
SharePoint Συνέδρια

Επικείμενες διασκέψεις του SharePoint

SharePoint Technology Conference
January 27–29, 2009: Μπέρλινγκεμ, CA
For three exciting days in January, θα πρέπει να τρώει, πόσιμο, κοιμισμένος, μιλάμε και ζουν Microsoft Office SharePoint Server και Windows SharePoint Services. Η πρώτη μέρα στο SPTechCon είναι γεμάτη με έντονη εργαστήρια πλήρη και μισή ημέρα, ήμισυ το πρωί, ήμισυ το απόγευμα. The next two days are filled with more than 50 break-out classes to choose from. Build your own custom program! This conference is hosted by BZ Media LLC.

SharePoint Best Practices Conference
February 2–4, 2009: San Diego, CA
The SharePoint Best Practices Conference eliminates design, deploy, organization and administration confusion, replacing disorder with Clarity, Direction and Confidence. This conference is hosted by Mindsharp.

Microsoft FASTforward ’09
February 9–11, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
3 days of compelling discussion on the evolving business environment and how search is enabling companies to succeed. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.

Microsoft MIX09
Μαρτίου 18-20, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
Now in its fourth year, MIX is a unique technology conference that connects web professionals with industry thought leaders to explore the future of the Web together. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.

Microsoft Tech Ed North America 2009
Μάιος 11-15, 2009: Los Angeles, CA
This will be the 17th year for Microsoft’s premier technical education and networking conference. Sessions and events are presented by Microsoft product team members and industry experts. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.

1 comment to SharePoint Conferences

  • Hi Uday you can also this to your list ? Thanks Steve Smith.
    European SharePoint Best Practices Conference
    April the 6th to the 8th 2009 in London
    At the Queen Elizabeth II Conference centre you can meet and hear some of the world’s foremost experts on SharePoint. With over 56 sessions over 4 tracks dedicated to all types of audience from IT pro’s , Developers , Information workers , project managers and Business Managers/Information Directors this is the largest SharePoint conference to come to the UK and has something for everyone.
    The Best Practice Conference is all about real world experience designing and using SharePoint, making sure you maximize your return of investment in the product. To find out more about the event and register or become a sponsor go to http://www.sharepointbestpractices.co.uk

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