arquivos mensuais: Abril 2009

Gobernanza é un plan de mercadotecnia Too

A razón por que gastar tanto tempo (ou debería, de calquera xeito) working out governance plans is because we want the SharePoint solution to be as effective as possible. We want good infrastructure and rules to keep it humming and safe in case of disaster. We want good security processes to both properly secure the environment but also make it reasonable to manage. We want a good information architecture that will stand the test of time, ideally managing to survive a major organizational change in the company.

Para lograr este obxectivo desexable, un documento de gobernanza e plan pode transformar-se en unha morea de "ti debe" e "ti non é", como no:

  • Ti non debe crear grupo de seguridade do SharePoint; usar AD vez.
  • Ti non debe crear carpetas en bibliotecas de documentos; usar tipos de contido e puntos de vista, no canto.
  • Ti que crear todo tipo de contidos dun documento baseado fóra dun tipo base personalizado específico.
  • Ti non debe crear unha taxonomía de información baseado off gráfico de hoxe org empresa.

"Ti debe" e "ti non" seguramente teñen o seu lugar no plan de goberno.

A more successful governance plan will also have a strong marketing angle. It should sell and justify itself to the maximum extent possible. A truly successful governance plan relies upon the voluntary cooperation of all SharePoint users. (Hai casos marxinais, onde non é necesaria a cooperación da comunidade, como cando o SharePoint é usado por un número moi reducido de usuarios ben xestionadas; Estou seguro que pode pensar en outros). If the user community doesn’t buy into your governance plan then it will be partially successful at best.

I use that word “buy” deliberately. The community will buy the governance plan if it’s fundamentally sound and you go to some effort to sell them on it. Selling leads to marketing and that’s why I think that a governance plan should be considered a marketing plan too. Convince your end users that they need to follow the governance plan and they will voluntarily follow it. If you can get a critical mass of people following the governance plan then the plan’s benefits follow and you’ll have a stronger environment for it.


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Solución: Compilando Audiencia Moss Engadir novos membros non

Bottom line: se queres usar unha propiedade de perfil nunha regra para a creación de audiencias, a propiedade debe ser visible para "todos".

I was working with a co-worker yesterday and he was building out a MOSS audience based on a custom user profile property in MOSS. Neste caso, o inmoble público se chama "SITECD" e por convenio, almacena un 3 código de caracteres. Tiña definido o público e unha regra que di que se "SITECD iguais" ABG ", entón incluír ese perfil de usuario en público.

Montou un único perfil de usuario con este valor e compilou público, but MOSS simply wouldn’t add that user. I noticed that the privacy setting for that profile was set to “me only” (a forma máis restritiva) and I remembered reading somewhere that property profiles used in rules must be visible by “everyone”. He made that change and that solved the problem.

The really funny thing about this is that I “remembered” reading about this. It was nagging at me this morning for some reason and I realized that I had written a chapter in this book, Moss Explicado: Deep Dive dun profesional da información para Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, e que eu cobre este punto no mesmo capítulo que escribín :). I would have thought that every word I wrote in that chapter would be seared into my memory.

Matt Morse escribe isto en detalle bonito aquí e eu referenciados el no capítulo:

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Usando MSDN (e outros) Foro de Apoio SharePoint

Podería escribir longamente sobre foros MSDN, etiqueta, convencións de nomenclatura, buscar, etc. I may do that, de feito. I wanted to point out a small thing which may help people have a better overall experience.

Eu recentemente foi dicir á xente que, se ten algún tipo de problema co seu ambiente SharePoint, proxecto de desenvolvemento ou outra actividade relacionada SharePoint, post a question to the forums earlier in your action chain rather than later. I know for myself that when I have a problem, a number of potential solutions present themselves right away. I order these potential solutions in terms of likelihood, applicability and how easy they are to investigate. I go through that list and by the time I’ve gotten to #10, Estou facendo cambios no rexistro para unha clave "/ foo / bar / almostThere / isThisIt / noThisIsNotIt / iCantBelieveIAmDoingThis / finallyThere!"O consello dun blog atopar na páxina 8 of a Google search. When that doesn’t work, Eu finalmente publicar unha pregunta para MSDN (e.g. aquí:

I suggest that you reverse that approach. Post the forums much earlier in your investigation because:

  • É libre a vostede de calquera maneira.
  • Non hai ningunha garantía de SLA (que eu saiba, polo menos).
  • Polo tanto, pode levar moito tempo para que a xente responden.
  • As persoas moitas veces non responden finalmente.
  • Se esperar ata 2 ou 3 días despois o problema xurdiu por primeira vez, está desesperado por unha resposta e foros non son un bo lugar para axuda de emerxencia (a menos que ten sorte).

Así, basicamente, é doado e gratis e ten unha boa oportunidade de obter algún tipo de resposta, pero vai levar un pouco para chegar a resposta (novo, a menos que ten sorte).

I used to think that I should hold off on looking for community help because I don’t want to waste someone’s time asking for help when I could find it out myself. Some forum moderators and active participants may feel that way, pero eu non (polo menos, Eu non me sinto máis así). I don’t see any downside. The worst case is that you post a question and then answer it yourself some time later, possibly “wasting” some one’s time. I don’t see a big risk in that and there’s value in the researching of questions like that in any event.


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Pequena nota sobre Servizos de contrasinais e Administración de Microsoft Online

Comecei a traballar co Small Business Productivity Suite de Microsoft Online hai varios meses, but now I have some better reason to be using it.

Eu aínda estou a traballar miña forma de evitar isto, para que eu poida estar quedando un pouco da terminoloxía incorrecto, pero basicamente hai dúas grandes interfaces: o centro de administración e os propios servizos.

O sistema estaba me dicindo que eu tiña que cambiar o meu contrasinal, so I went ahead and did that. That allowed me to proceed and work with the services part (SharePoint, e-mail, e reunión en directo). Con todo, cando eu fun á pantalla de administración, non me deixaron entrar, dicíndome que non cría que o meu contrasinal estaba correcta.

The behavior was a little odd. If I entered the password I *thought* it should be, it would blank out the userid and the password and tell me the password or userid was incorrect. If I entered a blatantly wrong password, el me dixo o mesmo, pero manter o campo ID de usuario intactas.

Eu fun xogar con iso por un tempo e finalmente chamado (si, nunha mañá de domingo). Incrible, un compañeiro, Ben, answered the phone right away. E, Non teño que entrar unha tarxeta de crédito.

Longa historia curta, the administration center password uses different password rules than the services password. Admin password must contain alpha, numeric and special characters. When I changed my admin password the first time, Non segui esa regra (nin me avisar!). I was able to change it to a valid administration password and got back in.

Se ten este tipo de problema no futuro, Vostede sabe o que funcionou para min e espero que vai traballar para ti.

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SharePoint como un Sistema Operativo de Negocios

Dende que escoitei unha cita, supostamente durante un Q&A sesión con Steve Ballmer marzo 2007, I’ve sort of been holding my breath for something to happen. The quote was basically this: “SharePoint is an operating system for business applications.” Knowing a fair bit about SharePoint and a middling bit about operating systems, I thought it was really apt. I’m holding my breath, waiting for companies to really buy into that concept and start to build applications within the SharePoint “operating system.”

Dediquei unha morea de pensamento para este tema deste ano (Voltar para a miña 2009 previsións) e eu vou falar sobre iso en 02 de maio SharePoint sábado evento en Washington.

Este é abstracto da miña presentación, titulado "Utilizando a plataforma SharePoint para construír verticais de Aplicacións de Negocio":

"Horizontal?"" Vertical?"Que significan esas palabras nun contexto SharePoint? SharePoint, como moitas veces escoitamos, é unha "plataforma" para a construción de aplicacións. Este feito é moitas veces perdido en nós desde os chamados recursos de plataforma horizontal, tales como xestión de documentos e investigación, are so easy and useful in and of themselves. Con todo, SharePoint é aínda máis potente e pode voltar maior valor cando usada para crear aplicacións verticais a medida para atender os días da súa empresa ás esixencias días. Esta sesión describe como montar recursos da plataforma a unha solución verticalizada mediante un exemplo de empresas do mundo real - un proceso de xestión de cotización de vendas e pasarela do cliente. O obxectivo do orador é abrir os ollos para as posibilidades da plataforma SharePoint e alavancar súas características plataforma horizontal para crear solucións de negocios especializados para a súa organización horizontal.

O asunto non flutúa seu barco, there are a bunch of other good topics. And DC is a great venue in and of itself to visit.

Inscricións abertas este xoves, 04/16. Keep on top of the site and grab a seat before it’s too late 🙂


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Minutos canadenses

Esta vez, a semana pasada, Estaba en Montreal, frecuentar o Recoméndase SharePoint Summit 2009. I gave a 3.5 hour tutorial on installing and customizing SharePoint. It was a scary subject on many levels. I’m not really a SharePoint admin, pero eu sei o suficiente para dar un tutorial sobre o tema. (Agradecidamente, Geoff Schaller de Obxectivos Software en Australia, entre algúns outros, estaba no medio da multitude para responder a algunhas das cuestións máis profundas [Non sei o que eles poñen na auga alí embaixo, pero necesitamos un pouco del aquí en EEUU]).

Pero, back to many levels of scariness… It had a lot of potential to be very boring. I actually installed WSS and then upgraded it to MOSS. In front of a room full of people. Canadian poeple. There were long 5 e 7 minute gaps where we were watching the installation process chug along. I needed to fill that time with something useful and interesting. I’m not sure I succeeded.

Finalmente, it was loooong. Three and one half hours. That’s a long presentation. I made a little joke of it, saying “We have a long presentation ahead of us. Three and one half hours. That’s 210 actas. And I don’t even know how many minutes that is in Canadian.”

Todos riron e, como resultado, Montreal is officially on my Good Places list 🙂

Mesmo se eles non tivesen riu da miña broma, I would love Montreal. I try very hard to be open minded and not take my cues from South Park, pero admito, para o meu desgusto, that I had no idea how great is the metropolis of Montreal. I can’t wait to go back in a few months, cando é un pouco máis quente, visitar de novo.

Nunha especie de nota relacionada, Eu tamén asistir a Erik Swenson do primeira presentación pública titulada "Proceso IA e Branding: Sketches para Wireframes para Hi-Fidelity Designs ". (Erik é o meu compañeiro da EMC). Check out the abstract here: Eu ata gravei para que. I tried several times for some “action shots” and zoomed in on him when he paused to drink some water. I didn’t always succeed, but I tried 🙂


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