Blog Stats

I thought some people might be interested in my blog’s statistics. You can use mine as a benchmark to compare your own.

I’m running my blog on windows live spaces. They collect stats for me and I don’t know any way to control that. It’s good as far as it goes, but it’s fairly limited in that I can’t do much actual analysis with it. I’d love, adibidez, to be able to generate a listing of my most frequently hit posts but I can’t do that without a prohibitive manual process. If someone knows better, mesedez esan dit.

Live espazio egoera kontatu zidan: egunean hits guztira, total hits for the week and total hits since day zero. It also tells me what people did to get to my blog (e.g. google, MSDN foro lotura, etc).

Nolabait, a "hit" begien bistakoa da. Zaren esaldi hau irakurtzen oraintxe, ia zalantzarik duzun hit bakar gisa erregistratu.

RSS is a little confusing. On one hand, I see individual RSS hits all day long. Baina, I also see RSS "sweeps". A sweep is when I see 20 edo 30 RSS hits all within a one or two second window. I assume these are automated things like google checking in on my site, agian beste pertsona horrek nabigatzaile … not sure. They are definitely some kind of automated process. I cannot tell, Hala ere,, how many of my total hits are automated and how many have an actual human on the other side. I would guess at least 100 eguneko hits automatikoak dira.

Zenbakiak buruzko!

Nire lehenengo blog-sarrera idatzi nuen uztailaren 27an, 2007.

Idatzi dut, gutxi gorabehera, 60 blog-sarrerak eta orduz geroztik, baino gehiago 50 horietatik zuzenean SharePoint erlazionatzeko.

Segimendua egiteko, nire sarrera kalkulu batean, egunero, irailaren amaieran hasi nintzen.

Hileroko Hasiera:

Lehen aste: Guztira Hits
Urriaren 1,234
Azaroaren 2,162
Abenduaren 3,071
Urtarrilaren 2008 4,253

Hilabetea Guztira

Hilabetea Guztira Hits
Urriaren 6,620
Azaroaren 11,110
Abenduaren 13,138

High Water Markak

Mota Guztira Hits
Best Day 958
Best Astea 4,253
Geroztik Day Zero Hits Guztira 42,438

Dut, beste batzuek interesa’ stats. If you care to share yours in the comments, mesedez egin!


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2 buruzko gogoeta "Blog Stats

  1. Marc Anderson
    Did you ever figure out a better way to look at your blog statistics? I’ve been wanting to do it for a while now. I know that some other blog platforms give some good tools for this. Should Live Spaces catch up? As a consultant in the Microsoft space, like you, I want to stick with Live Spaces if I can.
    p.s. I’m responsibile for some of those hits you see. Keep up the good work!

Utzi iruzkin bat

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