SharePoint 2010 KeywordQuery u Utenti Anonymous

I ppermettiet aċċess anonimu fis-sit tiegħi biex tiġi ttestjata l-web parti tfittxija stajt qed jiżviluppaw u li l-ebda sorpriża kbira, hija ma pjuttost xogħol.  Aċċess Anonymous hija pjuttost ħafna dejjem sfida għalija.

F'dan il-każ, it-tfittxija inizjali ma tkunx qed taħdem għal xi raġuni.  I should say that it was running but it was not returning any results.  I’m using the KeywordQuery for that initial display.

I did a quick search and this blog post by “sowmyancs” came up fairly quickly: "SharePoint 2010 Fittex: not showing any results for anonymous users?"  That blog entry describes the problem from an out of the box keyword search perspective but the behavior was similar to mine – it worked for authenticated users and for anonymous users, but anonymous users got no results. 

I followed the instructions and bang!  It solved my issue.  I’m not sure what side effects this will have and they may prove to be a problem, but the short term result is helpful.

Click on through the blog:



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