Investigación do SharePoint wildcard: “Pro” Non é un tronco “Programación”

No foro de investigación MSDN, as persoas acostuman facer unha pregunta como esta:

"I have a document named ‘Programming Guide’ but when I search for ‘Pro’ investigación non atopalo."

Non pode sentir como el, but that amounts to a wildcard search. The MOSS/WSS user interface does not support wildcard search out of the box.

Se cavar as pezas busca na web, atoparás unha caixa de verificación, "Enable search term stemming". Stemming is a human-language term. It’s not a computer language substring() función do tipo.

Estes son algúns talos:

  • "fish" is a stem to "fishing"
  • "major" is a stem to "majoring"

Estes non son deriva:

  • "maj" is not a stem to "major"
  • "pro" is not a stem to "programmer"

The WSS/MOSS search engine does support wild card search through the API. Here is one blog article that describes how to do that:

Un produto de terceiro partido, Ontolica, provides wild card search. I have not used that product.


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3 pensamentos sobre "Investigación do SharePoint wildcard: “Pro” Non é un tronco “Programación”

  1. Josh Noble

    Ontolica is a proven web part which adds wildcard search capabilites across all sharepoint searches. Some of the issues I have come across in other solutions include errors when trying to use prepending *, Best Bets, Keyword Highlighting, People Search, RSS, Federated Search and Faceted Search. It isn’t free, but it doesn’t restrict users to very basic uses of wildcard. Feel free to email me for more information.


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