Monthly Archives: Maiatza 2009

SharePoint manifestazioa: Leverage SharePoint, Business eskaera bertikala bat eraikitzeko

[Kontuan izan: Berehalako esan manifestazio honen emaitza nahi duzun interes finantza que tengo nahi dut, aipatzen, dibulgazioa osoa interes I, etc. This is actually the first time I’ve ever blogged about an event where I stand to benefit personally in this way.]

Web manifestazio hau gertatzen osteguna, 06/04 at 12:30 EDT, amaitzen 1:30PM EDT.

Nire negozio bikaina bazkide elkarlanean, Integrated Systems eta Zerbitzuak Grupo (ISSG), I have been working to develop a vertical business application using SharePoint as the platform. Kasu honetan, we’re building an application that serves the needs of manufacturers that make customized product for their customers. In these cases, a great deal of collaboration needs to take place between the customer and the manufacturer. There’s also a great deal of collaboration required between different groups within the manufacturer, salmentak barne, ingeniaritza, ikerketa eta garapena, juridiko eta beste talde batzuk.

Demo aplikazio bat da, lankidetza-mota hori errazten erakusteko joan, nola lankidetza bit horiek guztiak behar bat ERP euskarri-sistema integratu buruzko eztabaida bat batera.

Azkenik, this isn’t going to be a SharePoint demo. This is a demonstration of a solution for a specific niche problem that happens to use SharePoint as the platform.

Beraz,, why would you bother to sign up and see this demo? I don’t expect too many readers of my blog to be all that interested in a solution for make-to-order manufacturers 🙂 Your take-away would be the concept itself – using SharePoint purely to deliver a business solution without regard to SharePoint itself.

Oraindik Interesaturik bazaude, please sign up here(


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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SharePoint Designer Pry Ezin duzu My Cold., Dead Eskuak

Nire azken artikulu at sortu da I wrote about SharePoint Designer, Amaiera erabiltzaileak eta azken erabiltzaileek eta saiatu liteke jarraitu ahal izateko gaitasuna erakusteko tresna honen inguruan eta konfiantza eraikitzeko estrategia baten eskema.

Iruzkinak article bera baino interesgarri gehiago.



Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Eraginkortasunez Jarraitu Microsoft SharePoint (eta Beste) SharePoint Foroak

Izan dut MSDN foroak jarraituz ondo urtebete baino gehiago (eta, seguru asko, ia 2 puntu honetan urte) and every now and then I hear from someone how “hard” it is to do that. I find it quite easy and thought I’d share my “technique”. This technique also works for (

Taking MSDN as an example, I first go to standard forum page such as the General Questions for SharePoint main page here:

You should right away notice that the forums are RSS enabled, ikus daitekeen bezala:


I’ve been using Google Reader for managing my RSS feeds for a long time now ( / reader). I go there, add the RSS feed for the forum and now I’m getting all new forums posts via RSS. My Google feeds for SharePoint forums look like this:


Google provides me a nice view of the posting itself:


Eta, azkenik,, Google ematen dizu teklatua erabil dit foroetan mezuak joateko modu honetan.

Azkar ezin dut mezu bidez eskaneatu eta soilik sentitzen naiz zentratu erabilgarria ekarpen bat egin ahal izango dut.

Alerts close the loop. Updates to posts don’t come through RSS (Nik uste dut, erabilitako denbora luze bat dute, nahiz eta duela). Hala eta guztiz ere, Zelan foro batean mezuak bidaltzeko erantzun bat bada, the forums alert me via email and IM that someone responded in turn. Edo, ezin dudanean egin erabilgarria ekarpen bat da, baina beste batzuk, zer esan jakin nahi dut, Sartu ahal izango dut zulatzeko eta alertak esplizituki eskatu denean, beste batzuk erantzuteko.

Ordubete edo gutxiago, prozesu hori ezar dezakezu, eta ohiko erabileran, eta aste batean, ikasteko, hainbat trikimailu eta teklatu lasterbideak da, beraz, bigarren izaera bihurtzen da.

I use the exact same technique for End User SharePoint.Com’s “Stump the Panel” forums. This is their RSS feed:

Foroak awesome modu bat dira, ziurrenik modurik onena, zuzeneko esperientzia pertsonala laburrean, produktua ikasteko eta nola munduko inkesta polit bat lortzeko, handietako, uses SharePoint. Give it a try!


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Erabili pertsonalizatua zerrendak eraginkorragoa Workflow Ikuskaritza egiteko

Berrantolatu dut nire bizitza pixka bat eta denbora bat aurkitu artikulu bat bidaltzeko My latest article is up here: Erabili pertsonalizatua zerrendak eraginkorragoa Workflow Ikuskaritza egiteko (

Honen inaugurazio 'grafikoa da:

SharePoint Designer workflow doesn’t give us a lot of visibility into what’s happening with our workflow solutions. Eta, ikuspena egin hori iritsi da nahiko pobrea interfazearen arabera eragotzi eta 60 day time window. Hau 60 day window can be a major disappointment to new SharePoint Designer users because it’s not advertised by the tool itself. It’s not at all uncommon for someone to fire up SharePoint Designer, sortu workflow konponbide "saioa historia zerrenda" baliatzen ekintza ...

Arazoa da, ondoren 60 egun, mezurik sortu beharko duzu, modu honetan daude historia workflow zerrendatik ezabatu! After a bit of teeth gnashing and “what were they thinking?"Argumentu, beheko lerroa hau: it happens and it needs to happen. Galdera da, Nola inguruan dugun?

The official answer is to rely upon SharePoint’s built-in auditing feature. From an end user’s point of view, Hala ere,, that’s very weak in WSS and not much better in MOSS. Zorionez, we can still leverage the familiar SharePoint Designer tool to create a durable workflow history and audit trail which is an order of magnitude more useful to boot. Here’s how.

I describe how to create a more friendly and useful audit solution for declarative workflow created in SPD.

I was inspired to write this article from a recent project for a client that had developed nine technical SPD workflows in support of one logical business process. Assuming for now that nine is a reasonable number, it was certainly a challenge to debug it or view the overall status of the process in one simple view. Each of these separate technical workflows has its own independent workflow history list and that’s just not manageable. I was able to combine all of them into a single audit list using the technique I describe on the site.



Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Banbu Egutegia SharePoint elkarreragina sortzeko "ustekabeko errorea gertatu da"

Gaur egun, I’ve been working in an environment that uses a Bamboo calendar web part for some improved collaboration. This a standard medium/small farm with two load balanced WFEs, bat "Aplikazio zerbitzaria" indexatzeko eta InfoPath eta taldekatuta SQL atzera amaierako.

The client installed some disaster recovery software onto one of the WFEs and that resulted in a broken WFE for a specific site in the site collection. Whenever load balancing pointed at the affected WFE and that site, users saw a largely blank white screen with the sentence “An unexpected error occurred”. No other info showed, besterik ez duen esaldia.

They asked me to look at it. I easily reproduced the problem and then added a ?contents=1 to the end of the URL. This is how I learned they were using the Bamboo web part. I went back to the page and now, Bat-batean, Niri erakutsi du polit bat ordenatu errore mezua:


Ez dakit zer gertatzen ari zen, edo zer kontrolatu errore mezua iritsi erantsi baino beste erakutsi nuen ?contents=1 bit of the query string.

Hau da, ziurrenik oso arraroa ertzean kasuan, baina lortuko duzu mezu hori bada,, "Ustekabeko errorea gertatu da" aurrera eta gehitu ?edukia = 1 kontsulta katea ikusi eta non doan.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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Windows Live buruzko Griping Iruzkina Kontrol

Windows Live Spaces jaso nuen uztailaren hasieran 2007 as my blogging platform. For the most part, Ez dut damurik eta Microsoft zalantzarik gabe zabaltzen da, denboran zehar (batez ere, nahiz eta aurkitu dut izarrekin ezaugarri berriei buruz istripuz).

My biggest complaint right now is blog spam. This person / Kontu ( (besteak beste,) frequently adds a lot of spam comments to my blog in the form of comments. MSFT added a nice feature to show “recent comments” so at least I can fairly quickly identify them (aurretik, ordea,, Blog-sarrera bakoitza bereizita sartu nuen) and clean them up. It’s still time consuming.

Dut nahi:

  1. MSFT spam iragazketa hobeto batzuk jartzen.
  2. Berariazko pertsona blokeatu liteke iruzkinak gehituz tik.
  3. Aurrekoez ezean, I could more easily identify and delete spam. Right now, Duzu iruzkinak egin behar dut eta motela da,, batez ere zenbait spam robot pertsona / programa gehitzen 25 to 50 en saio iruzkinak.

Oraindik Windows Live erabiltzailea badago eta erabilgarria trikimailu batzuk partekatu, Eskertuko nuke.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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SharePoint Larunbata Fenomenoa jarraitzen (plus, nire diapositiba bizkarreko)

Washington DC itzuliko naiz atzo azken bertaratu ondoren SharePoint larunbata. What a remarkable event! Continuing the tradition of other SP Saturday’s, it was very well run. The environment, oro har, erakundearen, fluxua, saltzaileari gunea, janaria ... Hori guztia izan zen emanaldirik.

Jakina, onenek parte edukia da, eta ez dut uste inork zen etsita.

Benetan nahiko niretzat harrigarria da zenbat jende asko dira rousing beraiek ohetik goiz Larunbata bat, eta joan den jendea eztabaida entzun SharePoint about 8 hours 🙂 Amazing.

Odds dira, ez dago bat SharePoint Larunbata gertaera zure bidea datozen da eta ez badago, zergatik ez duzu bat hasteko?

Aurkeztutako hitzaldian dut bihurrituz hizkuntza izenburu, “Using the SharePoint Platform to Build Vertical Business Applications.” You can get the presentation here: It’s not my usual sort of presentation and I had fun with it. I’ll be giving this again in June at the North VA user group conference at the end of June.


Nire blog Harpidetu.

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