Microsoft Technegol Roll Up – Ionawr 2008

Cysylltiadau Cyflym DiogelwchLlwyfannauRhyngrwyd - SQL GweinyddwrCyfathrebu UnedigHydrinedd
Gall y blog TRM ar gael yma


Diogelwch Effeithiol
O Stephen Lamb. Diogelwch effeithiol yn ymwneud â risg. Ei fesur. Penderfynwch pa risgiau ydych yn anghyfforddus ac yn cymryd camau i'w lliniaru. Mae'n ymwneud hefyd â Pobl A Prosesau – technolegol rheoli ei ben ei hun, ni fydd yn rhoi Diogelwch Effeithiol i chi.

Diogelwch Gweinydd: Less is More
Gan Travers Shawn, TG Pro Efengylwr, Yn ôl pob tebyg Microsoft Corporation unrhyw un sydd wedi gwario mwy nag ychydig ddyddiau yn gweithio mewn diogelwch gwybodaeth wedi clywed y tri daliadau craidd o ddiogelwch: sydd ar gael, cyfrinachedd, ac uniondeb. Mae'r erthygl hon yn trafod un arall adnabyddus, ond yn aml hanwybyddu cysyniad–symlrwydd–ac yn archwilio rhai o'r ffyrdd y gallwn gyflawni symlach, systemau gweinyddwr yn fwy diogel.

Nawr Ar gael: Mae'r 2007 Microsoft Security Office Canllaw
Arbed amser ag arferion gorau ac offer awtomataidd yn y 2007 Microsoft Security Office Canllaw. Canllawiau Tested, ffurfweddau diogelwch customizable a prebuilt, ac offer pwerus yn gadael i chi ddefnyddio 2007 Gosodiadau diogelwch system Microsoft Office ar draws eich mudiad–mewn munudau, yn lle oriau neu ddyddiau.

Nawr Ar gael: Mae Adroddiad Gwybodaeth Microsoft Security, Cyfrol III
Dylunio a meddalwedd ysgrifennu sy'n rhydd o chwilod ecsploetio'n a all wyro ymosodiadau modern yn set o sgiliau Wobr iawn. Mae Adroddiad Gwybodaeth Microsoft Security (SIR) Gall helpu gyda ymdrech hon drwy ddarparu ddatblygwyr â thueddiadau a mewnwelediadau ar gyfer deall y tirlun bygythiad ar hyn o bryd.

MSDN Magazine: Y Mater Diogelwch Blynyddol
Rhifyn eleni yn cymryd “ymagwedd bragmatig at greu effeithiol, strategaeth diogelwch mesuradwy.” Atalfa 'ii maes.

Canllaw i Fforenseg Cyfrifiaduron Sylfaenol
Er bod rhai ymchwiliadau yn dibynnu ar weithwyr proffesiynol tra hyfforddedig ddefnyddio offer drud a thechnegau cymhleth, mae yn haws, dulliau rhatach y gallwch ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer ymchwilio a dadansoddi sylfaenol. Mae'r erthygl hon yn canolbwyntio ar dechnegau cyfrifiadurol fforensig sydd ar gael yn hawdd i chi fel gweinyddwr prif ffrwd.

Gwylio Diogelwch: Polisïau Cyfrinair Ffenestri Parth
Os ydych chi'n weinyddwr o parth Windows, mae'n debyg eich bod yn rhy ymwybodol o'r cyfyngiadau sy'n gysylltiedig â pholisïau cyfrinair ar gyfer cyfrifon defnyddwyr parth. Fodd bynnag,, gyda dyfodiad Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008, Bydd rhai o'r cyfyngiadau y rhai diflannu. Mae'r erthygl hon yn edrych ar sut y mae'r system weithredu newydd yn datrys un mater: yr anallu i weithredu polisïau cyfrinair lluosog.

Bwletin Diogelwch Microsoft Crynodeb ar gyfer Rhagfyr, 2007

Chwilio am bwletinau diogelwch blaenorol

Bwletin Diogelwch Bwyd Anifeiliaid RSS


Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 Canllaw Diogelwch
Mae'r Gweinyddwr Ffenestri 2003 Canllaw Diogelwch yn canolbwyntio ar ddarparu hawdd i'w deall canllawiau ynghyd â set o offer a thempledi i helpu i wneud Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 fwy diogel mewn llawer o amgylcheddau.

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 Canllaw Diogelwch
Mae'r Gweinyddwr Ffenestri 2008 Canllaw Diogelwch wedi'i gynllunio i wella ymhellach y diogelwch y gweinydd cyfrifiaduron yn eich sefydliad drwy eich helpu i gymryd mantais lawn o'r technolegau a nodweddion diogelwch newydd a gwell i mewn Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008. Defnyddiwch y canllawiau i ddefnyddio eich llinell sylfaen diogelwch yn gyflym ac yn ddibynadwy, i caledu eich llwyth gwaith gweinydd, ac i werthuso gosodiad diogelwch argymhellion i fodloni gofynion eich amgylchedd.

Newidiadau mewn Functionality o Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 gyda SP1 i Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008
Yn Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008, Microsoft yn cyflwyno llawer o nodweddion a thechnolegau newydd nad oedd ar gael i mewn Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 gyda Service Pack 1 (SP1). Bydd y rhain yn nodweddion yn helpu i gynyddu cynhyrchiant, lleihau gorbenion gweinyddol, a chynyddu diogelwch y cyfrifiaduron sy'n rhedeg y system weithredu newydd. Mae'r llyfrgell technegol a gynigir yma yn ymwneud â phynciau fel Amgryptiad Gyriant BitLocker, gan ddefnyddio Ffederasiwn Hunaniaeth gyda Cyfeiriadur Gwasanaethau Rheoli Hawliau Gweithredol, a Cyfeirlyfr Gwasanaethau Tystysgrif Active.

Arferion Gorau ar gyfer Gweithredu Gweinyddwr Microsoft Windows 2003 Isadeiledd Allwedd Cyhoeddus
Mae'r erthygl hon yn Microsoft TechNet yn disgrifio arferion gorau cyfluniad a defnyddio ar gyfer isadeiledd allweddol cyhoeddus sy'n seiliedig ar Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003.

Default Gosodiadau Rheoli Mynediad i mewn Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003
Mae'r papur gwyn yn disgrifio'r gosodiadau diogelwch diofyn ar gyfer cydrannau o'r Gweinyddwr Windows 2003 system weithredu. Darllenwch am oblygiadau'r lleoliadau hyn ar gyfer datblygwyr a gweinyddwyr system, a chael atebion i gwestiynau a ofynnir yn aml.

Sut i: Defnyddiwch y Microsoft Gwaelodlin Security Analyzer
Microsoft Gwaelodlin Security Analyzer (MBSA) yn offeryn hawdd i'w ddefnyddio, a gynlluniwyd ar gyfer gweithwyr proffesiynol TG, sy'n helpu busnesau bach eu maint a chanolig eu maint i benderfynu ar eu cyflwr diogelwch yn unol ag argymhellion diogelwch Microsoft, ac yn cynnig arweiniad adfer penodol. Mae'r erthygl hon yn disgrifio sut i ddefnyddio MBSA i berfformio diweddariadau diogelwch sgan, a sut i ddefnyddio MBSA i wirio am leoliadau presennol nad ydynt yn ddiogel.

Senarios a Gweithdrefnau ar gyfer Gweinyddwr Rheoli Systemau Microsoft 2003: Diogelwch
Diogelu eich Gweinydd Microsoft Rheoli Systemau (SMS) Nid yw amgylchedd yn dasg y gallwch ei llenwi unwaith ac yna anghofio am. P'un a ydych eisoes wedi defnyddio SMS neu yn y camau cynllunio, dilyn y arferion gorau a sefydlwyd i greu'r amgylchedd SMS mwyaf diogel posibl, ac yna dilynwch y canllawiau i gynnal amgylchedd hwnnw.

Gweinydd ISA 2006 Canllaw Diogelwch
Mae'r canllaw hwn yn canolbwyntio yn benodol ar weithrediadau sydd eu hangen i greu a chynnal Rhyngrwyd Ddiogelwch diogel a Cyflymiad (ISA) Gweinydd 2006 Amgylchedd. Defnyddiwch y canllaw hwn fel rhan o'ch strategaeth ddiogelwch gyffredinol ar gyfer Gweinyddwr ISA 2006.

Diogelu Eich Gweinydd Cais
Mae'r bennod hon o Gwella We Cais Diogelwch yn disgrifio sut i sicrhau canol-haen cyfrifiaduron gweinydd gais sy'n rhesymeg busnes cynnal a data mynediad i wasanaethau. Mae'r bennod hon yn canolbwyntio ar y ffurfweddiad gweinydd cais a'r sianelau cyfathrebu cysylltiedig sy'n cysylltu y cyfrifiadur gweinydd Gwe ar y cyfrifiadur gweinydd cais, a bod cysylltu'r cyfrifiadur gweinydd cais i'r cyfrifiadur gweinydd y gronfa ddata. Technolegau a drafodir yn cynnwys y Gwasanaethau Menter, gwasanaethau We, a NET remoting.


Microsoft Antigen SP1 Dogfennaeth

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer SharePoint gyda Dogfennaeth SP1

Showcase TG: Galluogi Diogelwch Gwybodaeth drwy Dosbarthiad Gwybodaeth HBI
Ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut cynlluniau menter fawr ac yn gweithredu dylunio a phensaernïaeth o'i genhedlaeth nesaf o system negeseuon? Datblygwyd Yr Ateb Dosbarthiad Gwybodaeth HBI er mwyn galluogi defnyddwyr i ddosbarthu a diogelu eu safleoedd a chyfranddaliadau.

Server a Ynysu Parth Demo
Cael profiad ymarferol gyda Server a Ynysu Parth, a dysgu sut y gall hyn datrysiad dilysu pen-pwynt cost-effeithiol yn eich helpu i leihau'r risg o fygythiadau sy'n seiliedig rhwydwaith-a diogelu data sensitif.

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Service Pack 1 Readme
Helpu i ddiogelu eich gweinydd Cyfnewid rhag firysau a meddalwedd faleisus eraill.

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Service Pack 1
Helpu i ddiogelu eich gweinydd Cyfnewid rhag firysau a meddalwedd faleisus eraill.

Diogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Cyfnewid Gweinydd 10.1 Pecyn Rheoli ar gyfer MOM 2005
Mae'r Diogelwch flaenllaw Microsoft ar gyfer Pecyn Rheoli Cyfnewid monitro Gweinyddwyr Cyfnewid ar gyfer gweithgarwch firws a llyngyr.

Mae'r risgiau o gael a defnyddio meddalwedd pirated
Mae hwn yn 12 Tudalennau Papur Gwyn sy'n cynnwys y risgiau o gael a defnyddio meddalwedd pirated

Cael Cytundeb Ffenestri Ddiffuant ar gyfer Busnesau Bach a Chanolig – Adwerthwyr
Mae hwn yn 2 Tudalennau ddogfen sy'n cynnwys gwybodaeth am y Cytundeb GenuineWindows Get (WWGA) ar gyfer Sefydliadau Bach a Chanolig.

Cael Atebion Ddiffuant Cwestiynau Cyffredin – Mae cwsmeriaid
Mae hwn yn 2 Dogfen dudalen sy'n cynnwys cwestiynau a ofynnir yn aml (Cwestiynau Cyffredin) ar y rhaglen Ddiffuant Get.

Microsoft blaen a Pecyn Cymorth Arddangos System Center

Server a Ynysu Parth (SDI) ar gyfer Diogelwch Daflen ddata

Isadeiledd Allwedd Cyhoeddus (PKI) ar gyfer Diogelwch Atebion Daflen ddata

Cydymffurfio Microsoft Gwasanaethau Diogelwch Gwaelodlin (SBC) Daflen ddata
Mae hyn yn cynnig yn helpu i asesu a gwella rhaglen cydymffurfiad diogelwch sylfaenol sefydliad.

Hunaniaeth Rheoli Cylch Bywyd (TYWYDD) Daflen ddata
Mae hyn yn cynnig defnyddio Integreiddio Hunaniaeth Microsoft Server (MIIS) 2003 ac arferion gorau i symleiddio rheoli hunaniaeth ddigidol a chynnal cywirdeb data.

Diogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Cyfnewid Gweinydd 10.1 AS dros OpsMgr 2007
Mae'r Diogelwch flaenllaw Microsoft ar gyfer Pecyn Rheoli Cyfnewid monitro Gweinyddwyr Cyfnewid ar gyfer gweithgarwch firws a llyngyr.

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Dogfennaeth SP1

Defnyddio ar gyfer Microsoft flaenllaw Cleient Diogelwch Daflen ddata
Defnyddio ar gyfer Microsoft Security flaenllaw Cleient yn hawdd yn defnyddio yn uwch, ateb canolog er mwyn helpu i ddiogelu eich menter.

Diogelwch Archwiliad Iechyd Daflen ddata
Mae'r Archwiliad Iechyd Diogelwch yn gwerthuso eich prosesau presennol a ffurfweddau o gyfrifiaduron llu a ddewiswyd yn erbyn canllawiau diogelwch Microsoft a gyhoeddwyd.

Cyhoeddus allweddol Gweinydd Seilwaith Archwiliad Iechyd Daflen ddata
Mae'r Archwiliad Iechyd PKI yn cynnwys dadansoddi'r ffurfweddiad PKI yn erbyn arferion gorau Microsoft PKI gyhoeddwyd gan ddefnyddio rhestr wirio o elfennau sy'n hanfodol i'ch helpu i ffurfweddu yn iawn a sicrhau

Diogelwch blaen a Rhwydweithio

Microsoft Offeryn Asesu Diogelwch 3.5 (Rhyngwladol)
Mae'r Offeryn Asesu Microsoft Security (MSAT) yn gais asesu risg a gynlluniwyd i ddarparu gwybodaeth ac argymhellion am arferion gorau ar gyfer diogelwch o fewn technoleg gwybodaeth (TG) seilwaith.

Microsoft Antigen SP1 Dogfennaeth

Offeryn Rhestr Diweddariad Diogelwch Estynedig
Mae'r Offeryn Rhestr Diweddariad Diogelwch Estynedig yn cael ei ddefnyddio i ganfod bwletinau diogelwch heb ei gynnwys gan MBSA cynnwys MS04-028, Chwefror 2005 cylchlythyrau, a bwletinau diogelwch yn y dyfodol sydd yn eithriadau i MBSA.

Offeryn Tynnu Microsoft® Windows® Maleisus Meddalwedd (KB890830) x64
Mae'r teclyn hwn yn gwirio eich cyfrifiadur ar gyfer haint gan penodol, meddalwedd maleisus gyffredin (gan gynnwys Blaster, Sasser, a Mydoom) ac yn helpu i gael gwared ar yr haint os caiff ei darganfod. Bydd Microsoft yn rhyddhau fersiwn wedi'i diweddaru o'r offeryn hwn ar yr ail ddydd Mawrth o bob mis.

Offeryn Tynnu Microsoft® Windows® Maleisus Meddalwedd (KB890830)
Mae'r teclyn hwn yn gwirio eich cyfrifiadur ar gyfer haint gan penodol, meddalwedd maleisus gyffredin (gan gynnwys Blaster, Sasser, a Mydoom) ac yn helpu i gael gwared ar yr haint os caiff ei darganfod. Bydd Microsoft yn rhyddhau fersiwn wedi'i diweddaru o'r offeryn hwn ar yr ail ddydd Mawrth o bob mis.

Rhagfyr 2007 Datganiadau Diogelwch ISO Delwedd
Mae hyn yn ffeil delwedd ISO DVD5 yn cynnwys y diweddariadau diogelwch ar gyfer Windows rhyddhau ar Update Windows ar 11 Rhagfyr, 2007.

Diweddariad ar gyfer Windows Mail Junk E-bost Filter [Rhagfyr 2007] (KB905866)
Gosod y diweddariad hwn ar gyfer Windows Mail i adolygu'r ffeiliau diffiniad a ddefnyddir i ganfod negeseuon e-bost y dylid ei ystyried sothach e-bost neu a all gynnwys cynnwys gwe-rwydo.

Diweddariad ar gyfer Windows Mail Filter Junk E-bost ar gyfer Systemau sy'n seiliedig ar x64- [Rhagfyr 2007] (KB905866)
Gosod y diweddariad hwn ar gyfer Windows Mail i adolygu'r ffeiliau diffiniad a ddefnyddir i ganfod negeseuon e-bost y dylid ei ystyried sothach e-bost neu a all gynnwys cynnwys gwe-rwydo.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 ar gyfer Windows XP Service Pack 2 (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 ar gyfer Windows XP x64 Edition (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 i mewn Ffenestri Vista (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 i mewn Ffenestri Vista x64 Edition (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 64-bit Itanium Argraffiad (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 7 ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 x64 Argraffiad (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 6 ar gyfer Windows XP x64 Edition (KB945007) – Saesneg

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 6 ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 64-bit Itanium Argraffiad (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 6 ar gyfer Windows XP Service Pack 2 (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

Diweddariad ar gyfer Internet Explorer 6 ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

IE Cydran Awtomatig Activation Rhagolwg ar gyfer Internet Explorer 6 ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 x64 Argraffiad (KB945007)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn analluogi'r "Cliciwch at activate" ymddygiad y diweddariad Internet Explorer ActiveX sy'n cael ei chynnwys yn diweddaru KB942615.

Diweddariad i Outlook Junk E-bost Filter 2007 (KB943597)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn darparu'r Filter Junk E-bost yn Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 gyda diffiniad mwy cyfredol y dylai negeseuon e-bost yn cael ei ystyried sothach e-bost. Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn ei ryddhau ym mis Rhagfyr 2007.

Diweddariad i Outlook Junk E-bost Filter 2003 (KB943591)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn darparu'r Filter Junk E-bost yn Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 gyda diffiniad mwy cyfredol y dylai negeseuon e-bost yn cael ei ystyried sothach e-bost. Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn ei ryddhau ym mis Rhagfyr 2007.

Microsoft Offeryn Asesu Diogelwch 3.5 (Rhyngwladol)
Mae'r Offeryn Asesu Microsoft Security (MSAT) yn gais asesu risg a gynlluniwyd i ddarparu gwybodaeth ac argymhellion am arferion gorau ar gyfer diogelwch o fewn technoleg gwybodaeth (TG) seilwaith.

Defnyddio ar gyfer Microsoft flaenllaw Cleient Diogelwch Daflen ddata
Defnyddio ar gyfer Microsoft Security flaenllaw Cleient yn hawdd yn defnyddio yn uwch, ateb canolog er mwyn helpu i ddiogelu eich menter.

Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007) – Sesiwn 2: System Rheolwr Configuration Center - Meddalwedd Diweddariad ar Reoli
Cyflwyniad Deunyddiau ar gyfer Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007)

Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007)
Cyflwyniad Deunyddiau ar gyfer Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007)

Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007) – Sesiwn 3: Meddyliwch eich rhwydwaith yn ddiogel gan ddefnyddio'r protocolau rhagosodedig? Meddyliwch eto.
Cyflwyniad Deunyddiau ar gyfer Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007)

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Dogfennaeth SP1

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer SharePoint gyda Dogfennaeth SP1

Digwyddiadau / Gweddarllediadau

Microsoft Ddiogelwch Gweddarllediadau Cyfres: Sydd ar y gweill a Ar-Galw

Calendr Diogelwch Gweddarllediadau
Dod o hyd i gweddarllediadau diogelwch a restrir yn fformat calendr hawdd ei ddefnyddio.

Gweddarllediadau Diogelwch sydd ar y gweill

Cofrestru ar gyfer y Gweddarllediadau canlynol ar y ddolen uchod

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 1 o 8): Pam A yw Mater Diogelwch? (Lefel 200)
Dydd Llun, Ionawr 07, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 2 o 8): Mae pob Rhisgl a Rhif Bite (Lefel 200)
Dydd Mawrth, Ionawr 08, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 3 o 8): Gates, Gwarchodlu, a Gynnau (Lefel 200)
Dydd Mercher, Ionawr 09, 2008 9:30 A.C.-10:30 A.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Gwybodaeth am Microsoft Ionawr Diogelwch Bwletinau (Lefel 200)
Dydd Mercher, Ionawr 09, 2008 11:00 A.C.-12:00 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 4 o 8): Byw ar y Edge (Lefel 200)
Dydd Iau, Ionawr 10, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 5 o 8): Cadw eich Tŷ yn y Gorchymyn (Lefel 200)
Dydd Llun, Ionawr 14, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 6 o 8): Achub y Bocs, Achub y Rhwydwaith (Lefel 200)
Dydd Iau, Ionawr 15, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 7 o 8): Os Ydych Adeiladu Mae'n (Ddiogel), Ni fyddant yn dod (Lefel 200)
Dydd Mercher, Ionawr 16, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: 2008 Defense mewn Cyfres Diogelwch Dyfnder (Rhan 8 o 8): Os yw Terabyte Cwympiadau yn y Canol y (Cyfeiriadur Gweithredol) Coedwig (Lefel 200)
Dydd Iau, Ionawr 17, 2008 11:30 A.C.-12:30 P.m. Pacific Amser

Ar-Galw Gweddarllediadau Diogelwch


Materion Diogelwch Cyffredinol / cwestiynau
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

Virus / materion cwestiynau
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

Gweinydd ISA
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

Ffenestri 2000: Diogelwch
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

Ffenestri XP: Gweinyddu Nawdd
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

SQL Gweinyddwr: Diogelwch
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr: Diogelwch
Agor gyda darllenydd newyddion news://

Diogelwch Grwpiau Newyddion Arall

Ffenestri Llwyfan


Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 RC1
Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008, sydd wedi ei raglennu i ryddhau i weithgynhyrchu (RTM) gan y Chwefror 27 digwyddiad lansio, wedi cyrraedd y garreg filltir RC1 ac mae ar gael i gwsmeriaid i'w llwytho i lawr. Gyda RC1, Microsoft yn gwella Polisi Grŵp gyda Dewisiadau Pholisi Grwp, a elwid gynt yn policymaker Standard Edition a'r Rheolwr Share Polisi. Gan fod y cod dulliau signoff terfynol, RC1 yw un o'r cyfleoedd olaf i gwsmeriaid a phartneriaid i werthuso a darparu adborth. Hyd yn hyn, mwy na 1.8 miliwn o gwsmeriaid wedi cael Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 cod gwerthuso.

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 Beta llongau Hyper-V gynnar i gwsmeriaid a phartneriaid.
Gall cwsmeriaid a phartneriaid heddiw yn llwytho i lawr Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 Menter RC1 gyda'r fersiwn beta o Hyper-V i werthuso'r dechnoleg newydd, Ceisiadau profi a chynllun cyfuno yn y dyfodol, prosiectau parhad busnes ac uchel-argaeledd. Newydd: Cyflwyno Microsoft Asesu a Chynllunio ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008
Mae'r Asesiad a Chynllunio Microsoft (MAP) ateb cyflymydd yn y cyhoeddiad nesaf chan Ffenestri Vista Caledwedd Asesu. Mae'n cynnig rhestr eiddo ac asesu asiant-llai ac argymhellion gweithredu arnynt ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008, Ffenestri Gweinyddwr Virtualization, Gwasanaethau Terminal, SoftGrid, Rheolwr Virtual Machine System Center, Ffenestri Vista, ac mae'r 2007 System Microsoft Office. Ymunwch â'r Beta ac yn cymryd prawf gyrru heddiw.

Microsoft Datgelu Ffenestri Gweinyddwr HPC 2008
Ffenestri Gweinyddwr HPC 2008, olynydd Gweinyddwr Clwstwr Ffenestri Chyfrifiadur 2003, yn seiliedig ar y Gweinyddwr Windows 2008 system weithredu ac mae wedi'i gynllunio i gynyddu cynhyrchiant, scalability, a hydrinedd. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cynnydd mewn perfformiad, gweld Microsoft Rainier Clwstwr ag Ffenestri Gweinyddwr HPC 2008 Yn darparu 11.75 TFlops ac Tops Meincnod Linpack Blaenorol Gan ddefnyddio'r un Caledwedd.


Ffenestri Vista SP1 Canllawiau ar gyfer Gweithwyr Proffesiynol TG

Nodiadau Rhyddhau ar gyfer Windows Vista SP1

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 Datblygwr Stori


Ffenestri 2008 Gwerthuso Rhyddhau Ymgeisydd Meddalwedd

Ffenestri Vista Gwasanaeth Bacio 1 RC Rhaglen argaeledd Cyhoeddus

Ffenestri Vista Gwasanaeth Bacio 1 RC – 5 Pecyn Standalone Iaith

Ffenestri Vista Gwasanaeth Bacio 1 RC ar gyfer Editions x64 Seiliedig – 5 Pecyn Standalone Iaith

Ffenestri Vista Gwasanaeth Bacio 1 RC1 ar gyfer Editions x64 Seiliedig – Mae pob pecyn Standalone iaith

Diweddariad ar gyfer Windows Vista (KB943899)
Mae hwn yn ddiweddariad dibynadwyedd. Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn datrys rhai materion perfformiad a dibynadwyedd i mewn Ffenestri Vista Download rhad ac am Rheolwr Virtual Machine System Center 2007
Rheolwr Virtual Machine Download a phrawf gyrru Microsoft System Center 2007 i wneud y mwyaf o adnoddau TG.

Windows XP Service Pack 3 Rhyddhau Ymgeisydd 1 yn awr ar gael i'w llwytho i lawr
Bydd Windows XP SP3 fod yn rollup sy'n cynnwys yr holl wybodaeth ddiweddaraf a gyhoeddwyd yn flaenorol ar gyfer Windows XP, gan gynnwys diweddariadau diogelwch, y tu allan i'r band datganiadau a hotfixes. It contains a small number of new updates, but should not significantly change the Windows XP experience.

Microsoft Offeryn Asesu Diogelwch (MSAT) Version 3.5
This tool is designed to help organisations discover areas of security risk in their IT infrastructure. Detailed assessment reports, guidance and best practice is provided to help companies prioritise and mitigate identified security risks.

Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 released for 2007 System Microsoft Office
Mae'r 2007 Microsoft Office system Service Pack 1 was released on 11 Rhagfyr 2007 and addresses the issues of most concern to customers across the whole Office system. SP1 fixes the leading causes of crashes in each Office application and deploys key fixes and enhancements to make the 2007 Office system even more stable, reliable and easy to use. There is a white paper that fully details the improvements and benefits in Service Pack 1 here and you can download it for yourself from here.

Digwyddiadau / Gweddarllediadau

MSDN: Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 for developers
Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 will be launched in Q1 2008. Come and learn what’s new in this release for developers
Date: 17/01/2008 13:30 – 16:15 GMT
Date: 23/01/2008 18:30 – 21:20 GMT
Date: 24/01/2008 09:30 – 12:15 GMT

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Practical Active Directory Delegation (Lefel 300)
Dydd Gwener, Ionawr 11, 2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr HPC 2008 – New and Advanced Features
Dydd Mawrth, Ionawr 15, 2008 8:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr HPC 2008 – New and Advanced Features
Dydd Mawrth, Ionawr 15, 2008 5:00 PM Pacific Time (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

IT Manager Webcast: Introduction to the Windows Server 2008 Server Core Installation Option (Lefel 200)
Dydd Mercher, Ionawr 16, 2008 11:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Windows Compare (Rhan 1 o 6): Reliability in Windows and Linux(Lefel 200)
Dydd Mercher, Ionawr 23, 2008 11:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Windows Compare (Rhan 2 o 6): Supporting Linux Users in a Windows Environment (Lefel 200)
Dydd Gwener, Ionawr 25, 2008 11:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: How Microsoft IT is Improving Network Performance with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (Lefel 300)
Dydd Mawrth, Ionawr 29, 2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Windows Compare (Rhan 3 o 6): IIS 7.0 vs. Apache (Lefel 200)
Dydd Mercher, Ionawr 30, 2008 11:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)

On-Demand Microsoft IT Webcasts for IT Managers

On-Demand Microsoft IT Webcasts for IT Pros Webcasts:Full list can be found at: Webcast CalendarThe interactive calendar will help you quickly find live webcasts that fit your schedule as well as on-demand webcasts to view at your convenience. You can choose your time zone and filter this list by audience, webcast series, product or topic, and presenter. Archived Webcasts:
New KB’s
Description of the Jet 4.0 Database Engine hotfix package for Windows XP SP2, ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 SP1, ar gyfer Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 SP2, and for Windows Vista: Hydref 23, 2007
Error message when you try to install a WSD printer on a Windows Vista-based computer after the first installation attempt fails: “Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000643)”
Microsoft Security Advisory: Vulnerability in Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) could allow information disclosure
Windows Vista uses the profile path that is defined on the Terminal Services Profile tab instead of on the Profile tab when a user logs on to a Windows Vista-based client computer by using a Remote Desktop session
Mae'r “wake on ring” feature still wakes a Windows Vista-based computer when you set an HD audio controller not to wake the computer
A USB 2.0 device that is attached to a USB 2.0 hub may stop working correctly in Windows Vista
Error message when you try to print an .xps document in Windows Vista or in Windows XP: “An error occurred in the application you were using”
The Rasdial API may free the same memory two times and the dial-up application stops responding on a multiprocessor computer that is running Windows Vista
System restore points and shadow copies of files are missing after you install Windows Vista Service Pack 1
You experience a long delay when you try to access to a WebDAV share for the first time on a Windows Vista-based computer
The preview function does not work correctly in Windows Movie Maker on a Windows Vista-based computer
Error message when you migrate user data to a new Windows Vista computer: “An error occurred in the Handwriting recognition personalization tool”
Recognizer training is not triggered in the Windows Vista handwriting recognition personalization tool after you enter 50 sentences
You notice timing jitter and clock drift when you perform an editing operation or a playback operation on a MIDI audio device in Windows Vista
MIDI notes are played in the wrong order when you perform a capture operation on a MIDI audio device in Windows Vista
An application that sends an IOCTL_SFFDISK_DEVICE_COMMAND request to a Secure Digital (SD) card receives an error message on a 64-bit version of Windows Vista: “ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED”
Mae'r “chkdsk /r” command and the “chkdsk /f” command take a long time to run on a Windows Vista-based computer
How to obtain information about hotfixes and security updates that are included in Windows Vista Service Pack 1
An application returns incorrect values for the conversion mode and for the sentence mode of an Input Method Editor (IME) on a Windows Vista-based computer
On a Windows Vista-based computer, you cannot access certain directories on a Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Gweinydd
FIX: Internet Explorer in Windows CE .NET 4.2 deletes cached content if program memory is low
FIX: Internet Explorer in Windows CE 5.0 may delete cached content if program memory is low
FIX: The memory load increases, and the operating system runs out of memory after you execute an application that uses an EDB database on a Windows Embedded CE 6.0-based device
Buttons are missing after you upgrade from MSN Toolbar to Windows Live Toolbar
FIX: You cannot play Windows Media content that is encoded by using the VC1 codec in Windows XP, i mewn Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003, or in Windows 2000
How to manually update the time zone definition in Windows SharePoint Services for the Venezuela time zone change
Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2003 does not issue security event 523 even though the WarningLevel registry entry is configured
A Windows Server 2003-based computer may stop responding when many connections are created and then disconnected if IPsec is configured
On a Windows Server 2003 R2-based computer, a POSIX application that calls the Sleep function does not work correctly if the system clock is changed during the sleep interval
FIX: An access violation may occur when you use the 64-bit version of the DV Video Encoder filter in a 64-bit version of Windows Server 2003 or of Windows XP
Error message on a Windows XP-based computer when you work with a network share: “STOP: 0x000000C2 BAD_POOL_CALLER”
USB devices may not work after your computer resumes from standby in Windows XP on Lenovo portable computers
When you use a drag-and-drop operation to move or to copy an Outlook e-mail message on a Windows XP SP2-based computer, the operation fails without any notification
After you update a storage driver, you may be prompted to reactivate Windows Vista
On a Windows Vista-based computer, you may be prompted for your passport credentials every time that you try to access documents on a WebDAV site from a new workspace
Rhagfyr 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems
You may be unable to save a file in a Microsoft Office program on a Windows Vista-based computer
IP networking over the IEEE 1394 bus is not supported in Windows Vista and in all later versions of Windows
A word still has an “Add” option after you add the word to the dictionary by using the Windows Vista Tablet PC Input Panel
When you change the theme on a Windows Vista Tablet PC, y “Handwriting recognition personalization” tool becomes distorted
Graphics performance can be improved in certain multiple-GPU scenarios on a Windows Vista-based computer
System icons may not appear in the notification area on a Windows Vista-based computer until you restart the computer
User profiles are unexpectedly deleted after you configure the “Delete user profiles older than a specified number of days on system restart” Group Policy setting on a Windows Vista-based computer
FIX: Kerberos authentication may fail on a Windows CE 5.0-based device
You may receive a “Cannot connect to the Windows Live ID service” error message when you sign-in to Windows Live Family Safety
Metadata that is assigned to a photo in Windows Live Photo Gallery is not visible in the Windows Explorer Properties dialog box in Windows XP
Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 services that were previously removed are restored after you restore the system state on a Windows Server 2008-based computer
An application that uses the CDOSYS library or the System.Web.Mail namespace in a non-English version of Windows Server 2003 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2 may receive a corrupted error message
On a computer that has Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 installed, an application receives an incorrect value for the identity column from a SQL Server 2005 database
A Cluster node may lose an MNS quorum, and the Cluster service may stop on a Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition-based computer
Event 1164 is logged when a disk or a mount point is mounted in a Windows Server 2003 cluster that uses a Majority Node Set (MNS) quorum
Authorization Manager in Windows Server 2003 cannot add roles from other domains in the forest after security update 926122 or Windows Server 2003 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2 is installed
Error message when you use a mobile device to access an ASP.NET Web site that is hosted in IIS 6.0: “HTTP 400 – Bad Request”
Name resolution may fail on a Windows Server 2003 DNS server if conditional forwarding is configured and if records have different TTL values
Event ID 14079 ei gofnodi pob 49.7 dyddiau ar gyfrifiadur Windows Server 2003 yn seiliedig ar sy'n rhedeg ISA Gweinydd 2004
A Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition-based computer does not automatically restart as expected after the .crash command is executed to generate a dump file
You may experience slow Web browser performance when you iew a Web page that uses JScript in Internet Explorer on a Windows Server 2003-based computer or on a Windows XP-based computer
On a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer, you cannot access the correct DFS share after information about the link target is updated
After you use a smart card to unlock a Windows XP-based computer, you are prompted for authentication when you access resources that require NTLM authentication
The first logon to a Windows XP-based computer through terminal services is not denied even though the user is not a member of the Remote Desktop Users group
The two sides of an audio call may not hear one another on a Windows XP-based computer that has Communicator installed
Error code when you try to update end-user-defined character (EUDC) TrueType fonts on a Windows XP Service Pack 2 -based computer: “1224:ERROR_USER_MAPPED_FILE”
Video series information is lost when you update your Zune 30GB device to the v2 software



Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server

Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server TechCenter

Please note that if you have feedback on documentation or wish to request new documents – email

ForeFront Edge Security Forums at
Discuss ISA Server at the new Microsoft Forefront™ Edge Security forums, available at TechCenter

Internet Security and Acceleration Server Blog
The ISA Server Product Team Blog ( is updated on a regular basis. Latest entries include:

Cyfnewid Cyhoeddi,,en,Gall methu ar ôl yn gorseddu 'r diweddariad,,en,Diweddariad ar gyfer Cyhoeddi Microsoft Exchange Server,,en,am Gweinydd ISA 2006,,en,clwstwr failover,,en,Nid yw'r datganiad CREATE GWEITHDREFN yn rhedeg pan fyddwch yn ceisio i redeg y datganiad i greu gweithdrefn stôr sy'n cynnwys llawer iawn o destun yn SQL Server,,en,neges gwall pan chais sy'n cael ei rhedeg fel gwasanaeth Windows yn galw rhai pecynnau SSIS,,en,Gall newidyn yn unig yn cael ei ychwanegu ar ôl naill ai i'r rhestr clo darllen neu'r rhestr clo ysgrifennu,,en,Mae ymholiad yn dychwelyd y canlyniad anghywir pan fyddwch yn rhedeg ymholiad sy'n defnyddio'r CYNLLUN DEFNYDD awgrym ymholiad yn SQL Gweinyddwr,,en,Nid yw'r dudalen Proseswyr yn y Gweinyddwr blwch deialog Priodweddau yn SQL Server Stiwdio Rheoli yn adrodd y affinedd prosesydd yn gywir er enghraifft o SQL Server,,en 2007 may fail after installing the update “Update for Publishing Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 for ISA Server 2006”

Microsoft Internet information Server

List of registry keys affecting IIS7 behavior
Few months ago, I fired procmon and collected all the registry keys IIS7 processes read. I then gathered the information about these registry keys from different people in the team and also collected available information on the internet. I have been sitting on this information for quite a while hoping…
gan ksingla on 12-30-2007, 4:16 PM

WebDAV Module for Windows Server 2008 GoLive Beta is released
Earlier today the IIS product team released the GoLive beta version of the new WebDAV extension module for IIS 7. This version is currently available for Windows Server 2008 only, but it will be supported on Windows Vista when Service Pack 1 for Vista is released. Listed below are the links for the download…
gan Robert McMurray’s Blog [MSFT] on 12-22-2007, 7:55 PM

MSDN Mag: Enhance Your Apps with the ASP.NET Integrated Pipeline!
At last, my MSDN article about using the ASP.NET Integrated Pipeline is out in MSDN Magazine. This article is all about using existing ASP.NET features and building new ASP.NET modules to improve existing applications. What’s more, I do this without touching a single line of the application itself, which…
gan mvolo on 12-20-2007, 3:53 PM

Ins & Outs of hostable web core
I started writing an application which uses hostable web core (HWC) functionality of IIS7 and before making it available for download I thought it will be useful to write about HWC in detail. Hostable web core enables processes other than w3wp.exe to load IIS core and do almost everything that a worker…
gan ksingla on 12-20-2007, 3:05 AC

Go Live (and save money) with Bit Rate Throttling!
I am happy to announce that the latest version of Bit Rate Throttling, an Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS7) Media Pack feature, yn awr ar gael i'w llwytho i lawr! This updated version adds additional controls to help an administrator ensure a reliable and consistent end-user experience, particularly…
gan chriskno on 12-19-2007, 12:18 PM

Breaking Changes for ASP.NET 2.0 applications running in Integrated mode on IIS 7.0
ASP.NET 2.0 applications on IIS 7.0 are hosted using the ASP.NET Integrated mode by default. This new mode enables a myriad of exciting scenarios including using super-valuable ASP.NET features like Forms Authentication for your entire Web site, and developing new ASP.NET modules to do things like URL…
gan mvolo on 12-08-2007, 9:12 PM

Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 RC1 available for download!
Ffenestri Gweinyddwr 2008 RC1 is available for download! We are feature and quality complete with this release. In this build, we address feedback that we have gotten from customers in beta and our RC0 release. There is nothing quite like deploying IIS7 in a diverse set of production environments worldwide…
gan mailant on 12-07-2007, 2:38 AC

FastCGI Extension for IIS6 – GoLive to RTM release upgrade
As it has been already mentioned in download instructions for FastCGI Extension RTM for IIS 6, we do not support in-place upgrade of FastCGI Extension from pre-RTM builds to RTM build. If you have been running pre-RTM build (such as GoLive release or Intermediate release), you will need to uninstall…
gan mailant on 12-07-2007, 1:40 AC

Windows Media Services 2008 RC1 for Windows Server 2008 RC1 is now live
I am happy to announce that Windows Media Services (WMS) 2008 RC1 is now live. This version of WMS will install only on Windows Server 2008 RC1 version. In addition to Cache Proxy Plug-in and Sever Core installation option, Windows Media Services RC1 is supported on English, French, German, Japanese…
gan vsood on 12-06-2007, 12:09 PM

Get The Latest Information at:

Gweinydd BizTalk

New Case Studies

Pfister – Automated Order Management Process Helps Swiss Furniture Business Drive Expansion

Electricidad de Caracas – Utility Company Fosters Efficiency and Manageability with Holistic IT Approach

EMI Music – Global Music Company Leads Industry Transformation with Scalable Infrastructure

Würth Handelsgesellschaft – Austrian Fastening Products Firm Accelerates Order Processing by Almost 24 Hours

Sharepoint Technologies

HP and F5 Whitepaper on Configuring BIG-IP LTM with Web Accelerator for SharePoint Deployments
HP with F5 recently finished a whitepaper on WAN Acceleration for Intranets and Internet sites. The results are very promising if you are looking to provide consolidation or looking to offload performance from your web front ends.
This paper “Deploying F5 Networks BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager with WebAccelerator for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007” will be of particular interest to customers planning on centralized data center deployments and want to understand the effect of F5 BIG-IP LTM and WebAccelerator impacts on performance.

Performance recommendations for storage planning and monitoring
This new whitepaper paper provides key recommendations and best practices to help administrators of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 plan and monitor their SQL Server storage requirements to support optimal performance and operation of their server farms.
This paper has a ton of new information for recommendations on optimizing your hardware and storage.

Announcing New System Center Operations Manager 2007 Packs for WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007
The Solution Accelerator’s team is excited to announce the release of the SharePoint Monitoring Toolkit. This toolkit consists of a set of System Center Operations Manager 2007 management packs designed to help IT pros monitor their WSS 3.0 and MOSS 2007 a 2007 SP1 environments. These newly released packs were engineered to take advantage of SCOM 2007’s features, including new and improved reporting, additional actions, new views, and integrate IIS and SQL health rollup for a better understanding of the system-level dependencies of the SharePoint environments.
This Solution Accelerator can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center and will soon be available through the System Center Management Pack Catalog.

Announcing the Release of WSS 3.0 SP1 and Office SharePoint Server 2007 SP1
I’m excited to announce the release of SP1 for WSS 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007. Before you install the service pack there are some very important things to understand. In this post I’ll try to provide you with the resources you need to be successful in updating to the latest service pack. Please do NOT simply drop to the bottom and find the links and download and install directly on your production environments. It is essential that you understand the appropriate guidance and test out the patch in a separate test environment. For this purpose we have put together a special SP1 page on TechNet to guide you through the process. The more you know the better prepared you’ll be for updating your environment.
The special TechNet page can be found here :
More information on specific downloads can be found in the SharePoint download section

Forms Based Authentication in Office SharePoint Server 2007 a Gwasanaethau Windows SharePoint 3.0 – authoritative technical articles published
Steve Peschka, SharePoint Ranger and notable guest blogger here who has posted several widely read and referenced entries about authentication, is the primary author of 3 just published authoritative technical articles on forms based authentication in MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0:
Forms Authentication in MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 (Rhan 1 o 3):
Forms Authentication in MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 (Rhan 2 o 3):
Forms Authentication in MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 (Rhan 3 o 3):

MS Filter Pack released !
After months of blood, sweat and toil, the MS Filter Pack is finally available !!! The package can be downloaded from:


Sharepoint Technologies

NetWeaver and Sharepoint Interop
Describes all currently available interoperability options between SAP NetWeaver and Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint Worksheets
Presentation pdf downloads

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer SharePoint gyda Dogfennaeth SP1

Optimization Service for SharePoint with DCM
Optimization Service keeps your Microsoft Office SharePoint Server collaboration infrastructure running at peak efficiency and availability.

SharePoint Monitro Pecyn Cymorth
This Solution Accelerator provides a set of System Center Ops Manager 2007 Management Packs for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (including SP1). The Toolkit also includes user documentation for each of the Management Packs.

Project 2007 SDK: Software Development Kit
The Microsoft Office Project 2007 SDK contains documentation, code samples, how-to articles, and programming references to help customize and integrate the Project 2007 clients and Project Server 2007 with other applications for enterprise project management. The download also contains the Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server 2007 database schema references.

Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Installation Guide
The most current version of the Installation Guide for Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server and Team Explorer.

Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 gyda Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services helps your team share and manage information and documents in a Web site.

Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 x64 with Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services for x64 helps your team share and manage information and documents in a Web site.

Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 (SP1)
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.

Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 Language Pack Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Pecyn Iaith.

Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 Language Pack Service Pack 1 (SP1), 64-Bit Edition
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Pecyn Iaith, 64-bit edition.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 (SP1)
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer Language Pack 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 (SP1)
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer Language Pack 2007.

Mae'r 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Language Pack Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to all of the 2007 Microsoft Office server Language Pack releases.

Mae'r 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Language Pack Service Pack 1 (SP1), 64-Bit Edition
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to all of the 64-bit editions of the 2007 Microsoft Office server Language Pack releases.

Mae'r 2007 Microsoft Office Servers Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 provides the latest updates to all of the 2007 Microsoft Office System servers.

GroupSPARKS Case Study
End user customers and groupSPARK’s reseller partners wanted access to the latest messaging technologies and capabilities. groupSPARK wanted a more stable and flexible platform upon which to grow.

Susquehanna Technologies Case Study
Susquehanna Technologies could help customers take advantage of Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies, but it did not want to be in the business of hosting these products and technologies.

Office SharePoint Server 2007 Hyfforddiant
The Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Hyfforddiant, built on the Microsoft SharePoint Learning Kit, is designed for server administrators to install on an Office SharePoint Server site to help end-users learn about Office SharePoint Server.

Office SharePoint Server 2007 Hyfforddiant (Standalone Edition)
The Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Training Standalone Edition is designed to help you learn how to use the features of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server.

Gweinydd BizTalk

HL7 v2 Developer Guide

BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT SP1

Gweinydd BizTalk 2006 R2 Help

Microsoft BizTalk RFID Documentation

Digwyddiadau / Gweddarllediadau

Microsoft Internet Information Services

Support WebCast: Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0: Best Practices for Transitioning to 6.0 from Earlier Versions
(330692) – Session Summary A lot has changed from Microsoft Internet Information Server version 4.0 and Internet Information Services version 5.0 to Internet Information Services version 6.0, and for the better. … Internet Information Services version 5.0 to Internet Information Services version 6.0, and for …

Support WebCast: Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 Architecture: How Default Settings Can Affect Existing Web Applications
(822681) – Read the transcript Read the transcript from this Support WebCast Tell a friend Tell a friend about this Support WebCast Supplemental reading Supplemental reading: What’s New in Internet Information Services 6.0 Provide feedback …

SharePoint Technologies

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Driving Business Performance with Microsoft Business Intelligence (Lefel 200)
Many surveys today list business intelligence (BI) at the top of software spending priorities for companies of all sizes. Yet, despite the time, money, and resources aligned against the goal of making better business decisions, companies do not yet have a solution that lets them address these issues in a strategic fashion. Attend this webcast to understand how Microsoft is challenging our customers to “think bigger” about business intelligence, move beyond the rigid tools and applications they are using today, and utilize our integrated solution of Microsoft Office Business Applications, Office SharePoint Server 2007, Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr, and PerformancePoint Server to provide an unbeatable combination of tools and applications that helps individuals, teams, and organizations reach their full potential.
1/14/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/14/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SharePoint Server 2007 (Rhan 1 o 6): Planning and Deploying SharePoint Server 2007 (Lefel 200)
In this first session of our six-part Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 series, see a detailed overview of the SharePoint Server 2007 architecture. We present the concepts of topology, server roles, and network conditions, and also provide an overview of administration features with SharePoint Server 2007. Hear an explanation and usage example for each component of the three-tier administration model: central administration, shared services, and site settings. We also explain various security topics including permissions. Yn olaf, we look at deployment options and use four detailed scenarios to provide considerations for determining the correct topology. The simplest of these is a single-server deployment, and then the options progress to farm options, from small to large.
1/18/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/18/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SharePoint Server 2007 (Rhan 2 o 6): Securing Data in SharePoint Server 2007 (Lefel 200)
In this second session of our six-part webcast series, we discuss planning and deployment tasks for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and Windows SharePoint Service version 3.0. We spend more time on advanced settings, which involves some scripting tips. Other initial considerations include Web-load balancing, password management, and authentications settings. We also discuss ways to perform disaster recovery. From the basic Recycle Bin to the SharePoint Server 2007 backup/restore utility and SQL backup/restore, we show you different options to secure your organization’s data.
1/21/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/21/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SAP Enterprise Portal and SharePoint Server Interoperability (Lefel 200)
In this webcast, we discuss SAP and Microsoft portal interoperability. We cover how you can integrate Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and SAP Netweaver Portal from front-end integration (iView, Web Services for Remote Portlets [WSRP], and URL linking) to integrate components and services across the portal (via Web Services, SAP Portal Development Kit for the Microsoft .NET Framework, and connectors). We explore approaches for interoperability based on search and the Business Data Catalog feature in SharePoint Server 2007. We also demonstrate the various types of solutions and describe how to approach portal integration.
1/22/2008 8:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/22/2008 9:30 AM Duration:90 Minutes

Momentum Webcast: Is Your Business Ready for the New World of Work? (Lefel 100)
Trends are leading to a new world of work. Is your business ready? With the relentless pressure to reduce costs, you must learn to do more with less. But to compete, your people have to stay connected, and increasing regulatory requirements make organizational transparency a must. In this webcast, we help IT managers understand how Microsoft technology can help your teams work better together with collaboration solutions like shared workspaces and unified messaging. Empower your people to work smarter with solutions that securely deliver the business intelligence your teams need to make informed decisions. Maximize your IT investment with a single license agreement that enables your organization to save money and rapidly deploy the server solutions that your business needs.
1/23/2008 9:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/23/2008 10:00 AM Duration:60 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SharePoint Server 2007 (Rhan 3 o 6): Disaster Recovery (Lefel 200)
In session three, we dive deeper into disaster recovery. We look at the tools and methods available for you to use to help protect your Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 deployments. We discuss content recovery, adfer ar ôl trychineb, and proactive strategies for disaster recovery and high availability of your SharePoint Server farm. Specifically, we demonstrate using the Recycle Bin and backing up and restoring SharePoint Server 2007.
1/23/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/23/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SharePoint Server 2007 (Rhan 4 o 6): Compliance and Records Management (Lefel 200)
In this webcast, we look at records management and the challenges it presents. See a review of the enterprise content management (ECM) features in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, and how they address these challenges. We also examine how records management is made easier with SharePoint Server 2007. Learn about collaborative and records spaces, how they function, what hold orders are, and how records managers can put a hold on records. Yn olaf, we look at e-mail records management and how it is critical to any records management solution.
1/25/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/25/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SharePoint Server 2007 (Rhan 5 o 6): SharePoint Server 2007 Diogelwch, from Service Accounts to Item-Level Access (Lefel 200)
In this fifth session of our six-part series, we discuss the security methods for Windows SharePoint Services version 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We cover different authentication methods, and the benefits and limitations of each. Hear a discussion on the management of permissions, their role within SharePoint groups, different permission levels, and new permissions available in SharePoint Server 2007. We also review access rights that can be used with SharePoint Server 2007. Learn about the configuration of a Web farm, Web farm topology, secure topology, secure communication, and security hardening.
1/28/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/28/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: SharePoint Server 2007 (Rhan 6 o 6): Keeping Control of Your SharePoint Sites with IT Governance (Lefel 200)
In this final session of our six-part webcast series, we talk about how to manage Shared Service Providers, including the ability to use profiles, personalized sites, and audiences to deliver customized content to Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 users. We demonstrate the security, policy, and auditing facilities available to SharePoint Server 2007 administrators. Learn how SharePoint Server 2007 gives administrators a high level of control over content and site management, and also the ability to securely delegate content management. Powerful auditing capabilities mean that SharePoint administrators can see who does what throughout the entire SharePoint Server 2007 farm. By the end of the session, you should be able to more effectively manage your server farms, control and audit your SharePoint Server 2007 deployment, and perform a variety of important administrative tasks to help keep your servers secure and available.
1/30/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/30/2008 11:00 AM Duration:90 Minutes

MSDN Gweddarllediadau: MSDN geekSpeak: Security from a Public, Anonymous Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Gwefan (Lefel 300)
In this installment of MSDN geekSpeak, Jim Wilt covers a topic that is popping up in many of his current projects—the creation of secure, membership Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 sites that have a public-facing side with an input form that often requests sensitive information. Making a secure form for gathering sensitive, private information from an anonymous accessible site can be easily accomplished with a custom list using some creative features of Windows SharePoint Services. Jim fills in the details for you during this installment of geekSpeak. If you have a question or comment you would like us to address during the webcast, visit the geekSpeak blog and submit it now.
1/30/2008 12:00 PM Pacific Time (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)- 1/30/2008 1:00 PM Duration:60 Minutes

New or updated KB’s

Gweinydd BizTalk

FIX: You may experience problems if a BizTalk application has a map configured on a send port in BizTalk Server 2006

FIX: Error messages may be logged when you use BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet 3.0

The XLANG Scheduler Engine enters an infinite loop, and a BizTalk Server 2006 process uses 100 percent of the CPU resources if a time-out exception is handled by a non-transactional scope

FIX: An XML declaration is not added to an outgoing document when you use the BizTalk Framework Assembler pipeline component in a pipeline in BizTalk Server 2006 A2

The BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT 3.0 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 is available

FIX: A response message may be incorrectly matched to an original message when you send multiple messages by using the BizTalk FileAct and InterAct Adapters for SWIFT 2.3

FIX: The BizTalk FileAct and InterAct Adapters for SWIFT 2.3 unexpectedly release the SWIFTNet SnF queue when you configure the adapters to use the SnF mode

SharePoint Technologies

Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3

Ffenestri Gwasanaethau SharePoint 3.0 services that were previously removed are restored after you restore the system state on a Windows Server 2008-based computer

How to manually update the time zone definition in Windows SharePoint Services for the Venezuela time zone change

How to preserve Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content when you upgrade Windows Server 2008 RC0 to Windows Server 2008 RC1

You receive an error message when you try to install a slipstream installation of SharePoint Server 2007 on a server that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

After you install the 2007 Office System Servers SP1 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1 on a server that has the Foxit PDF IFilter installed, .pdf document types are not indexed

Issues that are fixed in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 by Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

Description of Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 and of Windows SharePoint Services Language Pack 3.0 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

Error message when you try to upgrade 2007 Office programs, Expression Web or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 to the Service Pack 1 level if the Windows system drive has insufficient free disk space: “The installation of this package failed”

Tomorrow’s date is displayed when you set the default value in the “Date and Time” column to “Today’s Date” in SharePoint Server 2007 or in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

How to install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008

How to register Microsoft Filter Pack with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server 2003

How to register Microsoft Filter Pack with SharePoint Portal Server 2003

Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007

How to deploy 2007 Microsoft Office System Servers Service Pack 1 and Microsoft Office Server Language Pack 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

Description of the 2007 Microsoft Office servers Service Pack 1 ac mae'r 2007 Microsoft Office servers Language Pack Service Pack 1

How to set restrictions on a site collection to allow only users in a particular organizational unit on a computer that is running SharePoint Server 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

Error message when you try to install 2007 Office System Servers Service Pack 1 (SP1) on a computer that also has Project Server 2007 installed

You receive an error message when you try to install a slipstream installation of SharePoint Server 2007 on a server that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Description of the SharePoint Server 2007 issues that are fixed by the 2007 Microsoft Office servers Service Pack 1

After you install the 2007 Office System Servers SP1 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1 on a server that has the Foxit PDF IFilter installed, .pdf document types are not indexed

Tomorrow’s date is displayed when you set the default value in the “Date and Time” column to “Today’s Date” in SharePoint Server 2007 or in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

How to register Microsoft Filter Pack with SharePoint Server 2007 and with Search Server 2008

Microsoft Internet information Server

HOW TO: Configure Web Permissions for Web Content in Internet Information Services 6.0
(816117) – This step-by-step article describes how to configure Web permissions for Web content in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. … This step-by-step article describes how to configure Web permissions for Web content in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0.

You receive a “400 – BadRequest” error message from Internet Information Services 6.0
(835880) – When you send a request to a Microsoft Windows Server 2003-based computer that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, you may receive an error message that is similar to the following: HTTP/1.1 GET / 400 – BadRequest

The default document is displayed in the Web browser of a user who is denied access to the default document file after you configure client certificate mappings on a computer that is running Internet Information Services 6.0
(311699) – Describes a problem that occurs because the certificate mappings in IIS 6.0 do not correctly apply the metabase settings. Consider the following scenario: On a computer that is running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, you add a default document to a virtual directory.

BUG: You cannot use an asterisk (“*”) character to configure a redirection to a URL with Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager in Internet Information Services 6.0
(838369) – … wildcard character to configure a redirection to a URL with Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager in Internet Information Services 6.0. In Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, you cannot use an asterisk (“*”) character to configure a redirection to a URL with IIS Manager.

You may experience poor Web performance when you use Internet Explorer 6 to try to access a Web application that is hosted on Internet Information Services 6.0
(922703) – Consider the following scenario: You use Windows Integrated authentication in a Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0 (IIS 6.0) Web application environment. … To enable content expiration, follow these steps: Open Internet Information Services.

Sut i: Rename Web Service Extensions in IIS 6.0
(327403) – By default, Internet Information Services 6.0 (IIS 6.0) is configured to serve only static content. The Web Service Extension node … By default, Internet Information Services 6.0 (IIS 6.0) is configured to serve only static content. The Web Service Extension node …

FIX: IP address is revealed in the content-location field in the TCP header in IIS 6.0
(834141) – Fixes Internet Information Services 6.0 to prevent IP addresses from being revealed in the TCP headers. … Service pack information To resolve this problem, obtain the latest service pack for Microsoft Windows Server 2003. … After you install the service pack or …

FIX: IIS 6.0 serves stale content if your Web site has both an IP address and host headers set
(832139) – In Microsoft Internet Information Services 6.0, if your Web site is configured for both an IP address and host headers, any change that you make to the static content does not appear immediately. … Service pack information To resolve … For more information, click the …

A Common Gateway Interface (CGI) program may not work correctly if a multi-byte character set string is entered in the HTTP Cookie Header field
(824446) – Describes a problem in Internet Information Services 6.0 where a CGI program may not work correctly when you use a multi-byte character set string is used in the HTTP Cookie Header field. … Hotfix Information A supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft.

Error message when you try to log on to an FTP site that is running IIS 6.0: “Gwall: 530 User cannot log in, home directory inaccessible”
(932448) – Discusses a problem in which you cannot log on to an FTP site that is hosted on a server that is running Windows Server 2003, Cyfeiriadur Gweithredol, and Internet Information Services 6.0. … The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service that is … that domain controller is offline or is unavailable, IIS 6.0 does not …

You cannot configure Web and FTP site operators by using Internet Services Manager
(818073) – Internet Services Manager for Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 does not include the tab. Internet Services Manager for Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 does not include the Operators tab. … tab on the property sheet of a Web site or an FTP site in Internet Services Manager.

Default permissions and user rights for IIS 6.0
(812614) – This article describes the default permissions and the user rights on a newly installed application server that has Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 installed. … and the user rights on a newly installed application server that has Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 installed.

The IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools
(840671) – Discusses the tools that the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Resource Kit Tools download includes. This article describes the tools that are included with the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Resource Kit Tools.

IIS 6.0: Definition of Term Web Service Extension
(332060) – A new node named has been added to the Internet Information Services Manager (ISM) in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0. … A new node named Web Service Extensions has been added to the Internet Information Services Manager (ISM) in Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0.

Sut i: Access IIS 6.0 Help Documentation
(815127) – This step-by-step article provides instructions for accessing the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Help documentation. … This step-by-step article provides instructions for accessing the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Help documentation.

How to: Rename a Virtual Directory in IIS 6.0
(311626) – In Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, the option to rename a virtual directory in the Internet Information Services Manager (ISM) is not available because of changes in the metabase architecture. … In Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, the option …

PRB: Removing IIS 6.0 Removes Metabase History Folder
(311641) – When you remove the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0, the History folder that stores automated versioned copies of the Metabase.xml and Mbschema.xml files is deleted. … secure backup (password required): In IIS Manager, click the Computer icon under Internet Information Services .

Metabase.bin File Is Not Created on Clean Installations of IIS 6.0
(815435) – Some backup software may report error messages that indicate that Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 configuration information is not being backed up. … When you upgrade from Internet Information Server (IIS) 4.0 or Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 …

SQL Gweinyddwr


Customers Choose SQL Server to Run Their SAP® Solutions
Microsoft highlighted the benefits customers have realized by migrating their data platform to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 to run their SAP® applications: enterprise-calibre reliability coupled with significant cost savings. Customers have experienced over 35 percent cost-efficiencies by selecting SQL Server 2005 to run their SAP solutions. These customers represent a growing number of organizations that have committed to SQL Server to support their most essential systems at a low total cost of ownership.

Microsoft Is Positioned in Leaders Quadrant of Latest Magic Quadrant for Data Warehousing – SQL Server Closes the Distance
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2005 has been positioned in the Leaders quadrant of the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems, 2007. Customers rely on SQL Server 2005’s comprehensive, integrated data management and analysis software to manage mission-critical information and run today’s complex business applications.

Evaluate Microsoft SQL Server 2008 today
SQL Gweinyddwr 2008, y cyhoeddiad nesaf o Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr, yn darparu llwyfan data cynhwysfawr sy'n fwy diogel, ddibynadwy, hylaw ac scalable ar gyfer eich cenhadaeth feirniadol ceisiadau, tra'n galluogi datblygwyr i greu ceisiadau newydd sy'n gallu storio a bwyta unrhyw fath o ddata ar unrhyw ddyfais, a galluogi eich holl defnyddwyr i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus gyda mewnwelediadau sy'n berthnasol. And when you download the latest software, you’re automatically registered to access valuable resources assembled in one convenient location.

RML Utilities for Microsoft SQL Server Released
The Microsoft SQL Server support team uses several internally-written utilities to make it easier to work on a typical customer support case. These utilities may also be useful to database developers and system administrators who work with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The utilities are collectively called the RML Utilities for SQL Server.


Business Intelligence in SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 makes business intelligence (BI) available to everyone through deep integration with Microsoft Office, providing the right tool, to the right user, at the right price. The result is that employees at all levels of an organization can see and help to influence the performance of the business by working with tools that are both easy to use and powerful. Integration with the 2007 Microsoft Office System enables users to view business performance in a way that they understand and which feels comfortable; and the introduction of PerformancePoint Server 2007, helps customers to gain actionable insight into the entire organization so they can monitor, analyze, and plan their businesses, as well as drive alignment, accountability, and actionable insight across the entire organization.

An Introduction to SQL Server 2008 Integration Services
This paper discusses the challenges that face businesses that rely on data integration technologies to provide meaningful, reliable information to maintain a competitive advantage in today’s business world. It discusses how SQL Server 2008 Integration Services (SSIS) can help Information Technology departments meet data integration requirements in their companies. Real-world scenarios are included.

SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 Product Overview
For organizations to be successful and thrive in today’s world of data, they need a vision that addresses key data trends. The data platform vision of Microsoft helps organizations meet these data explosion needs and the next generation of data-driven applications. Microsoft will continue to invest in and evolve the following key areas to support their data platform vision: mission-critical enterprise data platform, dynamic development, relational data, and business intelligence. Read this paper to learn about the Microsoft Data Platform Vision and how SQL Server 2008 meets the needs of the next generation of data-driven applications.

Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 and Microsoft Data Platform Development
Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 and the Microsoft data platform provide developers with a comprehensive programming framework in which to create data centric solutions that target mobile devices, desktops, Web servers, and enterprise servers. This data programming environment improves developer productivity by integrating data access and management into the business logic of an application. It provides a comprehensive platform for data access and management from disparate data sources and a scalable solution for data storage and applications.

SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 Performance and Scale
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008 incorporates the tools and technologies that are necessary to implement relational databases, reporting systems, and data warehouses of enterprise scale, and provides optimal performance and responsiveness. With SQL Server 2008, you can take advantage of the latest hardware technologies while scaling up your servers to support server consolidation. SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 also enables you to scale out your largest data solutions.

SQL Gweinyddwr 2000/2005 Pecyn Rheoli
The SQL Server Management Pack monitors the availability and performance of SQL Server 2000 a 2005 and can issue alerts for configuration problems. Availability and performance monitoring is done using synthetic transactions. Yn ogystal,, the Management Pack collects Event Log alerts and provides associated knowledge articles with additional user details, possible causes, and suggested resolutions. The Management Pack discovers Database Engines, Database Instances, and Databases and can optionally discover Database File and Database File Group objects.

Office Accounting Document: Installing and Configuring Office Accounting for Use with Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 and SQL Server 2005
Microsoft Office Accounting is a complete accounting solution that helps small businesses save time managing everyday financial tasks, get organized, and grow their business online. With its familiar Microsoft Office interface, this program is easy to learn, so you can be productive right away. Smooth integration with other Microsoft Office programs makes information sharing simple and helps boost productivity. You can install Office Accounting on a standalone computer, or on a peer-to-peer network environment for multiple users. If you centralize the database to run on Windows Small Business Server 2003 A2, multiple people can use Office Accounting at all times, they can remotely access Office Accounting, and backups are performed automatically. To properly install and configure Office Accounting on a computer running Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 and SQL Server 2005, follow the steps in this document.

Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007) – SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 Trosolwg
Cyflwyniad Deunyddiau ar gyfer Seminar TechNet Cyfres Diogelwch (13fed Rhagfyr 2007)

RML Utilities for SQL Server (x64)
Tools to help database administrators manage the performance of Microsoft SQL Server.

RML Utilities for SQL Server (x86)
Tools to help database administrators manage the performance of Microsoft SQL Server.

SQLRAP Datasheet
Used to evaluate customers’ production SQL Server implementations to ensure productive use. Includes a review, a hands-on knowledge transfer and a report that details health along with findings and recommendations.

Notification Workflow Solution Accelerator
The Notification Workflow Solution Accelerator is a Microsoft SQL Server™ Notification Services-based application that can be used to extend notification functionalities of Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005. It allows a user to subscribe to and be notified when alerts associated with specific applications or Microsoft Windows® services are generated. Whenever an alert occurs, an alert notification is sent to the subscriber in the form of an e-mail. The notifications can be sent to the user based on schedules, schedule overrides, and extended MOM alert properties based on user selection when subscribing. The alert properties available for selection include computer name, alert source, alert severity, Management Pack name, computer group name, device, and alert description. The latest release, fersiwn 2.1, allows the solution to be utilized in distributed MOM deployments. The solution accelerator includes an Installation Guide, User Guide, Test Plan, Test Case Details, and executable.

System Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Center 2007 Documentation
This download contains documentation for System Center Operations Manager 2007.

SQL Server White Papers: Migration from Oracle, Sybase, or Microsoft Access to Microsoft SQL Server
Read these white papers to understand how to use SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) to migrate to SQL Server 2005 from other database platforms.

Sync Services for ADO.NET
Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET provides the ability to synchronize data from disparate sources over two-tier, N-tier, and service-based architectures. Rather than simply replicating a database and its schema, the Synchronization Services application programming interface (API) provides a set of components to synchronize data between data services and a local store. Applications are increasingly used on mobile clients, such as laptops and devices, that do not have a consistent or reliable network connection to a central server. It is crucial for these applications to work against a local copy of data on the client. Equally important is the need to synchronize the local copy of the data with a central server when a network connection is available. The Synchronization Services API, which is modeled after the ADO.NET data access APIs, gives you an intuitive way to synchronize data. It makes building applications for occasionally connected environments a logical extension of building applications where you can count on a consistent network connection.

Line of Business Client Application Compatibility Testing at Microsoft
Provides an overview of the Microsoft IT Application Compatibility Testing Program, which enables Microsoft to smoothly upgrade desktop software and operating systems in its business units and to provide product development teams with feedback from real-world application compatibility testing.

Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 CTP (Tachwedd 2007) VHD
SQL Gweinyddwr 2008, y cyhoeddiad nesaf o Microsoft SQL Gweinyddwr, yn darparu llwyfan data cynhwysfawr sy'n fwy diogel, ddibynadwy, hylaw ac scalable ar gyfer eich cenhadaeth feirniadol ceisiadau, tra'n galluogi datblygwyr i greu ceisiadau newydd sy'n gallu storio a bwyta unrhyw fath o ddata ar unrhyw ddyfais, a galluogi eich holl defnyddwyr i wneud penderfyniadau gwybodus gyda mewnwelediadau sy'n berthnasol.

Visual Basic LINQ Hands On Labs for Visual Studio 2008
These Visual Basic LINQ Hands-on Labs provide an introduction to the LINQ Project. Learn basic LINQ features, including the Standard Query Operators, and see how these features can be used against in-memory collections, connected databases, and XML documents. The labs also provide a clear picture of the relational data access support provided by the LINQ Project, referred to as LINQ to SQL. The language integrated query framework for .NET (codenamed “LINQ”) is a set of language extensions to C# and Visual Basic and a unified programming model that extends the .NET Framework to offer integrated querying for objects, databases and XML.

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Books Online (Medi 2007)
Download an updated version of the documentation and tutorials for Microsoft SQL Server 2005. See the “Additional Information” section for an update on SQL Server Express Books Online.

Search Server 2008 Sample: Federated Search Connector Sample
This code sample shows you how to create a connector to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database for federated search in Microsoft Search Server 2008.

SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Tools
SQL Server Compact 3.5 is a small footprint, in-process database engine that allows developers to build robust applications for Windows Desktops and Mobile Devices. SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Tools installs DLL’s on the IIS server enabling replication of data with SQL Server 2005

Microsoft Online Services Customer Story: InSinkErator
Microsoft Online Services Customer Story: InSinkErator

ReportViewer Samples for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
This release provides developer sample applications in Microsoft Visual Basic and Microsoft Visual C# that use the ReportViewer controls for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Events / Webcasts

SQL 2005 Webcasts and Virtual Labs
SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 is data management and analysis software that delivers enhanced security, sydd ar gael, and scalability to mission-critical data applications—while making them easier to develop, deploy, and manage. Choose from a wide range of live and on-demand webcasts. Or take part in a virtual lab, which allows you to cut your teeth on the new platform by experimenting with its different capabilities.
SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Webcasts

Momentum Webcast: Unlock the Business Intelligence Capabilities of SQL Server (Lefel 100) – Wednesday, Ionawr 09, 2008 11:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
In an environment where you are constantly challenged to do more with less, it is important to make sure you get as much value as possible out of your existing investments in technology infrastructure. While Microsoft SQL Server is present in most IT shops as a data base platform or application data base, the powerful business intelligence (BI) capabilities provided as part of SQL Server are frequently overlooked. Join our webcast to learn more about how to unlock the BI capabilities that are available in your existing SQL Server environment.
Momentum Webcast: Unlock the Business Intelligence Capabilities of SQL Server (Lefel 100)

MSDN Gweddarllediadau: MSDN geekSpeak: SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 Programming for Application Developers (Lefel 300) – Wednesday, Ionawr 09, 2008 12:00 PM Pacific Time (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
In this installment of MSDN geekSpeak, Kevin Goff answers your questions about best practices for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (formerly code-named Katmai) as a data platform for your applications. If you have a question or comment you would like us to address during the webcast, visit the geekSpeak blog and submit it now.
MSDN Gweddarllediadau: MSDN geekSpeak: SQL Gweinyddwr 2008 Programming for Application Developers (Lefel 300)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Preparing Data for Use with SQL Server Data Mining (Lefel 200) – Thursday, Ionawr 10, 2008 8:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
Many users who struggle with data mining do not realize that their problems start with badly prepared data. This webcast is a very practical introduction to some of the important topics that you should understand when preparing your data for a data mining project with Microsoft SQL Server . Issues include finding the right data, handling missing values, identifying and fixing overloaded fields, and deriving useful variables.
TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Preparing Data for Use with SQL Server Data Mining (Lefel 200)

Upgrade SQL Now – Live Meeting Series – Tuesday, Ionawr 15, 2008 12:00 PM Amser Dwyrain (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
These sessions will cover the issues around upgrading SQL including features and tips. Feel free to register for all any number of the offered. Session will run from December 2007 through May 2008. SQL Server Integration Services has been called the next version of DTS. It really isn’t as this feature has been totally rewritten for SQL Server 2005. Join us to discuss the performance benefits as well as some tricks and tips when dealing with SSIS.
Upgrade SQL Now – Live Meeting Series

MSDN Gweddarllediadau: Introducing SQL Server Compact 3.5 (Lefel 200) – Wednesday, Ionawr 16, 2008 9:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
With Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, developers have an easy-to-deploy solution for local data. Ranging from caching reference data to full offline scenarios, developers can use a single engine for their Windows Mobile-powered devices, or their full desktop clients–benefiting from the power of SQL Server in a compact footprint. Defnyddio Visual Studio 2008, we show how SQL Server Compact can be transparently deployed with unique features including updatable result sets and a custom document format, and how to manage the creation and maintenance of your local data. This session is packed with demonstrations that can get you started today.
MSDN Gweddarllediadau: Introducing SQL Server Compact 3.5 (Lefel 200)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Mining for Quality: Apply Adaptive Data Quality with SQL Server Data Mining (Lefel 200) – Thursday, Ionawr 17, 2008 8:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
Good quality data is essential to a successful business intelligence application. You are probably aware that Microsoft SQL Server includes some useful data quality tools such as Fuzzy Grouping or Fuzzy Lookup. Fodd bynnag,, there is one tool you may have overlooked—SQL Server Data Mining. When used operationally, SQL Server Data Mining is extremely useful for finding data that lies outside the boundaries of known good data, and it finds these outliers inductively rather than relying on exhaustively hard-coded rules. In this webcast, we introduce this new, adaptive approach to data quality and we show how adaptive quality can be applied at many phases of the business intelligence project—whether data entry, during warehouse loading, or during analysis.
TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Mining for Quality: Apply Adaptive Data Quality with SQL Server Data Mining (Lefel 200)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Microsoft SQL Server and FileMaker Pro 9 Interoperability (Lefel 200) – Monday, Ionawr 21, 2008 1:00 PM Pacific Time (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
Microsoft SQL Server works seamlessly with FileMaker Pro version 9. FileMaker is more than database software; it is a rapid-application development environment that anyone can use to quickly create solutions for collecting, managing, and reporting data. Join this webcast to understand how developers can benefit from connecting FileMaker Pro 9 and Microsoft SQL Server. We also show a technology demonstration of FileMaker Pro 9 connecting with Microsoft SQL Server.
TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Microsoft SQL Server and FileMaker Pro 9 Interoperability (Lefel 200)

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Mastering Time Series Prediction with SQL Server 2008 Data Mining (Lefel 300) – Thursday, Ionawr 24, 2008 8:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
Time series data is one of the most useful sources for data mining. Whether it be estimating future gasoline prices or understanding the relationship between the weather and sales, there is a role for time series analysis. In the new release of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Mining, Microsoft has introduced some important enhancements to our support in this area, making powerful analysis both more effective and easier to use. In this webcast, we not only introduce these new features, but we also cover many of the business scenarios for which time series prediction is invaluable.
TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Mastering Time Series Prediction with SQL Server 2008 Data Mining (Lefel 300)

MSDN Gweddarllediadau: Optimizing Online, Enabling Offline with SQL Server Compact and Sync Services for ADO.NET (Lefel 200) – Thursday, Ionawr 24, 2008 10:00 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
With Microsoft SQL Server Compact, developers can now easily cache data on the client in a compact, yet capable, transactional, queryable document-like database format. To maintain the cache, Sync Services for ADO.NET enables developers to easily cache data directly or over services using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). Microsoft 'n Weledol Studio 2008 delivers new integrated, developer-oriented sync designers making caching an easy task to increase user productivity, decrease the server workload, and simplify data access. Using Sync Services for ADO.NET, developers can enable full offline scenarios as well. Join this webcast to find out what SQL Server Compact and Sync Services for ADO.NET have to offer for the “edge of the network” clients.
MSDN Gweddarllediadau: Optimizing Online, Enabling Offline with SQL Server Compact and Sync Services for ADO.NET (Lefel 200)

MSDN Gweddarllediadau: New T-SQL and Engine Features, New Data Types for SQL Server Programmability (Lefel 200) – Wednesday, Ionawr 30, 2008 8:30 AM Pacific Amser (Unol Daleithiau & Canada)
With Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 a Visual Studio 2008, developers have an easy-to-deploy solution for local data. Ranging from caching reference data to full offline scenarios, developers can use a single engine for their Windows Mobile devices to their full desktop client computers, benefiting from the power of SQL Server. In this session, we give an overview of the major programmability enhancements in the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine. We cover the new data types, table-valued parameters, and other new capabilities, like the ability to define sparse columns and filtered indexes.
MSDN Gweddarllediadau: New T-SQL and Engine Features, New Data Types for SQL Server Programmability (Lefel 200)

Further on-demand webcasts are available here:

New KB’s

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Standard Edition
FIX: SSIS stops responding when you run an SSIS package that uses a Flat File source in a Data Flow task after you install cumulative update package 2 for SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2

FIX: The logins are incorrectly deleted when you run a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services package that contains a Transfer SQL Server Objects task

FIX: Error message when you execute a maintenance plan that contains a Rebuild Index task in SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2: “The Execute method on the task returned error code 0x8007000E (Exception of type ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ was thrown)”

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 does not validate all articles in a transactional publication when you run the sp_publication_validation stored procedure to validate the articles

FIX: Error message when you synchronize the subscription of a transactional replication from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005: “Property AnsiNullsStatus is not available for UserDefinedFunction ‘‘”

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 cannot index some 2007 Office document formats

The SQL Server 2005 Setup program generates an incorrect error message when you install a SQL Server 2005 failover cluster and the Setup program cannot access the cluster resource

The DHCP support is not available when you install SQL Server 2005 on a Windows Server 2008 failover cluster

FIX: The CREATE PROCEDURE statement does not run when you try to run the statement to create a stored procedure that contains a very large amount of text in SQL Server 2005

FIX: Error message when an application that is running as a Windows service calls some SSIS packages: “A variable may only be added once to either the read lock list or the write lock list”

FIX: A query returns the incorrect result when you run a query that uses the USE PLAN query hint in SQL Server 2005

FIX: The Processors page in the Server Properties dialog box in SQL Server Management Studio does not correctly report the processor affinity for an instance of SQL Server 2005 on a computer that has more than 32 processors

FIX: Error message when you run the sp_dbmmonitorresults stored procedure in SQL Server 2005: “An internal error has occurred in the database mirroring monitor”

FIX: Error message when you run a complex query in SQL Server 2005: “The query processor ran out of stack space during query optimization”

You cannot compile a SQL Server Compact-based OLE DB application for Windows Mobile 5.0, and the Transact.h file cannot be found

FIX: You must restart the SQL Server service on the principal server after you resume the SQL Server service process from a debug tool in SQL Server 2005

FIX: The witness server crashes and a minidump file is generated in the SQL Server 2005 log folder when you manually failover database mirroring in SQL Server 2005 build 2239

FIX: A minidump file is generated, and an error message is logged in the SQL Server error log when you run the DBCC MEMORYSTATUS statement in SQL Server 2005

FIX: The setMaxRows method unexpectedly applies to DELETE statements when you use the SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver version 1.2 to connect to a database

FIX: Conflicts are not logged when you use the Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver for an article in a merge replication in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

FIX: The DBCC CHECKDB statement takes longer to run on an x64-based computer than the statement takes to run on a 32-bit computer when you run the statement against a database in SQL Server 2005

FIX: You have to enter the old password of a SQL Server login when you try to change the password of the login by using SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005

Some visual elements in SQL Server Management Studio lose functionality when you register many instances of SQL Server

Error message when you run a maintenance plan after you set the “allow updates” option to 1 in SQL Server 2005: “Alter failed for server”

FIX: Error message when you jump to another report that uses a shared data source in SQL Server 2005 Adrodd Gwasanaethau: “One or more data sources is missing credentials”

How to register Microsoft Filter Pack IFilters with SQL Server 2005 and with SQL Server 2008

FIX: The data on the publisher does not match the data on the subscriber when you synchronize a SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition subscriber with a SQL Server 2000 “merge replication” publisher

FIX: You may still experience the performance issue that is described in KB article 940945 after you install Cumulative Update 3 for SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2

FIX: You can run the ALTER ASYMMETRIC KEY statement or the ALTER CERTIFICATE statement by using a SQL Server login that does not have permissions to run these statements in Microsoft SQL Server 2005

FIX: You may experience problems when you use SQL Server Management Studio in SQL Server 2005 to connect to an instance of SQL Server 2008

FIX: You may receive incorrect data when you run a query against a database that has the PARAMETERIZATION database option set to FORCED in SQL Server 2005

Error message when you use the updateRow method in the SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver to update a result set in SQL Server 2000: “Result set is not updatable” neu “The cursor is READ ONLY”

Cumulative update package 6 for SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2

FIX: Error messages when you run the database mirroring monitoring job by using the sp_dbmmonitorupdate stored procedure in SQL Server 2005: “Gwall: 102, Severity: 15, Y Wladwriaeth: 1” a “Gwall: 319, Severity: 15, Y Wladwriaeth: 1”

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

FIX: A Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query takes a long time to finish in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

FIX: A prediction operation takes a long time to execute when you have a mining model that uses the Microsoft Neural Network algorithm in SQL Server 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

FIX: HTTP access to a SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services instance fails if you use a proxy server that requires authentication

FIX: Some user-defined hierarchies are missing when you view the local cube if you filter some dimensions of the source cube in SQL Server 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

When you request a large MDSCHEMA_MEMBERS schema rowset from a client application, the request takes a long time to respond and the client application uses lots of virtual memory in SQL Server 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

FIX: The prediction process may take a long time when you use a mining model to generate predictions in SQL Server 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

FIX: An MDX query that uses the NonEmptyCrossjoin function on more than one measure group does not return all records after you install SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2

FIX: An MDX query that uses subqueries may return incorrect data after you install SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2

FIX: A Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) query that references a named set may return incorrect data after you install SQL Server 2005 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 2

FIX: Unexpected results may be returned when you discontinuously run MDX queries that cross both hierarchies against the dimension in SQL Server 2005 Gwasanaethau Dadansoddi

SQL Gweinyddwr 2000 Adrodd Gwasanaethau

FIX: Error message when you display a SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services report in an ASP.NET application: “System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed-out”

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Adrodd Gwasanaethau

FIX: You receive an exception error message when you try to display a Reporting Services report on a server that uses the AMD Cool’n’Quiet technology

FIX: Error message when you jump to another report that uses a shared data source in SQL Server 2005 Adrodd Gwasanaethau: “One or more data sources is missing credentials”

FIX: Error message when you display a SQL Server 2005 Adroddiad y Gwasanaethau Adrodd ar gyfrifiadur sydd â proseswyr lluosog: “Digwyddodd gwall mewnol ar y gweinydd adroddiad”

FIX: Ni allwch allforio SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Adroddiad Gwasanaethau o weinydd adroddiad Adrodd i ffeil fformat Excel ar gyfrifiadur sydd â algorithmau FIPS sy'n cydymffurfio galluogi

FIX: Gwall neges pan fyddwch yn ceisio arbed SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Adrodd adroddiad am Wasanaethau yn Adroddiad Builder: “Digwyddodd gwall wrth arbed eich adroddiad”

FIX: Mae'r swyddogaeth InScope dychwelyd data anghywir pan fyddwch yn defnyddio'r swyddogaeth ar gyfer colofn statig neu am golofn is-gyfanswm mewn rhanbarth data matrics mewn SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Adroddiad Gwasanaethau Adrodd

SQL Gweinyddwr 2005 Reporting Services e-mail subscriptions do not work in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008 if you use aliases as e-mail addresses

Unified Communications

You Had Me At EHLO…

Microsoft Office Outlook Team Blog

Unified Communications Group Team Blog

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 E-mail Router (On-Premise and Hosted Editions)
The E-mail Router is an interface between the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system and an e-mail system.

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Dogfennaeth SP1
Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Dogfennaeth SP1

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes
The Migration Wizard for Lotus Notes is a tool designed for organizations that are migrating from Lotus Notes/Domino to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and Collaboration Data Objects 1.2.1
Starting with Exchange 2007, neither the Messaging API (MAPI) client libraries nor CDO 1.2.1 are provided as a part of the base product installation. As a result, there is functionality missing that many applications depend on. Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO 1.2.1 provide access to these APIs, which, in turn, provide access to the contents of MAPI stores.

Collaboration Data Objects, fersiwn 1.2.1
Beginning in Exchange 2007 Beta 2 and Outlook 2007 Beta 2, CDO 1.2.1 will no longer be provided as a part of the install of the product. As a result, there is functionality missing that many applications depend upon. CDO 1.2.1 is a package providing access to Outlook-compatible objects through a COM-based API.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Connector for Lotus Notes
The Connector for Lotus Notes/Domino is a tool designed for organizations that need to coexist during a migration from Lotus Domino to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Calendar Connector for Lotus Notes
The Calendar Connector for Lotus Notes is a tool designed for organizations that need to coexist during a migration from Lotus Domino to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003.

Microsoft Antigen SP1 Dogfennaeth
Microsoft Antigen SP1 Dogfennaeth

Capitol Computer Experts Case Study
CCEX had customers for which a messaging service based on Hosted Microsoft Exchange would be ideal—but CCEX did not want to become a hosting service provider.

Courtesy Computers Case Study
Courtesy Computers started out delivering white box hardware and infrastructure maintenance services to small and midsize insurance agents. To enable the company to grow, Courtesy needed to find new ways to interact with and serve its customers.

groupSPARKS Case Study
End user customers and groupSPARK’s reseller partners wanted access to the latest messaging technologies and capabilities. groupSPARK wanted a more stable and flexible platform upon which to grow.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 Release Notes
This download contains a standalone version of the Exchange Server 2007 Management Pack for System Center Operations Manager 2007 Release Notes. This release notes document includes information about how to install and configure this management pack. It also describes known issues about the product and suggested resolutions.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Release Notes
This download contains a stand-alone version of the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Release Notes.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Help
This download contains a standalone version of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Help.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 Shell Help
This download contains the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 (SP1) version of the Exchange Management Shell Help.

Exchange Server 2007 SP1 VHD
This download comes as a pre-configured VHD. This download enables you to evaluate Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1.

Diogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Cyfnewid Gweinydd 10.1 AS dros OpsMgr 2007
Mae'r Diogelwch flaenllaw Microsoft ar gyfer Pecyn Rheoli Cyfnewid monitro Gweinyddwyr Cyfnewid ar gyfer gweithgarwch firws a llyngyr.

Exchange Hosted Services Directory Synchronization Tool 7.3
The Directory Synchronization Tool securely synchronizes valid end-user proxy addresses from your Active Directory to Exchange Hosted Services.

Daily Operations with Exchange 2007
Learn how the Exchange Messaging Team ensures 99.99 percent availability for mission-critical messaging services.

Microsoft Forefront Security for Exchange Server Readme
Helpu i ddiogelu eich gweinydd Cyfnewid rhag firysau a meddalwedd faleisus eraill.

Microsoft Ddiogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Exchange Server ag Service Pack 1
Helpu i ddiogelu eich gweinydd Cyfnewid rhag firysau a meddalwedd faleisus eraill.

Diogelwch flaenllaw ar gyfer Cyfnewid Gweinydd 10.1 Pecyn Rheoli ar gyfer MOM 2005
Mae'r Diogelwch flaenllaw Microsoft ar gyfer Pecyn Rheoli Cyfnewid monitro Gweinyddwyr Cyfnewid ar gyfer gweithgarwch firws a llyngyr.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Unified Messaging Language Packs
This download contains pre-recorded prompts and text to speech data for languages supported by Exchange unified messaging.

Exchange Server 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1
The new capabilities of Exchange Server 2007 deliver the advanced protection your company demands, the anywhere access your people want, and the operational efficiency you need.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Unified Messaging Language Packs
This download contains pre-recorded prompts and text to speech data for languages supported by Exchange unified messaging.

Exchange Server 2007 SP1 SDK November 2007
This release of the Exchange 2007 SP1 Software Development Kit (SDK) Documentation and Samples provides new and updated documentation and samples for building applications that use Exchange 2007 SP1. Use this SDK to help you develop collaborative enterprise applications for Exchange 2007 SP1.

Everyday Productivity Education Zip File
Navigate through the Microsoft Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) intranet site with this self-guided demonstration and review content that includes Get Started, Learn More, Arferion Gorau, Selection and Reference guides.

UC API Map for 2007
The Unified Communications API Map for 2007 describes the APIs that can be used in Unified Communications development and provides links to the SDKs or documentation for these APIs.

Office Communications Server 2007 Document: Enterprise Voice Planning and Deployment Guide
This document provides information to help you plan and deploy Enterprise Voice in your Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 seilwaith.

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 SDK
The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Software Development Kit (SDK) includes documentation and sample applications developed with the Office Communications Server 2007 platform.

Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API SDK
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA) is an endpoint API that allows advanced developers to build and integrate server applications into an existing Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 seilwaith.

Self-Guided Online Adoption Resource
This resource is designed for Live Meeting Administrators or project champions tasked with deploying Live Meeting across their organization.

Office Communications Server 2007 QoE Monitoring Server Release Notes
This document contains important information that you should know before you deploy and use the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, QoE Monitoring Server.

Office Communications Server 2007 Document: Backup and Restoration Guide
This document provides information to help you backup and restore service in your Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 seilwaith.

Microsoft Office Communicator 2005 Hotfix KB 945573
This download contains an update for Microsoft Office Communicator 2005.

Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Hotfix KB 943083
This download contains an update for Microsoft Office Communicator 2007.

Office Communicator 2007 Get Started
Use Office Communicator 2007 to communicate securely with your Microsoft Exchange, MSN, AOL, and Yahoo! contacts.

Office Communicator 2007 Learn More
Conduct audio and video meetings, communicate with entire distribution groups, embed rich text in instant messages, and much more.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook (For On-Premise and Hosted Editions)
Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook with Offline Access. For on-premise and hosted editions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 only.

Fact Sheets
Quick overview of the accessibility features of major Microsoft products.

Diweddariad i Outlook Junk E-bost Filter 2007 (KB943597)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn darparu'r Filter Junk E-bost yn Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 gyda diffiniad mwy cyfredol y dylai negeseuon e-bost yn cael ei ystyried sothach e-bost. Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn ei ryddhau ym mis Rhagfyr 2007.

Diweddariad i Outlook Junk E-bost Filter 2003 (KB943591)
Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn darparu'r Filter Junk E-bost yn Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 gyda diffiniad mwy cyfredol y dylai negeseuon e-bost yn cael ei ystyried sothach e-bost. Mae'r diweddariad hwn yn ei ryddhau ym mis Rhagfyr 2007.

Update for Outlook 2003 (KB943649)
This update helps users configure Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 to work properly with Windows Live Mail.

Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1
Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 contains significant stability and performance improvements. It also improves the data migration functionality.

Everyday Productivity Education Zip File
Navigate through the Microsoft Everyday Productivity Education (EPE) intranet site with this self-guided demonstration and review content that includes Get Started, Learn More, Arferion Gorau, Selection and Reference guides.

Microsoft Office Outlook Connector
With Microsoft Office Outlook Connector, you can use Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 or Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to access and manage your Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail or Microsoft Office Live Mail accounts, including e-mail messages and contacts for free!


16-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Rhan 1 o 8): Trosolwg (Lefel 200)
In this first session of our eight-part Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 in Depth series, we discuss how Exchange Server 2007 gives you administrators more control, provides anywhere access to your inbox, and includes built-in security and protection mechanisms. We also cover the new Exchange Management Console, and we explain how the improved GUI management tool is simpler for you to use and quicker to navigate. We describe Windows PowerShell, the new administrative interface that provides a rich command-line experience, and we conclude with a look at the significant client improvements and transport rules.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032363557"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

18-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Rhan 2 o 8): Lleoli ac Ymfudo (Lefel 200)
In this session, rydym yn edrych ar ddefnyddio Server Microsoft Exchange 2007. Rydym yn dechrau gyda rhedeg trwy y caledwedd, meddalwedd, seilwaith, a gofynion diogelwch y mae angen i chi eu bodloni cyn y gallwch ddefnyddio y Gweinydd Cyfnewid cyntaf. Yna, rydym yn edrych ar y pum rôl gweinydd, trafod yr hyn y maent yn ei wneud, a disgrifio'r opsiynau sydd gennych ar gyfer gweithredu swyddogaethau hyn o fewn eich sefydliad. Rydym yn edrych ar y broses osod ei hun, archwilio arferion gosod y GUI a gorchymyn-lein. Yn olaf, rydym yn mynd ymlaen i sôn am fudo o ac cydfodolaeth â llwyfannau Gweinydd Cyfnewid cynharach.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032363559"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

21-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Rhan 3 o 8): Introduction to the New Management Console (Lefel 200)
In this session, we focus on using the new Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Console. We start with an overview of the differences between this new interface and the old Exchange System Manager. We then look at how to manage different aspects of the system with the new Console, starting with recipients, and then servers and the organization, using transport rules and so forth. Yn olaf, we spend some time looking at the new Toolbox, which includes the queue viewer and the Best Practice Analyzer.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032363568"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

22-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: How Microsoft IT Implemented New Storage Designs for Exchange Server 2007 (Lefel 300)
How does Exchange Server 2007 enable a large enterprise to increase mailbox quotas globally by a factor of ten and still lower storage costs, reduce maintenance complexities, and simplify data recovery processes? Microsoft IT was able to take advantage of Cluster Continuous Replication (CCR) in new mailbox server designs based on direct attached storage (DAS). Advantages of CCR and DAS over alternative configurations will be discussed along with how MSIT was able to eliminate storage as a single point of failure while at the same time lowering costs to two dollars per gigabyte. Join us at 9:30 AM PST, Dydd Mawrth, the 22th of January 2008 to learn how to optimize input/output (I/O) performance by balancing storage with memory capacity according to the total number of users per server. Register below.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032362421"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

23-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Rhan 4 o 8): Introduction to Windows PowerShell Scripting (Lefel 200)
Join this fourth session of our in-depth series on Microsoft Exchange Server to discover how you can use Windows PowerShell to perform day-to-day administrative tasks. In this webcast, we provide an overview of Windows PowerShell commands and describe how to construct them. Next, we demonstrate how you can build more complex scripts in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. And then we conclude the webcast with a review of the reporting facilities available in Windows PowerShell.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032363572"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

25-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Rhan 5 o 8): Client Access and Web Services (Lefel 200)
In this session, we cover Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Client Access Services. The overall goal of Client Access Services is to add value to the data in your inbox by letting you access that data from wherever you are. As well as Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access (OWA), and mobile device access, we cover some new client access features introduced in Exchange Server 2007. We look at the various underlying components of Exchange Server 2007 Client Access Services. We explore improvements to calendaring functionality, the new Unified Messaging, and the Exchange Server Web services and programmatic access to messaging data. We conclude the webcast by looking at Exchange Server ActiveSync improvements.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032363574"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

30-01-08 : TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Exchange Server 2007 in Depth (Rhan 6 o 8): Disaster Recovery (Lefel 200)
In this session, we talk about disaster recovery in Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. We discuss how you can plan for disaster recovery by understanding what can go wrong with your servers running Exchange Server and the information they store and handle. We look at server roles, what each server role does, and what happens to your Exchange Server organization when a server role fails. When a disaster occurs, you need to get the server up and running as quickly as possible, so during the session, we also look at the available recovery solutions and tools.^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032363577"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

09-01-08 Exchange 2007 Upgrade & Migration – Edinburgh
22-01-08 Exchange 2007 Upgrade & Migration
20-05-08 Exchange 2007 Upgrade & Migration

New KB’s
Best practices information for scan engine settings and for bias settings in Antigen 9.0 for Exchange

VSS-based backups fail on a computer that is running Microsoft Exchange Server 2003

Active Directory Connectors cannot replicate a distribution list, and event ID 8270 is logged in Exchange 2003

The Outlook Web Access search function does not work for some users in Exchange 2007

A time-out may occur in Exchange Server 2007 when the SA resource is trying to come online

You cannot open the Exchange Management Console in Exchange Server 2007

Users who use Outlook 2003 cannot publish their free/busy data in Exchange Server 2007

Passwords are not updated in the destination directory after you configure Inbound Automatic Synchronization in Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration 4.0

How to increase the maximum number of offline address books on an offline address book server to 10,000 in Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

Description of Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

Description of Calendar Printing Assistant for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

A device continues to synchronize even though the AllowNonProvisionableDevices parameter is set to False in Exchange 2007

The text of the e-mail message may be corrupted when Exchange 2007 receives an e-mail message that does not specify character set information

Description of the Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Filter update: Rhagfyr 11, 2007

FIX: Error message when you try to use Outlook 2003 to access a Windows Live Mail account: “This operation is not permitted for this type of client”

When you use Word 2003 to open an e-mail message that uses RTF, custom add-ins may not be displayed in Outlook 2003

You cannot set Outlook 2003 as the default e-mail client on a Windows Vista-based computer

Issues that are fixed in Outlook 2007 by the 2007 Microsoft Office suites Service Pack 1

You receive an error message when you try to remove selected text in Outlook 2007

Description of the Outlook 2007 Junk E-mail Filter update: Rhagfyr 11, 2007

Description of Language Pack 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 for Outlook 2007 with Business Contact Manager

Issues that are fixed in Exchange Server 2007 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1

Start times for appointments appear one hour later after November 4, 2007 when they are viewed by a user who has a mailbox on a server that is running Exchange Server 2007

Event ID: 8206 occurs when a MAPI-based application modifies calendar items in Exchange 2003

A memory leak may occur in the Inetinfo.exe process in Exchange 2003

Exchange Server 2003 MAPI CDO 1.2.1 and CDO 1.2.1 have been updated for daylight saving time Rules Update 1 (RU1): Rhagfyr 2007

How to register Filter Pack IFilters with Exchange Server 2007



Nexus SC: The System Center Team Blog

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 International Client Packs released
Two ICP packs for ConfigMgr have been released.
ICP1 contains the following languages: Saesneg, French, German, Japanese, Spanish
ICP2 contains all languages from ICP1 plus the following: Chinese (Simplified),Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Swedish, Turkish
See download section below


SMS and Configuration Manager
SC Configuration Manager 2007 ICPs
International Client Packs (ICPs) contain international-language clients to use with System Center Configuration Manager (SC Config Mgr) 2007. ICP downloads contain only the Config Mgr client files, not the English-language SC Config Mgr 2007, which is required.

SC Config Mgr 2007 Offer Status Summarizer fails to process status
System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (SCCM) Offer Status Summarizer fails to process status

Systems Management Server 2003 Inventory Tool for Dell Update
SMS 2003 Inventory Tool for Dell Updates is an add-on to SMS 2003 Pecyn Gwasanaeth 1 (SP1) that enables customers to use the SMS 2003 Software Update Management feature to update their Dell servers.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Documentation Library (Tachwedd 2007)
Download an updated version of the documentation for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 for a computer running the Configuration Manager console.

MOM and Operations Manager
Notification Workflow Solution Accelerator
This solution accelerator contains the guidance and executable needed to extend notification functionalities of Microsoft® Operations Manager (MOM) 2005.

Server Virtualization Management Pack
This guide helps you deploy and use the Server Virtualization Management Pack on System Center Operations Manager 2007 (OpsMgr). The management pack monitors the availability and health of virtual machine hosts running Microsoft® Virtual Server 2005 A2, the virtual machines deployed on the hosts, and all components of System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 (VMM).

SQL Gweinyddwr 2000/2005 Pecyn Rheoli
The SQL Server 2000/2005 Management Pack monitors Microsoft SQL Server 2000 a SQL Gweinyddwr 2005.

Microsoft® System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Management Pack for Microsoft® Operations Manager 2005
The DPM Management Pack monitors the state of data protection and recovery for DPM servers and protected computers. It monitors key health and performance indicators on DPM servers.

Microsoft® System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Management Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007
The DPM Management Pack monitors the state of data protection and recovery for DPM servers and protected computers. It monitors key health and performance indicators on DPM servers.

System Rheolwr Gweithrediadau Center 2007 Documentation
This download contains documentation for System Center Operations Manager 2007.

SharePoint Monitro Pecyn Cymorth
This Solution Accelerator provides a set of System Center Ops Manager 2007 Management Packs for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (including SP1). The Toolkit also includes user documentation for each of the Management Packs.

OpsMgr 2007 Key Concepts
This guide describes the key concepts required to understand Operations Manager. It describes modeling, how modeling is implemented in Operations Manager, and key changes between Operations Manager 2005 a 2007.

Rheolwr Gweithrediadau 2007 Performance and Scalability Whitepaper
This document describes performance and scalability guidelines to consider when planning a Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 deployment.

Microsoft and ITIL v3
This paper describes how Microsoft supports and extends the service life-cycle approach of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

Inside Microsoft – Running the IT Infrastructure at Microsoft
Inside Microsoft – Running the IT Infrastructure at Microsoft

Microsoft Forefront and System Center Demos
Microsoft Forefront and System Center Demos

How Microsoft IT Streamlined the SAP Unicode Conversion Process to Minimize User Impact and Enhance Performance
Data Protection Manager 2007 optimizes and speeds disk-based backup and recovery, delivers consistent data protection, and increases an IT organization’s operational efficiencies.

SCCP 2007 Daflen ddata
Datasheet for SCCP 2007

Microsoft System Center and Windows Server 2008: Better Together
Whitepaper covering how System Center helps better implement Windows Server 2008.

TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Optimizing Desktop Management with System Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization (Lefel 300) – Tuesday 15th Jan 2007 1pm
One of the biggest challenges IT departments face in today’s organization is reducing the cost of managing their desktops. Broader demands from the business, fast-paced technology cycles, and increasing security threats place a heavy demand on IT departments to deliver higher value at a lower cost. IT teams must test for application compatibility, maintain user productivity, keep track of assets, secure the desktop, and more. The answer to these challenges is to improve desktop optimization. Reduction of desktop complexity speeds deployments, streamlines management, and increases security. In this webcast, we discuss centralized deployment and management of desktops, laptops, and devices with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. When used in conjunction with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, rheoli yn cael ei ymestyn ar draws y ddau byrddau gwaith a cheisiadau ffisegol a rhithwir sy'n arwain at y lefelau uchaf o effeithlonrwydd ar gyfer rheoli menter gyffredinol.
TechNet Gweddarllediadau: Optimizing Desktop Management with System Center Configuration Manager and Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization (Lefel 300)

New KB’s
Rheolwr System Center Configuration 2007 Nid Cynnig Statws Summarizer yn prosesu data cryno statws hysbyseb

Mae'r “deffro ar LAN” Nid yw nodwedd yn gweithio yn ôl y disgwyl pe gweinydd y safle yn defnyddio arbed parth amser mewn System Rheolwr Configuration Center di-golau dydd 2007

Mae'r cynnwys hwn at ddibenion gwybodaeth yn unig. Microsoft yn gwneud unrhyw warantau yn mynegi neu'n oblygedig, ynghylch y wybodaeth yn y ddogfen hon. Os ydych yn gwsmer o Microsoft, cyfeiriwch at y telerau a'r amodau sy'n cynnwys darparu gwasanaethau cefnogi ac ymgynghori i chi / eich sefydliad. Os nad ydych yn gohebu yn ystod, or in connection with a Microsoft contract or program with its own terms and conditions, please note that no liability is accepted by Microsoft for the contents of this document.

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