se tiče SharePoint je u pitanju ovdje u slalomu New Yorku, Imam vršnjaka prakse u Chicagu, Seattle, Dallas, Atlanta, Boston, itd.. iz koje ja mogu osloniti na potporu. To je stvarno najbolje od oba svijeta - značajna autonomija ovdje u New Yorku, ali pristup tona talent u cijeloj organizaciji.
  • Vjetar u svojim prodajnim (2) - Mi radimo više od SharePoint - mnogo više. We do BI, CRM, UX, poslovno savjetovanje, Mobitel, custom razvoj i ostali. Mi smo dobri u unakrsnom prodaje među nama i mi smo dobri u slikarstvo - i što je još važnije, isporukom nakon - u "full service" slike za naše klijente. To je posebno privlačan za mene. Ja sam bio na mnogim manjim koja se bavi pitanjima SharePoint nastupa i frustriran iznova i iznova, jer smo bili golub skriva kao "SharePoint ljudi." To se ne događa s slalomu i dobili smo učiniti više zanimljiv posao kao rezultat.
  • Lokalna Model - nema putovanja.
  • Dugoročni rast - Slalom je idući gangbusters. Mnogo rasta i stabilnosti. Rast znači da ćemo morati zaposliti vođe danas za glavu nove momčadi kao što smo dodali više klijenata i osoblje za podršku onih klijente.

Ja mogao ići na, but I’ve probably already gone on too long. Mislim da sam zarobljen bit ovdje. Ako razmišljate o promjeni posla i to izgleda dobro na vas, razgovarajmo.

Ako ste sretni na svoj trenutni posao - razgovarajmo svejedno :). Bio sam na puno mjesta, a bio je vrlo "sretni" na vrijeme. Slalom je drugačiji, a ja bih dočekati priliku da vas uvjerim u to.


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Brzo i jednostavno: Postavite veličinu stavki u okviru popisa u Windows Store App

U App Store Windows Izrađujem, Želim pokazati korisničke razne informativne poruke.  Ja pokupila listbox kao alat za to pokazati, tako da oni mogu pomicati kroz njih i sve to dobre stvari. 

Poruke su samo informacijski, so there’s no need to provide all that extra whitespace around them since the user can never select them for anything.  The default behavior of the ListBox provides a substantial amount of padding and I wanted to get rid of it.  Well …. you can’t do that sort of thing on the ListBox directly.  HOWEVER, you can do it to the items you add:

        privatni poništiti AddGameStateLogMessage(niz theMessage)
            TextBox t = novi TextBox();
            t.Text = GameStateCounter   + ": " + theMessage;
            t.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap;
            t.MinWidth = 400;
            Debljina thisPadding = novi Debljina(5, 0, 5, 0);
            t.Padding = thisPadding;
            t.FontSize = 12;

            ListBoxItem da = novi ListBoxItem();
            li.Content = t;
            li.MaxHeight = 25;
            thisPadding = novi Debljina(5, 0, 5, 0);
            li.Padding = thisPadding;


in the above, I’m creating a TextBox and setting its font, its padding, itd..

Sljedeći, I create a ListBoxItem and set its content to the formatted TextBox.

Konačno, I insert the ListBoxItem into the ListBox.  (I want to show most recent messages at the top of the list, hence the Insert(0,Li) instead of a simple Add() invocation.).

I will be tweaking this a bit before I’m really happy with the ListBox behavior but the pattern shown above has been very fruitful.  Hopefully someone else finds it helpful.


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