arquivos mensuais: Xullo 2011

Unha vez máis MVP

Microsoft re-me concedeu o SharePoint MVP o 01 de xullo deste ano e non é menos excitante que foi a primeira vez desde hai catro anos.

A comunidade do SharePoint é só un lugar incrible.  Lembro cando foi introducido por primeira vez para o SharePoint polo meu antigo empresario, Conchango.  I was not happy about it sorriso.  I had been living in a BizTalk world for a year or two leading up to my job there and before that, worked in another insular world of people and companies that made a living off of Progress Software.  I say “insular” because the SharePoint world is anything but!

I’m continually glad and excited to be part of this bizarre online community of people that feel strangely compelled to blog endlessly, give up their Saturdays for free conferences, haunt online forums, build all kinds of whacked out free products to put up on CodePlex and a myriad of other community efforts of all shapes and sizes. 

I don’t know what it is about this product that inspires such volunteerism and immersion, but I hope it never changes.


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