Will benetako XPath urrats?


Sortu Ohiko zerrenda eduki mota bat kudeatzen dozena zutabe batzuekin.

Added ezazu orri bat eta, ondoren, SPD bidez, datuak ikuspegi bat bihurtu.


My Xpath expression was returning blank for a column named "Current Position". I referenced it thusly:

    <table border="1">
      <xsl:for-each select="/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row" >
            Gaur egungo egoera:
            <xsl:value-of select="@Current_x0020_Status"></xsl:balio du>

The column in the CT is named "Current Status". It shows up in the lookup as "Current Status". Everywhere you look, you see "Current Status".

Bitartean thrashing madly buruz, irtenbide baten bila, I instead referred to "@Recruiter" eta behold! — that actually returned back the current status. I expected it to return back the recruiter when I did that.


I poked about in SPD. Go to that page in SPD and it shows the data view. You can inspect the actual data provided to the view and associated Xpath. Here I found out that indeed, the Xpath pointed at "Recruiter". Strangely enough, the "actual" recruiter field pointed from "Recruiter1".

Take Away:

SPD eskaintzen autoritario XPath errenkadak adierazpenak & en datuak ikuspegian zutabeak.

Bigarren, it shows the actual data. So for example, motako zutabe bat erakusten du, hau:

<nobr><span><A HREF="/sites/Corporate/HumanResources/TalentAcquisition/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=17">Galvin, Paul</A><img border ="0" height="1" width="3" src="/_layouts/images/blank.gif"/><a href = "javascript:’ OnClick = 'IMNImageOnClick();itzultzeko faltsuak;’ class = "MS-imnlink '><img name=’imnmark’ title =” border =’0′ altuera = '12’ width = '12’ src = "/ _layouts / irudi / blank.gif’ alt = 'presentzia informaziorik ez’ sip = 'PGalvin@xxx.com’ id = 'imn_77, mota = smtp' /></bat></span></nobr>

Utzi iruzkin bat

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