jamii Archives: SharePoint

Kutumia “Mtu au kikundi” katika safu ya mahesabu

People commonly ask about using a column of data type "Person or Group" in another column of data type "Calculated".

Bottom line, hii haina kazi katika WSS 3.0 (au MOSS).

Wakati kuongeza safu ya mahesabu, WSS shows the list of fields it allows you to use for the calculation. If you type in the name of a column that is not in its list, ni atakwambia:

Marejeo safu moja au zaidi hawaruhusiwi, kwa sababu nguzo hufafanuliwa kama aina data kwamba si mkono katika formula.

Workaround: Use an event handler. The event handler fires when the user saves the item. It performs the update you would have wanted the calculated column to do for you.

Muhimu viungo kwenye mashamba mahesabu kwa ujumla:

Haraka Kanusho: Naamini hapo juu kuwa ni kweli na sahihi, lakini nimeona tricks wajanja kutosha hapa na pale katika MOSS / WSS kwamba mimi bila kuwa na kushangazwa sana (agog kama wewe) if someone has figured out a way to do this without resorting to code. If you’ve figured out clever work-around or know someone that did, tafadhali napenda kujua!

MOSS / WSS anasema mimi: “ukurasa imebadilishwa na mwandishi mwingine juu ya …” lakini kwa kweli, haikuwa.

We did some heavy duty re-organizing of our site taxonomy via "Manage Content and Structure". For reasons unknown to me, mchakato huu (ingawa kazi katika kuu) broke some navigation links in the quick launch. The broken links are characterized by:

  • Wrong URL. Kwa mfano, it should be "/sites/departments/HumanResources/…". Hata hivyo, the new link is "/sites/Corporate/HumanResources/…".
  • Mara kwa mara bits juu ya kamba swala ya viongozi, kama katika:

/maeneo / idara / HumanResources / _layouts / viewlsts.aspx?BaseType=0?BaseType=0?BaseType=0?BaseType=0

That’s easy enough to fix via site settings/navigation. Except, MOSS inatoa yangu kwa hii wakati mimi kujaribu na kufanya hivyo:


Ukweli ni, hakuna mtu ni kufanya mabadiliko yoyote kuna (kando kutoka kwangu, bila shaka).

kutafuta haraka zamu up hii MSDN ukumbi wa majadiliano: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1691577&SiteID=1

William Heurdier anajaalia ni nje nicely katika iliyokaribia mwisho (kama ya 10/02/07) baada ya:

Ukweli ni:

Upya vichwa kupotoshwa, una :

– kuondoa orodha zote chini ya kichwa kupotoshwa

– kuondoa kupotoshwa viongozi

– Kutoka kwa mazingira orodha, add a removed list to the quick launch (Hii regenerate si kupotoshwa viongozi)

Wewe ni basi nzuri ya kwenda….

Sharepoint Mtaalam – Sura Gemini Sogeti Uswisi

Nilikuwa kidogo kuchanganyikiwa kwa sababu mimi naendelea kutaka kwenda ukurasa urambazaji, make the change and then get hit with the "page was modified" message. Hatimaye, I realized I had to go to the list settings and remove/add it to quick launch. That did the trick. Happy times are here again!


Kujiunga na blog yangu!

Matatizo na “Pause Mpaka Tarehe” shughuli katika workflows SPD-umba

UPDATE 12/10/07: Hotfix as described in MSDN KB929816 solved the problem for us mentioned below. Obtain the hotfix and then install on each server on the farm. Kisha, sharepoint configuration utility on each server. Here is the MS Support link for that KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/932816.


We have a business requirement where an environmental engineering manager needs to ensure that 30 some-odd manufacturing locations located throughout the United States needs to ensure that those plants file for their various state-mandated permits in a timely fashion. One approach we’ve investigated leverages the "Pause Until Date" activity available to us via SharePoint Designer worfklow. The engineering manager (or her assistant) enters all the required permits and reminder dates at the start of the year. The system then does all the heavy lifting.


Moss, 64 bit, virtual machine environment (development box), 2 servers (SQL on server #1, everything else on server #2).


The Pause Until Date action seems like the perfect solution and it may well prove itself to be. Hata hivyo, it does not work well out of the box (for us).

  1. The workflow job was not scheduled to run, ever. I discovered this by reading through Christopher White’s (http://chrissyblanco.blogspot.com/2007/06/issues-with-delay-activity-in-moss.html) excellent write-up by using stsadm thusly:

    C:\>stsadm -o getproperty -propertyname "job-workflow" -url http://localhost

    <Property Exist="No" />


    That was a surprising result but easily solved:

    C:\>stsadm -o setproperty -propertyname "job-worfklow" -propertyvalue "every 1 minutes between 0 and 59" -url http://localhost

    Operation completed successfully.


    Upon doing that, the first "In Progress" workflow quickly fired up and did it’s job.

  2. Cha kusikitisha, the next one didn’t work as expected. Nashiriki, Christopher refers us hapa (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/932816). As of writing of this entry, we’re waiting for the IT department to obtain that hotfix, but it does look promising. Our copies of the affected .dll’s do not share the same byte size, so hopefully this will solve the problem.


Re-running the stsadm -o setproperty command seemed to prod the workflow timer awake. It would, roughly 7 minutes later, actually wake up and continue along with the workflow.

Maswali / Issues Addressed:

Pause Until Date does not work.

Pause Until Date does not resume.

Workflow status does not change from "In Progress"

Workflow status stays "In Progress"

MRO Workflow kesi utafiti kwa kutumia MOSS, SPD, InfoPath & mtandao wa huduma.


Kuingia hii inaeleza utafiti kesi kuelezea MRO halisi (Matengenezo, Kukarabati na Uendeshaji) workflow idhini ya mchakato wa kutekelezwa katika MOSS.

Hii si mjadala overtly kiufundi, lakini badala yake hutumika kutoa mfano halisi ya dunia kwamba inaonyesha jinsi jukwaa MOSS alikutana haja halisi ya dunia.

(Kuingia hii ni kuvuka posted kati ya http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com na http://blogs.conchango.com)


mteja mchakato MRO alikuwa na sifa zifuatazo

  • Mwongozo idhini ya mchakato.
  • Baadhi ya msaada kwa kutumia kuutumia Spreadsheets.
  • Irregular approval process. The same MRO purchase approval process would vary day to day, mtu kwa mtu.
  • Kura ya karatasi na saini mkono kuandikwa — Maombi ya kununua inahitajika hadi 3 imeandikwa saini kabla ya idhini ya mwisho.

malengo ya mradi huu ni pamoja:

  • Kikamilifu aŭtomate mchakato.
  • Kutekeleza viwango vya biashara kwa ajili ya idhini.
  • Kutoa maoni ya imara ya MRO ununuzi wa mameneja mbalimbali.
  • Detailed audit trail.

As a side effect of the solution, saini imeandikwa walikuwa tena required.

Mchakato idhini

The approval process consists of four "swim lanes": Mwanzilishi, Moja kwa moja meneja, Kazi meneja na meneja mgawanyiko.


Sees the need for the purchase and starts the process. Note that the originator may or may not actually enter the purchase requisition, but instead direct another staff member to do so. Some times, the originator does not have the technical expertise to fill out the PO requisition. Kwa mfano, user kutaka Shurutisho mpya mbali ya kompyuta, lakini hajui muuzaji bora, IT viwango, nk. Katika kesi hiyo, the originator works with IT and IT actually fills out the requisition.

Moja kwa moja meneja:

Hii ni meneja wa moja kwa moja ya mwanzilishi (ambayo inaweza kuwa tofauti kutoka kwa mtu ambaye kweli aliingia ndani ya shurutisho PO MOSS). Direct managers must approve the PO requisition before the system seeks approval further down the line.

Kazi Meneja:

The functional manager is the individual responsible for ensuring that the proposed purchase conforms to enterprise standards within the scope of a particular corporate function. Kwa mfano, IT purchases are approved by an IT functional manager.

Idara ya Meneja:

Division managers approve purchase requisitions strictly by dollar amount. Division manager approve purchase requisitions in excess of a configurable dollar amount.


We used the following tools and components to implement the solution:

Moss: Serves as the platform off which everything else "hangs". MOSS provides bedrock services for security, bwana data, ukaguzi trails na sifa nyingine.

InfoPath hutengeneza huduma: Moss sehemu, hii inawezesha watumiaji kujaza Maombi ya kununua kupitia kivinjari.

SharePoint Designer (SPD): Sisi kutumika SPD kutekeleza automatiska workflow mchakato.

Mtandao Huduma: A c# web service enhances the user experience by enabling cascading selections lists in the InfoPath form and provides better performance with respect to filtering data. Kuona hapa kwa ajili ya kiufundi dive kina juu ya somo hili na sababu zetu kwa kutumia.

Desturi Lists: MOSS user profiles provided a given user’s direct manager, but did not provide most of the data that controlled workflow decisions (e.g. kama meneja wa tarafa anahitajika kuidhinisha Shurutisho PO). We used custom lists in an "Enterprise Data" site to maintain data such as "Divisional Manager Approval Dollar Amount", "Functional Area Manager" and so forth. Lists integrated very nicely with InfoPath and also provide create/update/delete (CRUD) utendaji na ukaguzi na nje ya usalama wa sanduku.

Kutumia Uchunguzi

Hii kesi ya matumizi unaeleza jinsi ufumbuzi inafaa pamoja:

  1. Paul wants a new laptop. He describes his needs to Vivek, Mtu IT ukoo na viwango vya ushirika mbali, preferred wachuuzi, nk.
  2. Vivek magogo katika MOSS, accesses the PO Requisition form and enters the requisition on behalf of Paul. The form prompts Vivek for a purchase category which then uses the web services to populate a drop-down list of company-approved vendors. Vivek also specifies the corporate functional area of this purchase (e.g. "IT" or "Finance").
  3. SPD workflow makao kuanza, huamua Paulo moja kwa moja meneja na njia Shurutisho na meneja wake, Stacy.
  4. Stacy imeidhinisha Shurutisho ununuzi.
  5. SPD workflow inspects the requisition and determines it’s an IT purchase. It routes the workflow to the IT functional manager, Wonson.
  6. Wonson imeidhinisha shurutisho.
  7. SPD workflow tena inspects Shurutisho na huamua kwamba kiasi ununuzi unazidi maxium dola kiasi na njia yake na meneja mgawanyiko kwa idhini.
  8. meneja mgawanyiko imeidhinisha Shurutisho ununuzi.


  • The use case demonstrates a "clean" run with no rejections or jumps.
  • Every approver has the ability to approve or reject the requisition as well as provide written comments. These are logged in the audit trail.
  • Kama meneja kuwajibika anakataa Shurutisho ununuzi katika hatua yoyote, the PO requisition is "dead" and the process must be started from the beginning.
  • Workflow notifies mwanzilishi katika kila hatua ya mchakato.
  • Hakuna saini imeandikwa — mteja kuamua (baada ya baadhi ya mapendekezo ya kuingilia kwa nguvu) kwamba uchaguzi ukaguzi kama zinazotolewa kupitia historia workflow, aliwahi ukaguzi ya mahitaji yao ya.
  • Juhudi — it took approximately three man weeks to implement this solution.


This solution leverages MOSS as a development and run-time platform. The client was able to leverage core MOSS features to automate a routine business process that affected nearly every employee in the company. With the exception of a simple web service (ambayo yenyewe leverages MOSS), almost no actual "programming" alitakiwa.

The solution also serves as a "showcase" kwa ajili ya mteja, demonstrating how different MOSS features can be combined to create a fully featured business application and generate new consulting opportunities in the future.


MRO: Matengenezo, repair and operations. These purchases typically include items such as notepads, viti, kompyuta binafsi, Printers, kiini na kama.

MOSS / WSS Matokeo ya utafutaji (na dataviews): mtazamo ghafi XML data

Hii inaweza kuwa wazi kwa wengi, lakini wakati kusoma kwa ajili ya mtihani MOSS yangu programu, Nilijifunza kwamba ni pretty rahisi kupata XML halisi kutoka kutafuta swala kupitia interface user.

Njia moja ya haraka ni kama ifuatavyo:

  • Kupata tafuta ya juu.
  • Kufanya search kwamba anarudi baadhi ya data.
  • Hariri ukurasa (kupitia tovuti ya mazingira).
  • Change the XSL to the following:

<?xml toleo="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsl:Lahamtindo toleo="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
xsl:pato njia="xml" toleo="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" Indent="ndiyo"/>
xsl:template mechi="/">
xsl:copy-of kuchagua="*"/>

  • Hit apply.
  • View Source in the browser.

Note that the <pre> tag doesn’t do much except serve as a convenient marker when you view the results.

This trick can be very helpful when working with managed properties and customizing search. It will provide a definitive list of the XML available for you to use in your xslt which would have been very helpful the last 25 times I created some customized search results.

This ought to work for dataviews as well, though I have not tested that out as yet.

Hakuna CQWP kwa WSS? Jaribu hili…

I see that Eric Kraus was faced with a requirement normally met with a content query web part. tatizo? He was in a pure WSS environment with no access to the CQWP. Rather than curling up in the fetal position (kuwaomba nina kupigana, kila siku, inaonekana), he came up with solution that at least gives WSS shops a fighting chance to succeed. It’s described hapa.

Kipaji na kina mtazamo wa usimamizi wa maudhui API

Stefan Goßner has put together a terrific 4-part series on the SharePoint Content and Deployment API hapa. It offers a great overview and very good examples in code (C #).

I first picked up this link from joris poelmans blog at http://jopx.blogspot.com/.

Hata kama wewe ni kama mimi, in that you have not had to do much hands-on work for content management, this is well worth 20 minutes of your time to read.

Using the API, one can:

  • Export and import content very easily.
  • Re-parent content. If you want to export some content from a site "A" and send it to site "B" but in a totally new place in the hierarchy, this is possible.
  • Export content from a site A and import selected bits into site A.
  • Re-link content (meaning deal with all the hyperlinks).

WSS, doc libs & orodha ya, Mahesabu nguzo kuwashirikisha [Mimi]

Someone on the Internets was asking about how to create a calculated column on a list that would show a value formatted as "[Mtumiaji] – [Hali ya] – [Mahali]" as in "Paul Galvin – Kunywa [bure] Bia – The Beach".

Paul would go in and update his entry in the list and the calculated column would update appropriately. The [Mtumiaji] lazima default kwa mtumiaji kuingia / uppdatering orodha.

A calculated column cannot use "volatile" kazi kama vile [Mimi] au [Leo]. I solved it in a test environment with these steps:

  1. Create a text column named "Current User".
  2. Kuweka default thamani yake kwa [Mimi]
  3. Create a calculated column called "Calc Test".
  4. Kuweka thamani yake = [Sasa mtumiaji]

Nilikwenda katika, aliongeza bidhaa na orodha na ni kazi.

Vipindi IE shambulio wakati wa kupata nyaraka katika maktaba WSS / MOSS hati

Nimekuwa wanakumbana na hii kwa 9 miezi na mimi kuona kwamba watu MSDN na vikao Usenet kuwa ni too.l

Wakati mwingine, wakati wa kupata hati neno (au nyingine doc aina) kutoka maktaba hati husababisha Internet Explorer tu ajali na kwenda mbali (kuchukua tabo wote na ni kama wapo ni wazi).

This MS hotfix may solve it: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/938888

Pia, there’s some description about the problem here:


Mapenzi ya kweli XPath hatua mbele?


Created orodha desturi kwamba itaweza aina maudhui na nguzo baadhi kadhaa.

Aliongeza kwa ukurasa na kisha kupitia SPD, waongofu katika mtazamo data.


My Xpath expression was returning blank for a column named "Current Position". I referenced it thusly:

    <table border="1">
      <xsl:for-each select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row" >
            Current Status:
            <xsl:value-of select="@Current_x0020_Status"></xsl:thamani ya>

The column in the CT is named "Current Status". It shows up in the lookup as "Current Status". Everywhere you look, you see "Current Status".

While thrashing madly about, looking for a solution, I instead referred to "@Recruiter" and behold! — that actually returned back the current status. I expected it to return back the recruiter when I did that.


I poked about in SPD. Go to that page in SPD and it shows the data view. You can inspect the actual data provided to the view and associated Xpath. Here I found out that indeed, the Xpath pointed at "Recruiter". Strangely enough, the "actual" recruiter field pointed from "Recruiter1".

Take Away:

SPD provides authoritative Xpath expressions for rows & columns in a data view.

Pili, it shows the actual data. So for example, a column of type shows this:

<nobr><span><A HREF="/sites/Corporate/HumanResources/TalentAcquisition/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=17">Galvin, Paulo</A><img mpaka ="0" height="1" width="3" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif"/><a href=’javascript:’ onclick=’IMNImageOnClick();return false;’ class=’ms-imnlink’><img name=’imnmark’ title=” mpaka =’0′ height=’12’ width=’12’ src=’/_layouts/images/blank.gif’ alt=’No presence information’ sip=’PGalvin@xxx.com’ id=’imn_77,type=smtp’/></a></span></nobr>