Programmatically Read Alerts for Users in Site Collection

SPAlerCollection class can be used to get the Alert Collection for the User.

The below code snippet is used to read all alerts registered for the site collection users.

private static void GetAlerts()


SPSite currSite = new SPSite(“http://uday”);

SPWeb currWeb = currSite.OpenWeb();

SPUserCollection […]

How to set the Interval for Alerts in SharePoint 2007

To set the timer job interval for alerts can set by using the setproperty for the property job-immediate-alerts command in stsadm.

Syntax:STSADM -o getproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts –pv <property value> -url <URL of the Site>

Example:STSADM -o getproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts –pv “every 2 minutes” -url http://uday


How to Edit InfoPath XML File in Forum Library Programmatically in SharePoint 2007

The below lines of code snippet is to update the infopath xml record(file)

SPWeb _web SPContext.Current.Web =; SPList _list = _web.Lists[“SampleFormLib”];

MemoryStream myInStream = new MemoryStream(item.File.OpenBinary()); XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(myInStream);

XmlDocument doc XmlDocument = new(); doc.Load(reader);

reader.Close(); myInStream.Close();

XmlNamespaceManager nameSpaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); nameSpaceManager.AddNamespace(“my”, ““);

doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(“my:Status”, nameSpaceManager).InnerText = “Saved”; […]

Get Timer Job Interval for Alerts

To get the timer job interval for alerts can be retrieved by using the getproperty command in stsadm.

Syntax:STSADM -o getproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -url <URL of the Site>


STSADM -o getproperty -pn job-immediate-alerts -url http://uday

Set in Duration for New Icon Indicis SharePoint

To Set the Duration for New icon in SharePoint (ex quibus constare potest, deinde ad novum items indicator) et ad obiectum, ad valorem obvius SharePoint WebApplication DaysToShowNewIndicator.

SPWebApplication WebApp SPWebApplication.Lookup =(Uri new(WebAppURL.Text));

WebApp.DaysToShowNewIndicator = 3;



Aliquam tincidunt sodales arcu Approbatio autem accedit ad Infinitum Loop Editing

In SharePoint De Box habet exitus adprobavit, cum approbatione workflow content for item, quando mutatum est, triggering workflow, status autem residuum fuerit in “InProgress” aut “Morbi volutpat” etiam si item comprobat.

Microsoft dimitteris hotfix for this issue. Is can exsisto downloaded exhic

Site Content Type in Use - Error cum Type Deleting Content

Si autem acceperis “Site Content Type in Use” dum error delendo genere content.

Mutato genere contentus pro defectu album / selecti, qui, hac utitur type content.

Ergo conantur delere genus argumentorum.

"The file derogatam per SharePoint system" Error autem in Adaequationis InfoPath xml file SharePoint library

Si velis ut update InfoPath xml file, quod per exemplum in rerum / aut per aliquod medium Webparts.

While the execting Item.Update() sequitur error faciam. While updating the InfoPath xml file in ListItem the file and ListItem object getting disconnected.

Item.File.Update() solvere te egredientur.

StackTrace […]

CTP of Visual Bulla 2008 tractus ad Sharepoint v1.3

Dimisit autem MS CTP of Visual Bulla 2008 Nullam enim Sharepoint.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet risus Preview (CTP) available hic mos est, ubi Microsoft solvo Connect potest commemorare habent feedback. Praeventus est, quod omnes esse VSeWSS 1.2 exertus in opere necessarium est cum CTP. The CTP fulta est Microsoft Support […]

HTTP 401 Not Found web libellorum officia error dum SSRS Report to SharePoint

Si vos es questus “HTTP 401 Not Found textus muneris error” dum propagandum SSRS fama in SharePoint library. Please referre integrationem Centralis Administration et occasus in user licentia adsit, in quo nunc es trying to login ex relatione ad auditum SharePoint library.