Perspektibak: SharePoint vs. Handia Partikula Collider

Due to some oddball United Airlines flights I took in the mid 90’s, I somehow ended up with an offer to transform "unused miles" into about a dozen free magazine subscriptions. That is how I ended up subscribing to Scientific American magazine.

Software gisa / aholkularitza pertsona, we encounter many difficult business requirements in our career. Most the time, eskakizun horiek bilera-maite dugu, eta hain zuzen ere,, it’s probably why we think this career is the best in the world. I occasionally wonder just what in the world would I have done with myself if I had been born at any other time in history. How terrible would it be to miss out on the kinds of work I get to do now, Une honetan, eta munduan historian at? Uste dut: nahiko terrible.

Urteetan zehar, some of the requirements I’ve faced have been extremely challenging to meet. Complex SharePoint stuff, Eraikin web prozesatzeko ez-web-friendly teknologian oinarritutako marko, complex BizTalk orchestrations and the like. We can all (Zorionez) itxura harro gure ibilbidean, eta esan, "yeah, duten gogor bat ebatzi zen, baina azkenean I pwned sumbitch duten!" Hobeto oraindik, are gehiago interesgarri eta dibertigarriak erronka zain.

Pertsonalki, uste dut nire curriculuma duten, Zentzu honetan, nahiko sakona da eta nahiko harro nago (nahiz eta jakin nuen, nire emazteak ez du inoiz ulertzen da 1/20th). But this week, Buruzko artikulu bat irakurtzen ari nintzen Partikula handiak Collider in my Scientific American magazine and had one of those rare humbling moments where I realized that despite my "giant" zirkulu jakin batean edo egoera nola sakona uste dut nire esperientzia ondo, there are real giants in completely different worlds.

The people on the LHC team have some really thorny issues to manage. Consider the Moon. I don’t really think much about the Moon (izan naiz, nahiz eta oso susmagarria buruz ikasi dut geroztik Lurraren errotazio da motelduz, horrek ezin digu Gizakiak gauza ona izan daiteke epe luzera). Baina, the LHC team does have to worry. LHC’s measuring devices are so sensitive that they are affected by the Moon’s (Lurraren errotazio-moteltzea eta, azkenean, hil-guztiak-bizitza) gravity. That’s a heck of a requirement to meet — ekoizteko zuzena Neurketak Moon horrek interferentziak arren.

Alea izan zen I pondering denean esaldi hau irakurri nuen: "The first level will receive and analyze data from only a subset of all the detector’s components, from which it can pick out promising events based on isolated factors such as whether an energetic muon was spotted flying out at a large angle from the beam axis." Really … ? I don’t play in that kind of sandbox and never will.

Hurrengo denbora nago lagun batekin, Topa biltzeko eta LHC lanean jende ona izan dut, hope they don’t successfully weigh the Higgs boson particle and curse the Moon. I suggest you do the same. It will be quite the toast 🙂


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