Arkivji tal-Kategorija: SharePoint Amministrazzjoni

Impressjoni Quick: Sistema Center Planner kapaċità għall SharePoint

I biss fired up l-ippjanar għodda kapaċità li l- l-Rage dawn il-jiem.

I sabuha faċli biex tużah u malajr mmudellati f'ambjent klijent I ħadmu fuq dan is-sajf passat.

B'xi trepidation, I ippressat-buttuna OK finali u rrakkomanda xi ħaġa li hija pjuttost simili għal dak li aħna taw klijent tagħna (aħna fil-fatt threw fil-server tieni applikazzjoni għal użu fil-futur jisbqu). I take that to be a good sign and increases my confidence in the tool.

Jidher Jittieħed pretty qawwija punt ta 'tluq ferm aħjar minn paġna vojta.

I like that lets you get into some good detail about the environment. How many users, kif inti proġett se jużaw is-sistema (pubblikazzjoni, kollaborazzjoni, eċċ), fergħa u l-konnettività / network capacity between them and the mama server. Good stuff.

Hija tistaqsi mistoqsijiet ġenerali li bbażati u mbagħad ihallik tweak-dettalji għal mudell pretty granulari ta 'l-ambjent tiegħek.

I eżita tniżżil għaliex għandi ħafna affarijiet oħra biex tħares lejn din, read and try to digest. I’m glad I did.

It’s an easy two-step process. Download system center capacity planner and then download the SharePoint models. It runs nicely on Windows XP.

Ibbażat fuq impressjoni malajr tiegħi, Ma narax kif jista jammontaw għal:

  • Fittex: Dokumenti Total, forsi tipi ta 'dokumenti, lingwi.
  • Excel server: kemm, jekk xejn?
  • Formoli server: kemm, jekk xejn?
  • BDC: kemm, jekk xejn.

Dawn jistgħu jkunu mudellati u I biss ma tara minnhom fil- 10 reviżjoni minuta.

I definittivament se tużah fil-klijent tiegħi li jmiss.

Jekk I ma kinux konsulent u minflok qed jaħdem għal kumpanija reali :), I’d model my current environment and see how the tool’s recommended model matches up against reality. That would be pretty neat. It could lead to some good infrastructure discussion.


Énième Network Kredenzjali Ħruġ Multi-Isfida u Soluzzjoni

My client recently installed a magic device from Juniper that apparently replaced their old Cisco network load balancer (NLB). At about the same time, we installed a hotfix to address a workflow problem.

A day or two later, we noticed a problem when we accessed the shared service provider (SSP). We could get to it, but we would be challenged for a user ID and password many times on each page. This didn’t happen with the main portal app, nor central administration. Naturally, we didn’t know which of the two (Juniper or hotfix) would be the issue, though I strongly suspected the hotfix, figuring we had not installed it quite right.

It turned out that Juniper had some kind of compression setting. Wieħed mill- robed figures over in the network group turned that setting off. That solved our problem.

This is not the first time that compression has been the root cause of a SharePoint problem for me. IIS compression adversely affected a 3rd party tool from the good people at The Dot Net Factory for IE 6 browsers (IE 7 browsers worked without difficulty).

Allura, add "compression" to the hazards list.


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