Eraginkortasunez Jarraitu Microsoft SharePoint (eta Beste) SharePoint Foroak

Izan dut MSDN foroak jarraituz ondo urtebete baino gehiago (eta, seguru asko, ia 2 puntu honetan urte) and every now and then I hear from someone how “hard” it is to do that. I find it quite easy and thought I’d share my “technique”. This technique also works for (

Taking MSDN as an example, I first go to standard forum page such as the General Questions for SharePoint main page here:

You should right away notice that the forums are RSS enabled, ikus daitekeen bezala:


I’ve been using Google Reader for managing my RSS feeds for a long time now ( / reader). I go there, add the RSS feed for the forum and now I’m getting all new forums posts via RSS. My Google feeds for SharePoint forums look like this:


Google provides me a nice view of the posting itself:


Eta, azkenik,, Google ematen dizu teklatua erabil dit foroetan mezuak joateko modu honetan.

Azkar ezin dut mezu bidez eskaneatu eta soilik sentitzen naiz zentratu erabilgarria ekarpen bat egin ahal izango dut.

Alerts close the loop. Updates to posts don’t come through RSS (Nik uste dut, erabilitako denbora luze bat dute, nahiz eta duela). Hala eta guztiz ere, Zelan foro batean mezuak bidaltzeko erantzun bat bada, the forums alert me via email and IM that someone responded in turn. Edo, ezin dudanean egin erabilgarria ekarpen bat da, baina beste batzuk, zer esan jakin nahi dut, Sartu ahal izango dut zulatzeko eta alertak esplizituki eskatu denean, beste batzuk erantzuteko.

Ordubete edo gutxiago, prozesu hori ezar dezakezu, eta ohiko erabileran, eta aste batean, ikasteko, hainbat trikimailu eta teklatu lasterbideak da, beraz, bigarren izaera bihurtzen da.

I use the exact same technique for End User SharePoint.Com’s “Stump the Panel” forums. This is their RSS feed:

Foroak awesome modu bat dira, ziurrenik modurik onena, zuzeneko esperientzia pertsonala laburrean, produktua ikasteko eta nola munduko inkesta polit bat lortzeko, handietako, uses SharePoint. Give it a try!


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2 buruzko gogoeta "Eraginkortasunez Jarraitu Microsoft SharePoint (eta Beste) SharePoint Foroak

  1. Mike Oryszak

    Benetan interesgarria ideia bat da, eta zerbait saiatzen naiz izango. When I first signed up with my first account I really had trouble finding the threads I had previously started or posted a response too.

    It took me a bit to figure it all out, but there are some features that help with that and the new design is a big improvement. For frequent contributors be sure to use the Alerts feature. It takes a bit of maintenance, but I keep alerts on all the threads I post on until it has been resolved. Since I also use MSN Messenger, it pushes those alerts to IM in addition to the email and alert view.

    The MyThreads view also offers the RSS feed, so that can be subscribed to in a reader as you suggested.


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