SharePoint 2010 Erraza Setup Script

Chris Johnson releaegarria konfiguratzeko SharePoint laguntzeko tresna berri bat 2010 developer makina.

Izateko prozesua erraza hau egiteko ahalik eta guztiz exekutatzen eta prest joan SharePoint bat eraikitzeko prozesu osoa automatizatzeko duten hainbat PowerShell scripten sortu dute 2010 ingurunea. Gidoiak dira oso konfiguragarria, baina koadroan beharrezko software guztia deskargatu dute, SharePoint Aurrebaldintzak instalatu guztiak, hala nola, Visual Studio eta Office bezalako software beste instalatzeko. Script Orduan instalatu eta SharePoint configure 2010. Eta, azkenik, script gune bat izango xedapen.

SharePoint konponbideak garatzeko hiru aukera daude benetan. Lehenengo aukera da urruneko mahaigaineko SharePoint instantzia ostatatutako bat. Handiagoa duten enpresa askok zerbitzari ona eta laguntza azpiegitura askotan ez da enpresa txikiagoak aukera bat aukera daiteke. Bigarren aukera da deskargatu eta exekutatu Informazio Langileen VHD que ha guztia dagoeneko setup eta aurrez. Hau hasteko modu oso erraza da, baina makina bat eskatzen du RAM 8GB eta Hyper-V exekutatzen gai. Again many enpresa txikiago eta independente garatzaileek ezin baldintza hauek betetzen. Hirugarren aukera da SharePoint zuzenean instalatu zure makina gainean Windows exekutatzen 7 64bit. Aukera hau downside aldapatsuak ikaskuntza kurba bat eskatzen du ulertzen nola konfiguratzeko eta instalatzeko bits eta pieza guztiak SharePoint developer ingurune osoa. Hau da, non Erraza Setup Script dator. Setup Erraza Script helburua ikaskuntza kurba eta denbora murriztea da, hasteko, garatzaile batek aldi baterako.

Download SharePoint Erraza Setup Script

Erraza Setup Script Prozesua Flow

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5 comments to SharePoint 2010 Erraza Setup Script

  • I would love you to get to know that this article rocks.

  • Just running it now – the downloads are real slow tho – its my slow connection – I’ll get back

  • Just running it now – the downloads are real slow tho – its my slow connection – I’ll get back

  • steve hughes

    help! So I downloaded and used the SharePoint 2010 Easy Setup Script and I am now in this endless loop. The script errors and says “Windows Identity framework failed to install”. So obviously I do not have a clean machine and WIF is already installed. So I restart computer and it keeps trying to automatically intal script with same error over and over agian. I am trying to figure out how to UNINSTALL Windows Idenity framwork then try to run the easy script again. Any help woudl be appreciated.

  • Mike Brooks

    This is indeed a very impressive solution. Hala ere, it has not worked for me after many days of effort.

    As usual the devil is in the details and this is a good example of consuming time without accomplishing anything. Instead of a big monster script it would be more prudent to have steps so that a person can understand rather than rely on the magic (which fails!).

    At one point there is a warning that a ‘clean install’ is required; whatever does that mean?

    Then after more than 30 minutes there is a failure because Windows Identity Framework failed to install!
    Looking into this issue there is plenty of information which has not been helpful.
    Even if there was a solution, I assume that I no longer have a ‘clean install’. Now, I have a lot of useless stuff on my machine.

    I downloaded MS Visual Studio 2010 Trial, and when I ran it there was a message that the evaluation period has expired; stange, it has never been used on my machine before. There was a link to ‘extend’ or ‘purchase’. When I click on the link, a web page appears to click on ‘extend’ or ‘purchase’. When I click on these; nothing happens.

    It seems impossible to set up a SharePoint Deveploment environment on a stand alone machine, the devil is in the details, and yet some nerds publish blogs and helpful/useless information.

    The good news for me so far is, I have not paid Microsoft thousands of dollars for the MSDN subscription. The trials don’t work, and that means to me that the full version is a waste of time as well.

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