arquivos mensuais: Febreiro 2009

Tutorial Grande e Walker-through a usar o InfoPath e Workflow para resolver un problema de programación

Estes días, Estou sempre a xogar de incorporarse coa miña lectura do blog e eu deparei con este post:

É tan sólida e detallada un fluxo de traballo do SharePoint Deseño tutorial (máis máis!) that you’ll see anywhere on the interwebs. I’d check it out, even if you’re a scarred SPD veteran.

It’s a great SharePoint tutorial for both InfoPath and workflow.


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NYC SharePoint Developers Group – Profundamente Tech Talk

Algunhas semanas atrás, I presented at the New York City SharePoint Developers Group meeting at the Microsoft office in Manhattan. They meet every last Tuesday of the month.

I’ve been spending most of my time lately in my beloved New Jersey so I don’t get to go into the city as much as I like. Como resultado, I think I made it to the first or second of this group’s meetings and then again at January’s meeting. I missed all of the meetings in between (catro ou cinco delas probabelmente). It’s a new group.

Estean realmente impresionado co foco realidade técnica e alta calidade do fío, antes, during and after my presentation. We talked about a wide range of subjects relating to SharePoint and other Microsoft technology.

Se está a buscar un lugar agradable para estar mal humor reais, Recomendo este grupo.


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Definindo “Grande” Requisitos do SharePoint

Segundo proceda e prometido, I’ve uploaded my presentation on how to obtain "great" requirements from end users for SharePoint projects and implementations. It’s here: 20Galvin% 20Great%

Eu presentei iso no SharePoint conferencia de Mellores Prácticas en febreiro 2009 ( If you attended the conference, tamén se pode obter tanto na conferencia de DVD.

The presentation includes a lot of notes with most slides. It’s not just bullet points.

(See here for my other presentation on a governance case study:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!3099.entry


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“Wild West” Gobernanza Presentación PowerPoint

I just finished up my "Wild West" presentación de goberno aquí na conferencia Prácticas SharePoint mellor e me pediron para escribir a miña presentación para o meu blog, entón aquí está: 20Galvin% 20Wild%

(Desculpen a broma viola!)


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