Каде е Microsoft.CSharp Како и да е?

Ми дадоа. Zip датотека со умерено комплекс структура на проектот и кои биле искинале од субверзија.  Го кодот е референцирање Microsoft.CSharp, како и во:


Како што можете да видите, Visual Studio беше исчезнати вистинските DLL. 

Јас обично не размислува за тоа каде овие работи се физички лоцирани.  Јас ископа околу тука, created a new console app (after following reading through this little exchange) and found the DLL on my environment at: C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.0\Profile\Client\Microsoft.CSharp.dll.

This actually gave rise to an issue with visual studio complaining that I was targeting the wrong environment, “Microsoft.CSharp.dll or one of its dependencies requires a later version of .NET blah blah blah”.  На крајот, I remove the reference altogether and that seems to have solved the issue.

It’s just another one of those oddly difficult things to figure out and the sort of thing that is less interesting than an argument with your wife over whether there are too many women’s coats in the closet Насмевка


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