Aspetti Fittex Fence Sitter Nru More

I kellha raġuni llum biex jilagħbu dwar il- CodePlex tfittxija aspetti project today.

Huwa kien madwar għal filwaqt, imma I eżita biex tniżżel u l-użu għar-raġunijiet tas-soltu (prinċipalment nuqqas ta 'ħin), plus outright fear 🙂

Jekk qed tfittex li ttejjeb tfittxija tiegħek u tesplora għażliet ġodda, download it and install it when you have an hour or so of free time. I followed the installation manual’s instructions and it took me less than 20 minutes to have it installed and working. It provides value minute zero.

It does look pretty hard to extend. The authors provide a detailed walk-through for a complex BDC scenario. I may be missing it, but I wish they would also provide a simpler scenario involving one of the pre-existing properties or maybe adding one new managed property. I shall try and write that up myself in the next period of time.

Bottom line — fil-minuti, inti tista 'tinstalla, kkonfigurat, use it and add some pretty cool functionality to your vanilla MOSS search and be a hero 🙂


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

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