ყოველთვიური არქივი: სექტემბერი 2008

VPN Strikes Again, Slowing Me Down და ჩაშალოს ჩემი ლუდი

დღეს, I’m doing some hobby work with a virtual machine running on my desktop. I’m connecting via IE on my laptop and I’m noticing horrible performance. IE keeps freezing, როცა ეს ყველაფერი წვდომის არაფერი ზედა მარჯვენა კუთხეში რომ გამოიწვევს ჩამოშლადი სია, კარგად, drop down. I would click on Site Actions and things freeze up for a while. They would freeze long enough for me to switch over to another browser window and do something else. If I confine myself to navigating around from page to page, ეს გონივრულად სწრაფად, but even that feels slow. როგორც წესი,, things are very fast.

I’ve had this happen to me before and I think that I ended up rebooting at the time. I’m about to do that when I somehow notice I’m still VPN’d to a client from 2 დღის წინ(!). I disconnect and that that solves my performance problem.


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SharePoint საუკეთესო პრაქტიკა კონფერენცია, “საუკეთესო პრაქტიკა,” და სპილო ოთახი

I was lucky to attend and present at last week’s SharePoint Best Practices conference. I’m still new to the whole speaking "thing" და, გულახდილად, I was a bit nervous for the first half while I sweated out waiting to speak myself. That sort of nervous feeling made it a little hard for me to pay attention to the presenters (not that I ignored them). ამის ნაცვლად, I focused a bit more on the attendees.

Conferences always set my mind racing and there was a lot take in at this one. This conference was excellent. I think it was unusual in several ways. It wasn’t a heavy developer conference. There were certainly dev parts to it, but I think it was at least 60% focused on non-dev issues, maybe as high as 80%. I think that speaks to the evolving nature of the SharePoint market. Companies are implementing SharePoint in a variety of ways and they are looking for guidance on how to do it right. And not just guidance on how to create features/solutions (which by now, has been very well established).

I believe the conference was tremendously valuable to most everyone that attended and I know that the organizers plan to do the conference again early next year.

Having said that, I believe there was a missed opportunity which I hope the next conference addresses. I say it’s a missed opportunity, but that’s not a bad thing. Discovering a community need is in and of itself a good thing. The conference discussed a number of best practices in a variety of areas such as governance, სასწავლო, requirements gathering, ძებნის, განვითარების, information architecture, და ა.შ.. I think that the missed opportunity has to do with the "green field" assumptions underlying many of the best practices.

When we talk about green field, we mean that SharePoint hasn’t gone into production and we’re starting with a clean slate. This is ideal because you can start straight away using best practices for defining and managing governance, information architecture, და ა.შ.. თუმცა … what happens when you’re already in production with several thousand users (or 10’s of thousands) and you didn’t follow best practices at the beginning? I’ve seen companies with … ahem … a very odd information architecture baked into their environment. I don’t think that this conference provided much guidance for organizations with that kind of problem (and I don’t just mean IA, but governance, ძებნის, many other areas). რა თქმა უნდა, knowing you have a problem is a big part of the solution and that’s very valuable.

I think that the online SharePoint community hasn’t done much to address this either. I know I have not. It’s a very hard problem to solve at many levels. Technically it’s hard. Budget-wise it’s hard. Culturally, it’s hard. თუმცა, it’s probably a bigger real world problem than most. Since the conference ended, I’ve been thinking about these kinds of problems and how one would solve them. There has to be a better answer than, "uninstall and reinstall" and the community needs to face it head on.

I think that this a great opportunity for the blogging community and experienced thought leaders to lay out some guidance on how to repair their environments. I think there’s a small but non-zero risk that SharePoint could end up with a bad and enduring reputation as a result of poorly architected implementations that fail due to poor governance, IA, და ა.შ..


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ახალი Blogger on ბლოკ

ჩემი EMC კოლეგას, ერიკ Swenson, უკვე დაარწმუნა ნახტომი დატოვა შემადგენლობა, დავდგეთ და ჩაითვლება 🙂

He blogs about about a wide variety of SharePoint branding topics at http://erikswenson.blogspot.com/. Some of his recent posts include interesting stuff about Photoshop, Microsoft Office Live მცირე ბიზნესის, SharePoint მმართველობა, creating custom WCM styles and so forth. He does not confine himself to branding. It’s quite an interesting mix which is a little bit different from a lot of the SharePoint blogs with which I’m familiar.

His RSS feed is: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SharepointBrandingDesign

Check it out and give him a little encouragement. We all need that from time to time, especially when we first really dive into this blogging world.


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საუკეთესო პრაქტიკა კონფერენცია: “მიიღეთ დიდი მოთხოვნები” PowerPoint პრეზენტაცია

მე აიტვირთა PowerPoint ერთი ჩემი სესიები, "Get Great Business Requirements," სწორედ აქ (http://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/Paul% 20Galvin% 20Great% 20Requirements.pptx).

გარდა სერია ბრწყინვალე რაოდენობა, ძლიერი გააკეთა, the deck includes extensive notes which supplement and enhance the afore-mentioned brilliant talking points.

იმ თქვენ, რომ ხელიდან გაუშვა საუკეთესო პრაქტიკა კონფერენცია, I was lucky enough to present and discuss a process that works very well when trying to discover accurate end user business requirements for SharePoint projects. The PowerPoint plus notes describe this in pretty good detail. It supplements one of my earliest blog postings here: http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!146.entry


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SharePoint Dashboards Online სემინარი

ჩემი ონლაინ მეგობარი, მარკ მილერი მეტი და საბოლოო მომხმარებლის SharePoint (www.endusersharepoint.com) მიმდინარეობს უფასო ერთი საათი სემინარის სამიზნე, ისევე, როგორც ის ყოველთვის აკეთებს, at the SharePoint End User community. It takes place at 1pm EDT. Details are here: http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=785

მე იჯდა ერთი თავისი ონლაინის სემინარი გასულ თვეში და ეს გაკეთდა კარგად და თუ თქვენ დაინტერესებული ძალიან პრაქტიკული ინფორმაციას dashboards in SharePoint, დარწმუნებული ვარ, რომ ეს ღირს 1 საათში საინვესტიციო.


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