Стандард WSS / Мос внес на податоци екрани не поддржуваат Cascading зависници-падови (или други интра-од комуникацијата)

Ажурирање (04/2008): Овој голем блог запис покажува добар вклучите Javascript-базирани на пристап кон овој проблем: http://webborg.blogspot.com/2008/04/add-functions-and-events-to-sharepoint.html

Ажурирање II: (04/2008): Овој блог запис изгледа ветувачки, како и: http://www.cleverworkarounds.com/2008/03/13/free-mosswss-2007-web-part-hide-controls-via-javascript/

Неколку пати неделно, ако не секојдневно, forum users describe a requirement that would normally be met via cascading drop-downs. На пример, Имам две паѓачката контроли:

  • Листа на U.S. држави
  • Листа на U.S. cities.

As responsible UI providers, we want it to operate like this:

  • Paul selects a U.S. state from the drop-down.
  • This causes the cities drop-down to filter only those cities that belong to the selected state.
  • Paul selects a city from this filtered list.

There is no out-of-the-box support for this feature. Всушност, there is no OOB support for any kind of direct intra-form communication. This includes programmatically hiding/enabling/disabling fields in response to field changes elsewhere on the form.

The real objective of this article to to describe possible solutions and these are the options as I know them:

  1. Develop a custom column type. As a custom-column-developer, you have full control over the "world" of that custom column. You can implement a cascading drop-down that way.
  2. Consider using workflow. In some cases, you want to automatically assign a value to field based on another field’s value. Во овој случај, you would normally try to use a calculated column, but some times, it just won’t get the job done. SharePoint Designer workflow is a relatively administer-friendly alternative to dropping down into code and visual studio. If you go this route, be aware of the issue addressed by овој член (http://paulgalvin.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!405.entry).
  3. Event handlers: Like workflow, this is an after-the-fact solution. Your event handler is a .NET assembly (C #, VB.NET) to which SharePoint passes control. The object you develop has access to the data of the list (and the whole object model) и можат да прават сите потребни пресметка.
  4. Use SharePoint Designer to create custom entry forms. I don’t have direct experience with this approach, но слушам дека прават добри работи со NewForm.aspx овие денови 🙂
  5. Се тркалаат свој ASP.NET податоци влез функција (како самостојна веб-страница или како веб дел) и ја користат таа наместо.

Ако некој знае други и / или подобри опции, Ве молиме да објавувате коментар и јас ќе се ажурира на телото на овој пост.

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4 размислувања за "Стандард WSS / Мос внес на податоци екрани не поддржуваат Cascading зависници-падови (или други интра-од комуникацијата)

  1. Каи Шенг Hoo
    Направи го погледне во http://kaishenghoo.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!8A7458DB12CA5AC9!194.entry. Го цениме вашето мислење.
    I’m not too sure if it is "the right way" но пристапот е слична на користење SharePoint Designer, но според мое мислење, ова е повеќе погодна за ASP.NET ориентирани програмери, as there are some minor form of plumbing involved with "total control of behaviour".
  2. Пол Галвин
    Thanks for the comment, this is the kind of feedback for which I was hoping.
    It appears that as I write this, the cost is $349 USD? Ако е така, is that price for unlimited use?
  3. Мајк Mongeau


    Check this out: http://www.spsdev.com/filter.aspx .

    From their site: "SpsDev.Com’s Filter Field is a custom field type that does filtering.
    You can add one to many filter fields to your list or library, and each one can
    be filtered based on another filtered field in the list. Pick a state in
    one field, and the list of cities in the next field is filtered to only show
    items from that state, на пример. In this release we support SQL Server
    2000 и 2005, and Xml as sources for the field data. As you change a
    selection in any of the drop downs, all of the drop downs below it are each
    filtered to show only the appropriate choices based on the selection that’s
    been made."


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