Conferencias SharePoint

Próximas conferencias SharePoint

SharePoint Technology Conference
January 27–29, 2009: Burlingame, CA
For three exciting days in January, vai comer, bebida, durmindo, falando e vivindo Microsoft Office SharePoint Server e Windows SharePoint Services. O primeiro día en SPTechCon énchese con talleres intensas máxima e na media día, metade da mañá, metade da tarde. The next two days are filled with more than 50 break-out classes to choose from. Build your own custom program! This conference is hosted by BZ Media LLC.

SharePoint Best Practices Conference
February 2–4, 2009: San Diego, CA
The SharePoint Best Practices Conference eliminates design, implantar, organization and administration confusion, replacing disorder with Clarity, Direction and Confidence. This conference is hosted by Mindsharp.

Microsoft FASTforward ’09
February 9–11, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
3 days of compelling discussion on the evolving business environment and how search is enabling companies to succeed. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.

Microsoft MIX09
Marzo 18-20, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
Now in its fourth year, MIX is a unique technology conference that connects web professionals with industry thought leaders to explore the future of the Web together. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.

Microsoft Tech Ed North America 2009
Maio 11-15, 2009: Los Angeles, CA
This will be the 17th year for Microsoft’s premier technical education and networking conference. Sessions and events are presented by Microsoft product team members and industry experts. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.

1 comment to SharePoint Conferences

  • Hi Uday you can also this to your list ? Thanks Steve Smith.
    Mellor Conferencia Europea Prácticas SharePoint
    Abril 6 a 8 2009 en Londres
    No centro de conferencias da raíña Isabel II pode coñecer e escoitar algúns dos maiores expertos do mundo en SharePoint. Con máis 56 sesións ao longo de 4 pistas dedicadas a todo tipo de público dende IT Pro , Os creadores , Os profesionais da información , xerentes de proxecto e xerentes de empresas / Información Administración esta é a conferencia SharePoint para vir ao Reino Unido e ten algo para todos.
    O Mellor Conference práctica é todo sobre experiencia real concepción mundo e usar o SharePoint, asegurarse de maximizar o retorno do investimento no produto. Para saber máis sobre o evento e rexistrar ou facer-se un patrocinador vai a

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