Mea Culpa — SharePoint Designer * CAN * Sortu Estatuko Makina-fluxuak

I’ve recently learned that it’s possible and even fairly easy to create a state machine workflow using SharePoint Designer. Necessity is the mother of invention and all that good stuff and I had a need this week that looked for an invention. Coincidentally, Topatu dut MSDN foro honetan post baita. My personal experience this week and that "independent confirmation" lends strength to my conviction. I plan to write about this at greater length with a full blown example, baina hemen da GIST da:

  • Hurbilketa Izan ere, eu Zerrendako elementu bat aldatu ahal baliatzen, thereby triggering a new workflow. I’ve normally considered this to be a nuisance and even semaforoak erabiliz Blogetakoak hura kudeatzeko.
  • SharePoint ahalbidetzen anitz independente fluxuak aktiboa izan da zerrenda-elementu jakin aurka.


  • Diseinatzeko zure egoera makina (hau da,, estatu eta nola estatu batetik bestera trantsizio).
  • Ezartzea, egoera bakoitzean workflow independente gisa.
  • Konfiguratzeko egoera fluxuak horietako bakoitza exekutatu zerrendako elementua edozein aldaketa erantzunez.

Egoera latza workflow bakoitzean patroi hau honela:

  • Hasieratzea gainean, determine whether it should really run by inspecting state information in the "current item". Abort if not.
  • Egin lana.
  • Update the "current item" with new state information. This triggers an update to the current item and fires off all the state workflows.

Alde batera nabarmenak prestazio bat aitortzen duen egoera makina workflow bat sortu ahal, egoera informazio hori guztia eraikin KPIs eta interesgarria ikuspegietako emanaldirik.

Handi samarra izan eragozpen bat du — standard workflow history tracking is even more useless than normal 🙂 That’s easily remedied, Hala ere,. Store all of your audit type information in a custom list. That’s probably a good idea even for vanilla sequential workflow, but that’s for another blog post 🙂

I call this a "mea culpa" izan dudalako, zoritxarrez, said more than once on forums and elsewhere that one must use visual studio to create a state machine workflow. That simply isn’t true.


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4 buruzko gogoeta "Mea Culpa — SharePoint Designer * CAN * Sortu Estatuko Makina-fluxuak

  1. Jaustral idatzi zuen:
    Hi Paul,
    zenbat estatuei aurre egiten duzun? I only get to have two different active workflows when I go to the workflow settings page?
  2. Sanjeev Rajput
    Benetan gustatuko litzaidake adibide osoa irakurtzeko. Zorionez duzu mutil bat argitzeko amesgaiztoak batzuk egin dut nire prozesu antzeko izateak lagun dezake. Naiz, puntua egiten dut, non prest fresko hasi naiz.
  3. Paul Galvin
    That’s a really interesting approach puts an exclamation point on the larger point that SPD can create state machine workflows.
    I don’t know if there are substantial differences performance-wise between what you outline and what I outline. In my case this week, errendimendua ez da arazo bat, bereziki eu luzeko lasterketa afera bat delako (16 edo gehiago asteetan hasi eta bukatu) and there are never more than a few dozen active at any time. If there were a few dozen starting up and running every hour … that would be a different story. I think that performance and workflow in general is a very hazy subject.
    I don’t know if you run your own blog or not. If you do, you ought to consider writing about your approach in more detail. If not, I’d be more than happy to call you a "guest blogger" eta igo zure mezua nire blog.
    Thanks for the comment. It’s one of the best I’ve been able to elicit on my blog!
    –Paul G
  4. Mike Atkins
    Egoera makina ezarri dut beste zerrenda bat egoera mantendu egoera trantsizio garaian erabiliz. The main workflow created an item here and set the initial state. I used a single, aparteko, workflow to handle all of the states, using an "IF-THEN-ELSEIF" egitura (in "Step 1") on the possible states.
    Egoera bakoitzeko, guztiak egin behar nuen zen lortzeko erabiltzaile batek erantzun bat.
    My example was a multiple-level sequential approval, non urrats bakoitzaren (egoera bat irudikatzen) could have various possible successors. This meant that each user had (potentzialki) different options made available in a choice menu. My "Step Two" was also an "IF-THEN-ELSE" egitura kontuan hartu ahalik eta erantzun guztiak (etapa guztietako), and then decided on what the next state should be. "Step 3" ondoren, egoera hori, eta workflow amaitu.
    Metodo honek (bistako) bakar batean gertatzen ari abantaila (bigarren mailako) workflow. Hala eta guztiz ere, the scope of what could be accomplished in this workflow is more limited that one would have with workflows for each state. Galdetzen nintzen, Hala ere,, zer performance hit moduko gertatzen egoera banakako fluxuak guztiak abiarazi bada (berehala bukatzen bada ere, ondoren,).
    Era berean,, Bigarren mailako zerrenda bat erabili dut (bere workflow propioa) to represent the transition between states as this process might be only part of a larger workflow. When the main workflow starts the state machine process, Itxaronaldi doan egoera batean sartu da, and proceeds when the "looping" has termintaed. I was also contemplating the possibility that my main workflow may well want to change data in the original List Item, and I wanted to avoid having unnecessary "firings" estatuko makina workflow du.

Utzi iruzkin bat Mike Atkins Utzi erantzuna

Zure e-posta helbidea ez da argitaratuko. Beharrezko eremuak markatu dira *