Рекрутеры гатовыя станавіцца трохі агрэсіўны?

Ці гэта толькі ў мяне? I’ve received three or four calls at my house since late September looking for SharePoint work. I’m used to the email solicitations, but these phone calls are a little unnerving. I haven’t had an updated resume on a job site I(like Monster pr Dice) since almost two years ago exactly. And back then, my resume was all about BizTalk and MS CRM. That’s the only place my phone number appears on line anywhere, наколькі я ведаю.


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7 думкі пра «Рекрутеры гатовыя станавіцца трохі агрэсіўны?

  1. Paul Galvin
    (Без назвы), вы напісалі:

    I’ve noticed you put this blog under the tag ‘consulting’. Як вы думаеце, SharePoint працуе толькі існуюць у галіны кансалтынгавых?

    There isn’t anything special about the tag. I could either create a new tag, use an existing tag or leave it blank. I just grabbed consulting. I didn’t know that anyone really paid attention to the tag 🙂 I don’t mean for it to be exclusive.

    –Paul G

  2. Генры Ong
    ж тут, у Каліфорніі! Я атрымліваў па меншай меры, 2 паведамленняў электроннай пошты і / або тэлефонных званкоў у тыдзень на працягу апошняга 6 месяцаў. we should set up a consortium of SharePoint consultants to pass around work oppourtunities 🙂
  3. Бэкі Isserman

    Другі я пакінуў Terracon і ў іх не было ніякіх сродкаў звязаўшыся са мной, because they did not have my cell phone I have been fine. They still harass me on my e-mail, блог, and linkedin accounts.
    Never ever post on Monster or Dice you will get eaten alive. I have friends who went with this strategy and they were bombarded. I would just send my resumes in to whomever or find a recruiter. They attack anyone with SharePoint in there resume.

  4. Б'ёрн напісаў Furuknap:
    Нарвегія з'яўляецца вар'ятам ў гэтым годзе. Я атрымаў 03:57 сур'ёзныя прапановы ў мінулым годзе, but this year I haven’t gone below two per month. Some headhunters offer massive amounts of cash just to show up for an interview.
    Так што так, Я думаю, што агрэсіўныя. Як Пітбуль. У паляванні.
  5. Paul Galvin
    I don’t really think of it being a problem so much. У рэшце рэшт, I’d rather be getting calls soliciting my employment than the opposite 🙂
    I feel like there’s a bit of an up-tick, particularly with getting these calls at home. I wonder what would happen if I actually wanted a new job, didn’t want to network for it, and went all out pushing my resume here at on Monster/Dice and other job sites?

Пакінуць каментар да Б'ёрн напісаў Furuknap: адмяніць адказ

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