Quick u sempliċi: Jippermettu workflow Disinjatur SharePoint biex taġġorna forma InfoPath

Xenarju: I have an InfoPath form that front-ends a workflow process implemented using SharePoint Designer. At one point, a manager must approve the form. Peress I ma jista 'joqgħod fuq l-istorja workflow biex jissodisfaw rekwiżiti ta' verifika tiegħi, I jiddeċiedu li jaħżen messaġġ tiegħi verifika stess direttament fuq il-formola innifsu.

Ħarsa ġenerali:

Disinn tal-forma u jippubblikaha bħala Tip kontenut and the form itself to a document library. Mark desired form fields as being updateable from MOSS. The form is tied to the content type and the content type is "attached" għal librerija forom (jew ħafna, jekk inti tixtieq). Write a workflow that updates the field.

Passi speċifiċi:

  1. Create a document library. This will hold your InfoPath template.
  2. Create a forms library.
  3. Create the InfoPath form. Include a text field, "Audit Message".
  4. Tippubblika l-forma bħala tip kontenut (MHUX dokument).
  5. Filwaqt li timla l-dialogs pubblikazzjoni:
    a) Salv l-fajl. Xsn għal-librerija dokument (pass #1).
    b) Tippubblika l Messaġġ Verifika "" qasam u l-marka vera: "Ħalli l-utenti li jeditjaw data f'dan il-qasam bl-użu ta datasheet jew proprjetajiet paġna".
    c) Oħloq tip kontenut ġdid u tagħtih l-isem xieraq.
  6. Aċċess-librerija forom.
    a) Mur settings avvanzati tagħha u jippermettu lill-librerija formoli biex jimmaniġġjaw tipi ta 'kontenut.
    b) Agħżel it-tip kontenut għadu kif inħoloq (5c hawn fuq). It will be grouped under "Microsoft InfoPath" (jew simili).
    c) Neħħi l-default "Formola" Tip kontenut mill-bibljoteka.
    d) Immarka l-librerija biex "juru kif web page" sabiex il-formola se tniedi mill SharePoint u mhux il-klijent workstation InfoPath.
  7. Go back to the forms library proper and click "New" li kemm jivverifika illi l-formola huwa mibgħut b'mod korrett u li jaġixxu kif tixtieq.
  8. Fire up Disinjatur SharePoint u jinnavigaw-sit li tospita librerija formola tiegħek (minn pass 2).
  9. Oħloq fluss tax-xogħol ġdid mehmuż mal-librerija forom.
  10. Add a single action "Set Field in Current Item". You should expect SharePoint Designer to list your your field, "Audit Message". Assign it a value.
  11. Ikklikkja Finish u jmorru lura lejn il-librerija formola.
  12. Create a new form and put some test value into the "Audit Message" qasam.
  13. Ħlief dan u jmorru lura lejn il-librerija formola.
  14. Right-click, select "Workflow" u jibdew fluss tax-xogħol tiegħek.
  15. It should run almost immediately. Pull up the form (minn pass 12) u jekk kollox marret għall-pjan, "Audit Message" ġie assenjat kwalunkwe valur inti provdut fil-pass 10.


Not all controls may configured for this bi-directional communication. Per eżempju, it does not seem to implement an SPD workflow that modifies text fields wrapped inside repeating sections.

One of the key take-away’s here is that we’ve really created a content type with an associated template. This also enables us to store multiple InfoPath form templates in the same form library.

This requires forms server. It’s most certainly not going to work in a WSS 3.0 ambjent u probabbilment anki teħtieġ ambjent SharePoint Intrapriża.

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