jamii Archives: SharePoint Workflow

Kubwa na Mafunzo Walk-kwa njia ya kutumia InfoPath na Workflow kwa kutatua tatizo ratiba

Siku hizi, Mimi daima kucheza catch-up na blog kusoma yangu na mimi tu alimkuta post hii: http://sharepointsolutions.blogspot.com/2009/02/give-blood-to-your-workflow.html

Ni kama imara na kina Designer SharePoint workflow mafunzo (pamoja na zaidi!) that you’ll see anywhere on the interwebs. I’d check it out, even if you’re a scarred SPD veteran.

Ni kubwa SharePoint mafunzo kwa wote InfoPath na workflow.


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Kudhibiti Workflow Tabia na Desturi Lists (Tena)

Mapema mwezi huu, Mimi put together an article originally planned for Mark Miller’s www.endusersharepont.com. Hata hivyo, I instead used like Dustin Hoffman used a cross at the end of the The Graduate to fend off my (kutisha! kirafiki!) editor at TechTarget.

This is another SharePoint Designer workflow article in the same vein as my more recent effort here: http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=1226 ("Use Control Lists to Create Flexible Workflow Solutions").

Ni kuanza kama hii:

HAVE YOU EVER wished you could temporarily disable a SharePoint Designer workflow? You may want to do this in order to mass-approve a large number of documents without setting off dozens — or possibly hundreds — of unnecessary workflows.

One way to accomplish this is to access the workflow using Share-Point Designer and disable it. To do that, you’ll need to open up SharePoint Designer, access the workflow, change its properties and re-save it. The problem with that method is that it’s a little messy and likely to ring lots of alarm bells at most companies.

Kwa ujumla, fiddling about with SharePoint Designer workflows is not a good practice in a production environment, nor is it part of a well controlled process.

The article then walks you through a solution to this problem that uses a custom list to turn the WF on or off as needs dictate. Kusoma kitu wote hapa (http://wp.bitpipe.com/resource/org_1127860336_240/SharePoint_vol5_v6 1_16.pdf).

This article was inspired by a question asked on the forums here: http://www.endusersharepoint.com/STP/. Although I spend far more time on the MSDN forums, I strongly recommend that you have a peek at the EUSP forum as well, particularly for end user oriented questions. It’s yet another source of good information and advice.


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Kutumia Orodha Udhibiti Kujenga Solutions Workflow Flexible

Wiki iliyopita, Mark Miller posted my latest SharePoint Designer workflow article for end users on his site (http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=1226).

Ni kuanza kama hii:

Sisi aina ya kiufundi matumizi mengi ya jargon na Vifupisho katika utaratibu wetu wa kila siku kama vile "OOP" (kitu oriented programu), "CT" (Aina maudhui), "SPD" (SharePoint Designer), "RTFM" (tafadhali kusoma mwongozo), nk. This article concerns itself with a particular bugaboo called “hard coding:” What it is, why it’s bad and how to avoid it in SharePoint designer workflow solutions.

I describe how we can use custom lists to store workflow control and configuration data. Using this approach, we can avoid hard coding values such as approvers’ email addresses, approval dollar limits, nk.

Kuangalia ni nje.


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Wakala Web Server Alijaribu Stop Me Kutoka Kufunga Windows Workflow Foundation, Lakini mimi Walioshindwa Ni

I’m working at a client site and needed to install windows workflow foundation so that I could so some SharePoint Designer work. (Sikujua mpaka leo kwamba SPD installs faini lakini kwa kweli inahitaji angalau NET. 2.0 na Windows Workflow Foundation kuwa kweli inatumika; Mimi daima kudhani hizo zilifungwa pamoja na SPD, but I was wrong).

The client has a proxy server. No problem, I have credentials to get outside to the public Internets. I go to the usual place to download WWF (SPD helpfully provided me with a link). That download is really a bootstrap of sorts. It runs and figures out what else it needs to download. That second download process failed. It either does not try at all, or is somehow prevented from asking for proxy server credentials. It was a pretty hard crash, giving me the message:

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 has encountered a problem during setup. Setup did not complete successfully.

I tried to reboot and spent 10 seconds trying to figure out if I could get it to ask me for proxy server credentials. I gave up and went here instead: .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Package).

I downloaded that package, installed and this time, no problems.


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SPD Workflow: Kuonyesha Jina Kamili Badala ya Domain jina la mtumiaji

Katika nini inaonekana kuwa blog yake ya uzinduzi posting, chiqnlips ina delved katika wazimu kwamba ni safu ya mahesabu na ilivyoelezwa ufumbuzi wa ya kawaida SharePoint Designer tatizo workflow email shughuli: How to display a person’s real name in an email instead of "domain\username."

Mimi si kupimwa ni mimi mwenyewe, but it looks promising. Kuangalia ni nje.


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Porting SharePoint Designer Workflow kutoka Orodha ya Moja kwa Mwingine

Mark Miller zaidi ya saa www.endusersharepoint.com posted makala yangu ya karibuni juu ya SharePoint Designer workflow hapa (http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=1037).

I describe the basic approach for moving a workflow you create in one list to another list. The other list can be in the same site, sawa tovuti ukusanyaji au shamba tofauti kabisa (e.g. na maendeleo ya uzalishaji).

This is a complicated subject so I only covered a very basic scenario. Wiki ijayo, I’ll write up a more useful real world example.

Kuangalia nje na kushiriki maoni yoyote kuna.


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Nini Je, si mimi Urahisi Port SharePoint Designer Workflow Solutions Kutoka Orodha ya Moja kwa Mwingine?

Mark Miller ina posted Mwisho wangu karibuni mtumiaji oriented SharePoint Designer Workflow makala kwenye tovuti yake hapa: http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=1008

Mimi kujaribu kutoa jibu sawa-mbele kwa swali, "Why can’t I easily port a SharePoint designer workflow from development to test?" In the process, Mimi pia kutoa baadhi ya ufahamu katika yale SPD ni kweli kufanya nyuma ya pazia wakati sisi kutumia kwa kujenga ufumbuzi workflow.

Wiki ijayo, Mimi kueleza mtumiaji Mwisho kirafiki njia ya bandari SPD workflow kutoka server moja hadi nyingine, au angalau kama mtumiaji wa mwisho wa kirafiki ufumbuzi kama inawezekana kutokana na hali ya kuweka chombo.


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SharePoint Designer Workflow Je, si Upatikanaji “Kijijini” au “Kigeni” Orodha

Hapa mwingine kawaida SharePoint Designer workflow swali:

"Can I access (kusoma / kuandika) SharePoint orodha kupitia workflows ambayo si wanaishi kwenye tovuti hiyo kama orodha yenyewe?"

Jibu rahisi ni: Si.

Kama kwa njia nyingi, hata hivyo, tuna kuhitimu kwamba (ambayo ni kitu kizuri katika kesi hii). The platform lets us create extensions to the produce in many ways, ikiwa ni pamoja na hatua desturi (kuona codeplex mdogo wangu mradi hapa kwa mfano). A custom action lets us do basically anything we want from SharePoint designer workflow. I’m a big fan of this, kwa kweli, tangu inatupa bora wa walimwengu wote — declarative mtumiaji wa mwisho wa kirafiki designer na kina kamili ya mfumo. NET saa tips yetu kidole.

Cha kusikitisha, kama wewe ni kutumia SPD, kuna nafasi nzuri ya wewe kufanya hivyo kwa sababu huwezi kutumia studio ya Visual (kutokana na ukweli kwamba Visual studio inahitaji kina developer background). I don’t have any good answer to that problem except that you should prevail upon one of your technical co-workers to create the kind of custom action you need. Alternatively, kazi na usimamizi wa kuajiri au mkataba kwamba aina ya rasilimali.


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SharePoint Designer Workflow na Attachments Barua pepe — Ukamilifu mwema kwa kuwa alitaka

Cha kusikitisha, it is not to be. We cannot send an email with attachments from a SharePoint Designer workflow using out of the box features. This wish comes up with increasing regularity on the MSDN forums.

Hata hivyo, the SharePoint jukwaa, kama na mambo mengi, does offer us a path forward. Tunaweza kujenga vitendo desturi which we then incorporate into our workflows. Once installed, hatua desturi inaonekana na anahisi kama hatua nyingine yoyote ya (e.g. Kukusanya takwimu, Ingia Ujumbe, nk).

Kujenga hatua desturi ni mlima kubwa ya kupanda, hata hivyo, for End Users. This codeplex project provides this functionality: http://www.codeplex.com/SPDActivities. Pulling that down and installing it is also beyond the skills of typical End Users. Hata hivyo, ni rahisi sana kwa admin SharePoint ya kufanya hivyo, hivyo kama wewe mwenyewe kupata wanaohitaji kuendeleza workflow na uwezo huu, kazi na msimamizi wako SharePoint kupata kufanyika.


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SharePoint Designer Workflow, Tukio kupokea na “Update Orodha ya Bidhaa” dhidi ya “Kuweka Field katika Item sasa”

We have a set of SharePoint designer workflows that "communicate" with an event receiver on the list via changes to site column values. Kwa mfano, if a site column "SetDuedate" ni kuweka kweli kwa workflow, receiver tukio hutambua kwamba mabadiliko, mahesabu ya tarehe kutokana na inateua kwamba tarehe ya safu ya tovuti nyingine, "Due Date." We split things up like this because the event receiver can calculate a due date using complex business rules (taking weekends and company holidays into account) while SPD really can not.

In one specific instance, we ran into a problem with this trick. Debugging all this is pretty difficult, but we came to the definite conclusion that in one case (angalau), the event receiver was not running all the time. In one step of the workflow, we would change the value of a site column and the event receiver didn’t appear to run. Hata hivyo, it was running consistently in a different step of the workflow.

After reviewing it, I noticed that the happy workflow step used the "Update List Item" while the other step used "Set Field in Current Item." Update List Item was updating the "current item." I’m not sure why we picked one over the other since they would seem to be doing the same thing.

Hivyo … the Update List Item action did cause the event to fire. Kwa upande mwingine, the Set Field in Current Item action did not.

I used Update List Item in both places and viola! It worked. [[ Total aside, I played the violin for on a daily basis for almost 15 miaka ]]

From this, I tentatively believe that the "Set Field" action does not cause event receivers to fire, at least some of the time.

This issue bedeviled us for weeks.

This is one of those "observed behavior" posts. I observed this happen once in a specific environment and I’m making some guesses as to why things happened as they did. If you have any insight into this one, please share in the comments.


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