Lestur gegnum 1,000 Bloggfærslur í 3 Vikur er eins og að horfa Lost Season Four í helgina

This past summer, while I was working on two chapters for the best SharePoint social computing book ever, I began to get very far behind in my blog reading. I use Google Reader for my RSS stuff and when you have more than 1000 unread items, it just says, "1000 ".

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been sitting down and systematically reading them and tagging them as I go for future reference (I use Delicious.com).

This past weekend I watched all of Lost, season four in a couple of sittings and catching up on 1000+ blog entries feels the same way.


Gerast áskrifandi að bloggið mitt.

Fylgdu mér á Twitter á http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

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Ein hugsun um „Lestur gegnum 1,000 Bloggfærslur í 3 Vikur er eins og að horfa Lost Season Four í helgina

  1. Adam

    be careful, greader deletes unread feeds after a number of months. it is either 3 eða 6, not sure. ég fór í gegnum svipaða tímabil þar sem ég gat ekki fengið að straumum og var mjög óánægður að sjá að google eytt öllum þeim sem ég hafði ekki lesið.


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