Igandea Funny: Top 10 Modu zure emaztea Annoy To

  1. Erosi brokolia denean ez da jada nahikoa baino gehiago hozkailuan badakizu.
  2. Go for a run. Cool off. Take off clean pillow case and replace with T-shirt. Cover with clean pillow case.
  3. Noiz gidatzeko, galdetu okerreko bidea gara behar bada bat-modu bat kalean behera.
  4. For 15 urte, igandero emaztea duzula iradokitzen museo batera joan, express sorpresa museo irekiak dira igandeko an.
  5. For 15 urte, occasionally suggest going to the local book store on Sunday. Express surprise that they are not open on Sunday’s (eskerrik asko Blue legeak!).
  6. Erabili 20 puntu bat egin 3 point turn.
  7. Bat goiz cool Fall arratsaldean, walk into the room and turn on the A/C. Complain that it’s cold. When wife says, "then why did you turn that on, silly" lortzen sortu eta itzali, grab the warm spot she had on the couch. Bonus points if she does not realize you did it until much later.
  8. Ireki gozoak zuri Hegaluzea Can bat eta jan zuzen dezakezu, ohean, gauez.
  9. Sukaldera joan emaztea da afaria, berriz, elikadura-, ireki du mahai tiradera eta push tresnak emaztea oihuak arte inguruan, "what are you looking for!"
  10. Negozio berriak txartelak ordainagirian, Klikowsky jarri denak etxe inguruan: Ohe azpian, burko-en, kafe katilu barruan, bere poltsan, armarria pockets, autoa Eskularrua konpartimendu, Jakitegia — anywhere you can think of.
  11. Idatzi blog sarrerak zure emaztea buruz.
  12. Esnatu.
  13. Noiz New Yorkeko kaleetan oinez, be on the alert for "crusty" objects on the ground. Kontuan izan zure emazte bereziak beldurrak mantenduz, iristeko behera balitz bezala bat jasotzeko sortu eta galdetu, "hmm, Zer den galdetzen diot nire buruari?" (Be prepared for wife to body slam you as if she’s a secret service agent protecting the President from a sniper or you’ll find yourself laying on your back on the sidewalk).
  14. Drive twice around a parking lot looking for space. You know you’ve really hit pay dirt when your son in the back seat yells, "Oh no! Gertatzen ari berriro!"
  15. Write "top 10" zerrendak ez duten 10 elementuak.


Bonus emaztea txantxa:

Two male co-workers go out to lunch. One of them tells the other, "I let loose an embarrassing Freudian slip the other night."

"A Freudian slip? What’s that?"

"Well, denean jaten amaitu dugu, zerbitzari etorri zen eta galdetu nola gure bazkariak gustuko dugu. Esan, esan nahi dut, ‘I loved the chicken breast’ but instead I said ‘I loved your breasts’. I was so embarrassed."

"Ah," his co-worker replied. "I had the same thing happen to me this weekend with my wife. We were eating breakfast I meant to ask her to pass the butter, baizik eta garrasika bere at I, ‘You ruined my life!'"


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