Txertatu Garatzaile Oharrak Zure InfoPath Inprimakiak Inside

Jarraitzen dut InfoPath Inprimakiak mundu batean bizi eta horiek "txiki" aldaketa bat egiteko inprimaki bat behar nuen, zoritxarrez, breaks a naming convention I adopted with it two weeks ago. , Pentsatu nuen, "Norbaitek gauza begiratu urtebete hemendik joan eta esan, 'Zer pentsatzen ari zen Paul? By Jove, bere izen konbentzio ez du zentzurik!"

Forma ikuspegi bat dut sor honetan konturatu nintzen, eta gero, berriro ere, realized that I could have been doing something like this all along. I added a “Developer Notes” view to the InfoPath form as such:


I’ve configured the form so that users can’t get to that view and therefore, it’s only visible with the InfoPath client in design view. Now I feel a little inoculated against some future unknown developer looking at my form and thinking bad thoughts about me. Phew!


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Pentsatu zen "Txertatu Garatzaile Oharrak Zure InfoPath Inprimakiak Inside

  1. Seth

    Cool idea! To document my forms, I’ve just adding the documentation in a section control and then adding conditional formatting to hide the section when 1=1. That way the documentation is always hidden when running the form, but is right at the top in front of the developers face in design time.


Utzi iruzkin bat Seth Utzi erantzuna

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