Цатегори Арцхивес: Јавни Говорећи

Цлоуд Цомпутинг, Истичући СхареПоинт

Уместо СхареПоинт продавница Талк седници у четвртак, my partners and I at Арцовис are teaming up with Цлоуд Стратегије и Интегрисани системи и услуге Група to give what I hope will be an interesting presentation on Microsoft’s online services, фокусирајући се на пословне продуктивности Онлине Суите (БПОС). Arcovis actually uses BPOS for its internal SharePoint portal so we have some hands on experience and the kind of experience borne of daily use. Заправо, the demo itself is running in our very own BPOS environment.

Можете да read all the gory sales details here but the main points are:

  • The Cloud Computing Value Proposition: When to Consider Moving to the Cloud
  • Microsoft’s Online Services: Business Productivity Online Suite Overview
  • SharePoint™ Online Spotlight
  • Live Demonstration: Empowering your Business using SharePoint Online
  • How to Get Started with Cloud Computing

    I’ll be giving the live demo and I think it should be interesting in its own right, divorced of the whole cloud / online thing. I’m going to describe a very common business process, the famous New Hire / On-boarding process. I’ll demonstrate a solution that uses SharePoint to implement that process. The demo will include notifications, a dashboard and just generally cool visibility to what’s going on with new hires.

    I’ve personally implemented this solution for three separate companies, so I know it’s a pretty common process that people like to automate using SharePoint. With luck, Arcovis will be using this ourselves soon enough 🙂

    Тако, if you’ve had any interest in cloud computing from a very practical SharePoint point of view, this webinar is just what you need to do this Thursday 🙂

    Региструјте се овде: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=1dcgz55vlpm0psn3


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  • СхареПоинт причаоница Рекапитулација

    We held our 3rd SharePoint Shop Talk session yesterday. Twenty-five folk braved the overly aggressive registration screen (радимо на томе!) to sign up and dial into the call.

    The topics varied widely although they were a bit more end user and light admin focused this time. We spent a lot of time discussing the age old question, “how do I secure a view”. There was some SharePoint Designer in there, мало садржаја распоређивања, верзија веб делова на издавачким страницама (Постоји заиста није било Верзионисање за веб делова), најбоље праксе за успостављање безбедности (ансвер = "зависи", и имајте на уму Јорис 'пост овде: http://jopx.blogspot.com/2009/08/sharepoint-and-2000-principal-limit.html) и аналитика (што је довело до промовисање Тодд Клиндт на пост овде о ЛогПарсер и СхареПоинт: http://www.toddklindt.com/blog/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=85).

    A pattern seems to be forming with these calls. A question is emailed in or asked during the Q&A and the bottom line answer is “it depends.” The panel discusses various angles to the question, можемо да залута ван на непаран тангенте или два, али на крају, we’ve had a pretty thorough discussion of that topic. My goal with these sessions is that question asker walks away from the call with more options to solve her problem than she had before she joined the call. I think it’s safe to say that that’s happening (заправо, она може имати много опција у неким случајевима).

    Следеће недеље, моје колеге и ја у Арцовис заједнички представљају Вебинар са двојицом наших партнера, Интегрисани системи и услуге Група и Цлоуд Стратегије about Microsoft Online services. I think it’s going to be very informative. Our role (Арцовис) is to present a short demo on how to build a real world solution using Microsoft on line. We’re going to demonstrate a human resources application to manage the on-boarding process for new hires. If you’ve wondered about MS Online, check this webinar out.

    То вебинар вероватно значи да ми неће бити одржавање Продавница сесија разговора следеће недеље, али стално тунед 🙂 Ако ми га, неће бити у четвртак.

    Још једном, моја захвалност иде панелу: Хари Јонес, Natalya Voskresenskaya and Laura Rogers. Хвала, момци!


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    СхареПоинт Продавница разговор (Отворена П&A) Овог четвртка, 08/20/09 у 12:30ЕДТ

    Ми држимо нашу 3. СхареПоинт Продавница сесија разговора сутра, 08/20 из 12:30 на 1:30 ЕДТ.

    Можете прочитати о седници прошле недеље овде: СхареПоинт Схоп Талк мисли и реакције

    Понесите питања или пошаљите их унапред инфо@арцовис.цом.

    Региструјте се овде: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=xnddgb0b7zh5w9xs


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    СхареПоинт Схоп Талк мисли и реакције

    We held our second “SharePoint Shop Talk” session yesterday and it was a lot of fun. We had fewer attendees this time (углавном због тога што наш партнер, ИССГ, не шаљу велики позивате е њихове базе клијената). С друге стране, we had probably more than twice as many questions to answer. We had so many, заправо, that we couldn’t get to all of them, so now we have a little bit of a head start on questions for next week’s Shop Talk session. The questions and our responses touched on data view web parts, setting user region specific information programmatically, SharePoint designer workflows, crazy infrastructure question about Kerberos (that was probably a plant by Bob Fox) and jQuery. Нажалост, no banjo jokes, међутим. Sigh…

    We’ve registered the site, www.sharepointshoptalk.com and we want start using that to do all the usual things, like announce the schedule of calls, put up the recordings of the sessions and the questions/answers themselves. (don’t bother clicking the link as there isn’t any content there as yet).

    On yesterday’s call, we had the original expert panel which included my Arcovis partners (Наталија Воскресенскаа и Хари Јонес). We added Лаура Рогерс од ЕУСП.цом (и другде) слава. To top it all off, SharePoint MVP Бил Симсер joined the call and we roped him into the discussion. Bil even dusted off an old blog entry and updated it in response to one of the questions.

    If you’re interesting in participating as an “official” panel member, испали емаил инфо@арцовис.цом and let us know (I promise that that email address now works!) or DM me, Наталија или Хари преко Твиттер.

    Thanks Bil and Laura!

    That’s a lot of SharePoint firepower on the line ready to answer your questions as best we can.

    I’ll be posting details for the next SharePoint Talk Shop session on my blog and twitter.


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    СхареПоинт Продавница Талк Отвори П&Седница Четвртак 08/13 @ 12:30 ЕДТ

    Арцовис ће домаћин бити наш други "СхареПоинт Продавница Талк" на седници у четвртак 12:30 ЕДТ. Show up with your SharePoint questions and we’ll do our best to entertain you with banjo jokes, smart but harmless put-downs of our fellow panelists and maybe even answer a question or two. This week’s “official” panel includes yours truly, мој Арцовис партнери (Наталија Воскресенскаа и Хари Јонесу) и Лаура Родгерс (од цвркут & ЕндУсерСхареПоинт слава). Bob fox threatened to join too, but I don’t take that too seriously. Last time, имали смо висок ниво учешћа публике која замаглио линију између панелиста и учесника и очекујем исто ће се десити четвртак.

    Овај догађај је ко-спонзорисан од стране интегрисане системе анд Сервицес (ввв.иссгроуп.нет).

    Региструјте се овде: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=9xrzxfs9x34sb0sm

    Ако имате питања која желите да, just dial into the call and ask it. If you want us to think about it first, пошаљите нам е-маил или оставите коментар овде.

    Видимо се онда!


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    Уживо СхареПоинт П&Седница Четвртак 07/30/09 @ 12:30 ЕДТ завршава 1:30ЕДТ

    Ажурирање: The format for this is basically a conference call with a couple of PPT slides to set the stage. We have a SharePoint environment on stand by to fire up in case it helps out, but this is mainly people talking out loud. There will be opportunities for follow up by email.

    Going back to my first ever SharePoint conference, just over a year ago, I’ve been struck by how terrific a live Q&A session can be. The conference organizers had put together a sort of ad hoc group of “experts” (и.е. people who were hanging around and weren’t afraid of looking to silly up on stage) to answer any questions that came from the audience in the room. It was in my head back then, and periodically since then, to host a similar session but do it on line and the phone. I don’t think it can be as good as an in-person Q&A session, but I think it could be pretty cool.

    I finally got around to it and next Thursday, 07/30, моја фирма (Арцовис) and business partner, Integrated Systems and Services group, will be hosting a Q&A like that. I’m hoping to do these regularly, as often as weekly.

    This inaugural session will probably be a little bumpy, but the concept is this:

    • If you have questions that you’d like to have answered during the session, just show up and ask.
    • If you want, you can email the question in advance.

    We plan to spend the first half of the Q&A on emailed questions and then open it up to anything that anyone asks after that.

    The session takes place on Thursday, 07/30 starting at 12:30 and ending at 1:30 ЕДТ.

    Уколико сте заинтересовани, kindly register here: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=pxlsd9fpsm2md7h9

    The panel will include me and other SharePoint luminaries. You’ll have to sign up to find out who they are 🙂

    If you’d like to be one of those luminaries for a future Q&A session, let me know.


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    Тецхнорати Тагс:

    СхареПоинт Субота Феномен се наставља (више, моја Слиде палуба)

    Ја сам се вратио из Вашингтона јуче након присуствовања најновије СхареПоинт субота. What a remarkable event! Continuing the tradition of other SP Saturday’s, it was very well run. The environment, Целокупна организација, проток, продавац област, храна ... све је то било сјајно.

    Наравно, Најбољи део је садржаја и не мислим да је неко разочаран.

    Стварно је невероватно ми је како толико људи сами буђење из кревета рано у суботу да иду и слушају приче о људима за СхареПоинт 8 hours 🙂 Amazing.

    Шансе су, постоји СхареПоинт субота догађај долази ваш начин и ако не постоји, зашто не почнете један?

    Сам представио на конференцији са језиком увртање наслова, “Using the SharePoint Platform to Build Vertical Business Applications.” You can get the presentation here: https://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/Public. It’s not my usual sort of presentation and I had fun with it. I’ll be giving this again in June at the North VA user group conference at the end of June.


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    СхареПоинт као пословног система Оперативни

    Откад сам чуо цитат, наводно током К&Сесија са Стеве Баллмер у марту 2007, I’ve sort of been holding my breath for something to happen. The quote was basically this: “SharePoint is an operating system for business applications.” Knowing a fair bit about SharePoint and a middling bit about operating systems, I thought it was really apt. I’m holding my breath, waiting for companies to really buy into that concept and start to build applications within the SharePoint “operating system.”

    Сам посветио сам доста размишљања на ову тему и ове године (да се вратимо на моје 2009 предвиђања) и ја ћу говорити о томе у 2. мај СхареПоинт Субота догађај у Вашингтону.

    Ово је моја презентација је апстрактна, под називом "Коришћење СхареПоинт платформу за изградњу вертикалних апликација пословних":

    "Хоризонтално?"" Вертицал?"Шта те речи значе у контексту СхареПоинт? СхареПоинт, као што често чујемо, је "платформа" за изградњу апликација. Ова чињеница се често губи на нама од такозваних хоризонталних платформе функцијама, као што су управљање документима и трагања, are so easy and useful in and of themselves. Међутим, СхареПоинт је још моћан и да ће вратити већу вредност када се користи за креирање апликација вертикалне прилагодјена дана твој посао 'у дан захтевима. Ова седница описује како да саставите карактеристике платформе у вертицализед решење користећи стварни свет пословни пример - продајни куоте процес управљања и корисника гатеваи. Председница је циљ је да отвори очи могућности СхареПоинт платформи и да искористи своје хоризонталне функције платформе за стварање специјализованих пословних решења за вашу организацију вертикалном.

    Ако то предмет не плутају свој брод, there are a bunch of other good topics. And DC is a great venue in and of itself to visit.

    Регистрација отвара овај четвртак, 04/16. Keep on top of the site and grab a seat before it’s too late 🙂


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    Канадски Минута

    Овај пут прошле недеље, Ја сам био у Монтреалу, похађају препоручује СхареПоинт Суммит 2009. I gave a 3.5 hour tutorial on installing and customizing SharePoint. It was a scary subject on many levels. I’m not really a SharePoint admin, али знам довољно да дају упутство на тему. (Срећом, Џеф Шалер из Софтвер Циљеви у Аустралији, између неколико других, био у гужви да одговори на нека од питања дубљих [Ја не знам шта су ставили у воду доле, али ми треба нешто од тога овде у САД]).

    Али, back to many levels of scariness… It had a lot of potential to be very boring. I actually installed WSS and then upgraded it to MOSS. In front of a room full of people. Canadian poeple. There were long 5 и 7 minute gaps where we were watching the installation process chug along. I needed to fill that time with something useful and interesting. I’m not sure I succeeded.

    Коначно, it was loooong. Three and one half hours. That’s a long presentation. I made a little joke of it, saying “We have a long presentation ahead of us. Three and one half hours. That’s 210 записник. And I don’t even know how many minutes that is in Canadian.”

    Сви су се насмејали, а као резултат, Montreal is officially on my Good Places list 🙂

    Чак и ако нису смејали мом шалу, I would love Montreal. I try very hard to be open minded and not take my cues from Соутх Парк, али признајем, на моју жалост, that I had no idea how great is the metropolis of Montreal. I can’t wait to go back in a few months, када је мало топлије, да поново посети.

    На неком врстом Узгред, Такође сам седео преко Ерик Свенсон је Прва јавна презентација под називом "ИА и брендирања: Скице за вирефрамес на Хи-Фиделити дизајна. " (Ерик је мој колега ЕМЦ). Check out the abstract here: http://www.sharepointsummit2009.com/conference_day2.htm. Чак сам га забележен за њега. I tried several times for some “action shots” and zoomed in on him when he paused to drink some water. I didn’t always succeed, but I tried 🙂


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    Тецхнорати Тагс:

    НИЦ СхареПоинт Програмери Група – Дееп Тецх Талк

    Пре неколико недеља, I presented at the New York City SharePoint Developers Group meeting at the Microsoft office in Manhattan. They meet every last Tuesday of the month.

    I’ve been spending most of my time lately in my beloved New Jersey so I don’t get to go into the city as much as I like. Као резултат тога, I think I made it to the first or second of this group’s meetings and then again at January’s meeting. I missed all of the meetings in between (four or five of them probably). It’s a new group.

    I was really struck by the truly technical focus and high quality of the discussion, before, during and after my presentation. We talked about a wide range of subjects relating to SharePoint and other Microsoft technology.

    If you’re looking for a friendly place to get real techy, I highly recommend this group.


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