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SharePoint Shop Spjall ágrip fyrir 10-08-2009

Í dag SharePoint Shop Spjall falla venjulega breitt svið af efni:

  • We discussed the issues around opening up parts of a SharePoint site collection to your trading partners. It’s not the most complicated thing in the world, en þegar þú byrjar að tala um upphátt, you realize there are a lot of small individual things that need to be done to do this correctly. You have to consider the firewall, licensing (your intranet SharePoint license may not be, and probably won’t be, sufficient), SharePoint configuration (AAM, extending web applications to zones that probably have HTTPS enabled), o.fl.. If anyone has a checklist of what to do and the sequence, I’d love to see it in comments. This question wins the “Most Discussed Question” aware of the year (svo langt).
  • I got to ask a question about the image library functionality that generates those thumb nail images. I speculated that an event receiver on the image library is generating the thumb nail. I’m probably way off base, but it does seem like there’s an entirely separate image on the web server for the thumb nail itself. Vamshi, a SharePoint Shop Talk regular, points out this blog entry: http://pathtosharepoint.wordpress.com/2009/08/23/picture-libraries-take-advantage-of-web-friendly-formats/. That’s a pretty interesting post about images in SharePoint if you’re interested in it.
  • We discussed custom edit forms (that you create via SPD) and the fact that you lose the attachment functionality when you do that. Laura Rogers has blogged on that subject here: http://sharepoint911.com/blogs/laura/archive/2009/09/10/fix-for-the-custom-form-attachments-issue.aspx

Í þessari viku, we introduced a new feature where we spent about 10 minutes demonstrating an interesting tip/trick in a SharePoint environment. Í þessari viku, we showed how to added a content editor web part (and actually any web part) to a newitem.aspx page. Í þessu tilviki, the objective was to show some extensive online help for that newitem.aspx page. This is also one of the usual starting points for integrating jQuery into your environment. Næsta vika, we do plan to show a jQuery tip/trick. Við vonumst til að sjá þig þar.


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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SharePoint Shop Spjall 10/08/08 á 12:30 PM UTC

Við erum að hýsa næsta vikulega SharePoint Shop okkar Spjall fundur á morgun í 12:30 PM UTC.

Þetta er opinn Q&A and general kibitzing session on all topics SharePoint related.

Þú getur lesið ýmsar recaps af fyrri fundum hér til að fá tilfinningu fyrir hvað við gerum á þessum símtöl hér: http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=cat%3dPublic%2520Speaking

Skráning er upp og tilbúinn hérna: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=0z40kg9nb0t0842f

Twitter your questions to me, "Koddaver.

Email them to questions@sharepointshoptalk.com or just show up on the line and ask them out loud.

We hope to see you then!


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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SharePoint Shop Talk ágrip fyrir Fimmtudagur 10/01/09

I’ve noticed that people seem to be waiting until the last minute to register for SharePoint Shop Talk sessions. Last Thursday, á um 11:45AM, við höfðum níu manns skrá, which is a very small number. Hins, á einum stað, við höfðum 18 eða 20 fólk skráð í, so at least nine people signed up for it 45 minutes or less before the call. I’m not complaining, just observing.

We had a full schedule of questions and discussion topics and couldn’t get to all of them. Eins og venjulega, we’ll pick up where we left off this coming Thursday.

Here’s the recap:

  • Vamshi asked about building a WSS environment that has SP1 and not SP2. You can download that configuration here:

    http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=4191A531-A2E9-45E4-B71E-5B0B17108BD2&displaylang=en. And someone else suggested looking here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/sharepoint/bb400747.aspx.

  • We had a (velkomin) surprise return visitor. A few weeks previous, Blue had asked us a question that left everyone on the call a little sad because we couldn’t help. His problem and solution are really fairly complicated, but it boils down to creating a data view web part with a range of filtered dates (not just one single filtered date, which is easier). He may write up a blog entry on this and if does, I’ll link to it. In the course of the discussion, he referred everyone to these two links:
  • Looping in SharePoint designer – can it be done? The answer is “yes” in some narrow cirumstances. Hins, to do it, you need to do some tricky stuff that is hard to conceptualize, hard to implement, hard to debug … it’s just plain hard. The panel’s consensus – don’t do this if you can help it. If you need looping, create custom actions or drop down into visual studio. Auðvitað, ef þú ert að nota SPD, you prob can’t easily drop down into VS, but it is what is is, því miður.
  • Speaking of sad, Nancy wins the “Make the Panel Sad” award by (futilely) asking about drag and drop from a data view web part. The scenario is very interesting and if anyone has a clever solution, please let me know. Here’s the problem: she has a DVWP that is doing some necessary filtering on a document library that returns back dozens or more documents. This works great. Hins, her users need to take those documents and burn them to CD. This is doable using a windows explorer type view, but how to do it from DVWP? We couldn’t think of a good answer. Can you?
  • Laura Rogers, followed by Lori Gowan of www.endusersharepoint.com Frægð (og annars staðar) made us aware of the fact that attachments to InfoPath forms can be submitted via a web service to an image library in SharePoint. Út af the kassi! That is a very interesting fact with some very interesting implications.

That’s pretty much it. I probably missed something, but hopefully you get the gist of it.

Even though I know you won’t actually sign up until noon, Thursday, here’s the registration link for the next session, Thursday 10/08 frá 12:30 að 1:30 PM UTC: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=0z40kg9nb0t0842f


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur 10/01 @ 12:30 PM UTC (morgun!)

SharePoint Shop Talk skráning er upp og tilbúinn á morgun.

Við höfum nokkrar spurningar tryggð upp að takast á sumir stjórnun málefni (dev / próf / vörur og syncing upp þjónustupökkum), tilkynningar í tölvupósti (hvernig á að velja fólk til þinn email byggt á lýsigögn skjal) og nokkur umræða um að nota InfoPath eyðublöð þjónustu í FBA umhverfi.

Eins og alltaf, if you want to talk about a topic:

You can read about past SharePoint Shop Talks on my blog here: http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=cat%3dPublic%2520Speaking

Register for the session here: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=h6hm9ptg8zt7302t


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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SharePoint Shop Spjall ágrip (09/24/09 útgáfa)

Við kláruðum 8 SharePoint verslun okkar Talk opinn Q&A session yesterday. During that session, við tekur eftirfarandi atriði:

  • Hvernig á að senda út mjög sniðinn tölvupóst frá workflow búin til með SharePoint Designer.
  • Hvar á að finna upplýsingar um muninn á SharePoint 2010 and especially Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (the free version of SharePoint).
  • We discussed jQuery maintenance and management. More specifically, “where should the jQuery go?” We had a great discussion around this topic and one interesting new ideas (mér) is the idea of a content delivery network. This bing search pulls up a lot of interesting data on the subject: http://www.bing.com/search?q=microsoft+content+delivery+network&FORM=DLSDF7&pc=MDDS&src=IE-SearchBox
  • Someone mentioned that parts (or maybe even all) of the up-coming mega conference in Las Vegas in October will be broadcast over the internets. Check out this site for more information: http://www.week3.org/Events/default.aspx
  • We talked about RSS. That discussion covered a lot of ground. There’s a CodePlex project that does better RSS than what you get out of the box and www.endusersharepoint.com has some good articles up by Laura Rogers on how to use DVWP to build really good RSS sessions.

That about covers it. People seem to be getting a lot of help from these so we’ll keep them going.

In a burst of efficiency, I’ve already set up next week’s SharePoint Shop Talk session. You can register here: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=h6hm9ptg8zt7302t

If you want to participate, eldur burt tölvupóst á questions@sharepointshoptalk.com, hit me up on twitter ("Koddaver) or leave a comment here.


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur 09/24 @ 12:30 PM UTC

Skráning er upp og tilbúinn fyrir SharePoint Shop Spjall morgun á 12:30 PM.

Á þessum Símafundir, A pallborð af reynslu SharePoint atvinnumaður taka spurningum þínum í tölvupósti, via live meeting or directly over the phone. We do our best to provide independent expert advice on all topics related to SharePoint.

Senda spurningar til "Questions@sharepointshoptalk.com", kvak þá til mín, eftir umsögn hér eða bara mæta á símtali og spyrja.

Við fögnum einnig og leita innsýn frá meðlimum áhorfendur.

Þú getur lesið nokkrar recaps á fyrri SharePoint Shop Talk fundum á blogginu mínu.

Þessi vika sem við vitum nú þegar að við munum vera að takast spurningum um workflow (stöðug uppáhalds) og leita til að nefna nokkur.

Skráðu þig hér: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=dv3m7cl30sxkq2n1


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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SharePoint Shop Talk þetta Fimmtudagur 09/17/09 12:30 UTC til 1:30 PM UTC

Næsta SharePoint Shop Talk fer fram í Fimmtudagur, 09/17 á 12:30PM UTC.

Hvað er SharePoint Shop Talk? It’s a one hour conference call where a panel of SharePoint pro’s answer questions. Send your questions to "Questions@sharepointshoptalk.com", leave a comment on my blog here or just ask them out loud on the call. The panel tries to offer several different approaches to solving the underlying problem behind the question and just generally provide unbiased expert advice.

This week we continue with the same panel, including myself, my two Arcovis partners Harry Jones and Natalya Voskresenskaya and Laura Rogers of SharePoint911.

Briefly recapping last week – we had more questions than we could answer, so this week, we’ll start off with those. We had 34 registrants and I think 25 people actually joined the call. We covered a wide variety of subjects that I would say were 75% endir notandi stilla, þ.mt:

  • Aðferðir til rúllandi upp efni frá undir-stöðum til efstu stöðum stig inni og yfir söfn síðuna.
  • Áhrif sérsníða editform.aspx nota SharePoint Designer.
  • Takast á við hið fræga "safna gögnum frá notanda" SharePoint Designer workflow aðgerð.
  • Nota jQuery til að leysa nokkrar algengar notendaviðmót vandamál.
  • Tímabelti spurningar (fyrir landfræðilega dreift umhverfi)

Við fjallað nokkur önnur atriði eins og heilbrigður, en upplýsingar sloppið mig.

I promised to do follow up with a live meeting to dig into one of the questions and still need to do that.

Nýskráning fyrir fundi þessa viku hér: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=bhj8dbrswhv1hv8r

Í þessari viku, we’re going to talk about at least:

  • Strategies for managing and getting at version history for documents
  • Suitability and ideas around using SharePoint as a front end that allows your customers to view some financial data.
  • Workflow questions (eins og venjulega).

We’ll see and hear you there!


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

SharePoint Laugardagur New York

Ég hef hlaðið kynningu mína fyrir New York SharePoint laugardagur hér: HTTP://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/SharePoint/Follow the Yellow Brick Road to SharePoint Mastery.pptx

Það er ekki hræðilega gagnlegur ef þú ferð ekki að kynningunni, en ég vona að bæta við fullt af athugasemdum á milli núna og Tampa, when I present it again. That would give it more legs and context and be more generally useful.


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur, 09/10/09 á 12:30PM UTC

SharePoint Shop Talk áfram þetta Fimmtudagur á 12:30 UTC til 1:30PM UTC. This will be our 5th call I believe. SharePoint Shop Talk works like this:

  • A panel of SharePoint Experts answer questions. This week the panel includes Laura Rogers, Natalya Voskresenskaya, Harry Jones og mig.
  • Any SharePoint question is fair game.
  • Send or ask questions:
    • By email: info@arcovis.com
    • Twitter directly to @pagalvin
    • Leave a comment on this blog
    • Write the question down on the back of a piece of poster board, one side of which is covered with $20 bills and mailed to my home address (leave a comment and I will be in touch with you directly).
    • Loks, dial into the call and just ask it out loud.

This week we have a few questions around SharePoint workflow. Two sample questions:

  • “How do I deploy a SharePoint Designer workflow from development to test?"
  • “Does SharePoint Designer workflow work well with InfoPath? How I can share information between an InfoPath form and a SharePoint Designer workflow?"

This week’s SharePoint Shop Talk registration is up. Click here to register. We hope to hear you there!


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

SharePoint Shop Spjall Fimmtudagur, 09/03 á 12:30 PM UTC

Við halda áfram SharePoint Shop Talk morgun á 12:30 PM UTC. Eins og venjulega, ef það eru einhverjar málefni eða spurningar sem þú vilt spjaldið til að takast, please email them to info@arcovis.com.

This week we are drawing a few questions from the www.endusersharepoint.com Stump The Panel forums:

  • "Ég skil að foreldri staður og barn síða getur ekki tjáð. Til dæmis, I would like to either push data from a list in a child site to a list in a parent site or have the parent site pull data from child site. Is there a way to design a workflow to accomplish having data sent for pulled from lists in a parent/child site relationship?"
  • “On my newform.aspx for my main list, I have a lookup column that points to the title column in my employee list.

    In the employee list, there is another column that is a checkbox named ‘active’.

    What I would like to happen is on the newform of the main list, when they click on the dropdown it only displays the records from the employee list that are marked active.

    Is there a way to filter the dropdown on the mainlist’s newform.aspx so it only displays the ones marked active?"

  • “I know this is simple but, for the life of me I can’t get it to work! We have a discussion board that we built a date field into call expiration. I would like to automatically have expired items delete after their expiration date. If you could send me a screen shot of the workflow it would be much appreciated. Basically if expired = today then delete current item “
  • “I am trying to set up a sign-up list for a blood drive, wherein once a time slot is chosen, it is no longer available. Is there a way to do this, besides just making an Excel-type spreadsheet be the sign-up? "

And if we have time:

  • How many SharePoint experts does it take to change a light bulb?

Auk þess, we answer questions directly from email and we’re open to questions any time on the call itself.

Skráðu þig hér: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=0dc4shjthnl6d0mm


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin