SharePoint Designer — Desturi shughuli kutekeleza user-defined C majukumu #

UPDATE: Hii imekuwa iliyotolewa kwa CodePlex hapa:

UPDATE: Angalia hapa kwa maelezo ya karibuni kutolewa:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!381.entry

UPDATE: Kuona hapa kwa mawazo yangu juu ya kibiashara ya mradi huu:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!569.entry

This project provides a custom activity in SharePoint Designer. Use this custom activity to invoke (dispatch) any C# function that you incorporated into the linked assembly.

Kama wa Oktoba mwishoni mwa, 2007, this is just an initial version of the project. I plan to expand it with a number of additional functions, ikiwa ni pamoja na substring, index, nafasi, invoking web services and anything that seems useful or interesting. I also plan to post this to codeplex once I have my act together on that front. This will also be deployable as a solution at some point.

Kama una maoni yoyote, maswali au mapendekezo, tafadhali waache katika maoni au email yangu.


I make absolutely no claims as to the suitability of this for any purpose. Use at your own risk.

Ufungaji hatua (kufuatwa kwa WFE kila aina katika shamba):

1. Download zip. Na dondoo.

2. Install the .dll into the GAC. I usually open c:\madirisha mkutano kutumia madirisha Explorer na nakala yake huko.

3. Kurekebisha web.config kuongeza mkutano na udhibiti salama:


<authorizedType Assembly="SpdGenericInterface, Version =, Utamaduni = neutral, PublicKeyToken = abe076fd8125f3c4" Namespace="Nivlag" TypeName="*" Authorized="True" />

4. Copy "SpdGenericInterface.actions" na C:\Mpango Files kawaida Files Microsoft Shared mtandao kompyuta upanuzi 12 KIOLEZO 1033 Workflow

Kumbuka kwamba mahali hapo ni maalum kwa mitambo ya lugha ya Kiingereza.

5. Karibu SharePoint Designer (ikiwa ni tayari kufungua).

6. iisreset

7. Kufungua SPD na kujenga workflow mpya.

Kama wote unaendelea vizuri, unapaswa watalipwa na jamii mpya ya hatua:



Kuona hapa ( kwa maelezo ya kali ya mchakato kwa ajili ya kujenga, kufunga na Configuring ufumbuzi kama hii.

Zip. Imeundwa ili kutoa moja kwa moja wewe c:\ drive. If you do this, unaweza kufungua mradi na njia yote itakuwa thabiti.

Kutumia hii katika studio ya Visual, you probably need to install "Extensions for Windows WF".

The initial upload contains just one "dispatcher function", "ToLower()". To add more functionality, kuongeza kwa Fanyeni njia kama inavyoonekana:

 kulindwa override ActivityExecutionStatus
          Kutekeleza(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)

            string functionToDispatch;
            functionToDispatch = hii.DispatchFunction.ToLower();

            kubadili (functionToDispatch)
                kesi "tolower()":
                        hii.OutResult1 = hii.InParam1.ToLower();

                        hii.OutResult1 = "Unknown function: [" + hii.DispatchFunction + "].";

            kurudi ActivityExecutionStatus.Kufungwa;
        } // ActivityExecutionStatus


Kisha, re-build the project and copy the assembly to the GAC. I expect an iisreset would be required.

9 mawazo juu ya "SharePoint Designer — Desturi shughuli kutekeleza user-defined C majukumu #

  1. Gerry Whitworth
    I followed his directions and everything seemed to work until I choose the action in SP Designer. The designer did not paste the code in the workflow. I sent this guy an email and I guess he is too busy to respond.
    Mimi kutatuliwa tatizo mwenyewe.
    Past the actions from "SpdGenericInterface.actions" into the "WSS.actions" file and it everything worked. I hope this helps others.
  2. Marco mancinelli
    ni sauti nzuri, lakini siwezi kufunga ugani =(
    Designer yangu con kuona lakini wakati i bonyeza juu yake hakuna kitu itaonekana… tafadhali msaada… tnx.
  3. Bernard Lambeth

    I’m using this custom activity to Replace() kazi. The farm is SharePoint 2007, with load-balanced web front-ends. I am getting intermittent failure to start errors, but the workflows usually restart in 5 – 15 min. I believe the timer jobs Workflow and Workflow Failover are restarting the workflows. I reviewed the SharePoint logs, and finally caught this error.

    RunWorkflow: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException:
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPNoCodeXomlCompiler.LoadXomlAssembly(String assmNameIn, SPWeb mtandao)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeHostServices.CreateInstance(Guid trackingId, SPWorkflow workflow)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWinOeEngine.RunWorkflow(Guid trackingId, SPWorkflowHostService host, SPWorkflow workflow, Collection`1 events, TimeSpan timeOut)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow.SPWorkflowManager.RunWorkflowElev(SPWorkflow originalWorkflow, SPWorkflow workflow, Collection`1 events, SPRunWorkflowOptions runOptions)

    I found a reference to this error on another blog, The author indicated he was using the custom actitivity Replace(), pamoja. Have you seen this error? Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve it?


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